Research & statistics – by year

British Destinations aims to share and distribute key reports and research information which will be of interest and benefit to our members and the wider visitor economy.  The following list contains a number of these reports in publication year date order.

New and, whenever sourced historic reports of relevance, will be added as they become available to us. If you have electronic copies of material you consider should be included please email copies or links to them to us here.

A number of VisitBritain Foresight reports are included below, the full series from edition 120 October 2013 onward can be accessed on the follow protected members’s page: here.

Links to the National Tourist Boards’, ONS and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, tourism statistics can be found here.

ABTA produce an annual travel trends report, their library of recent annual reports can be accessed here.

If any doubts the relative importance of the domestic tourism market it is worth noting that of the c£125bn generated in 2017 over £100bn was attributable to domestic overnight and domestic day trip markets.  It is also worth noting that in an expanding leisure and tourism market the UK’s tourism balance payment deficit continues to grow as evidenced by the attached reports (Excel report, see both tabs): tourism_travel_account_1958-2016

Research and statistical reports in approximate date order (please note most of research for 2020 has been listed under a separate c-19 page adjacent to this page in the main menu):

Coastal Inquiry update report 2024. Produced for the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Coastal Communities and issued during the week Parliament dissolves prior to the 2024 General Election the report looks at an number of issues for coastal issues and makes recommendations.

2024 APPG Coastal Inquiry update report 2024

Here, there and everywhere (2023).  Produced for UK Music the reports highlighting the powerful presence of music across every corner of the UK.

2023 Here there and everywhere

Communities on the Edge 2023. Produced by Pragmatix Advisory for the Coastal Communities Alliance and partners the report makes the case for more appropriate metric and greater inclusion of coastal communities in England within  Government’s levelling up  ambitions.  Tourism is addressed within the report at pages 102 to 111:

2023 Coastal Communities on the edge.

Camping and Caravanning Club’s “Outjoyment” report 2022.  Produced by Liverpool John Moores and Sheffield Hallam Universities for the Camping and Caravan Club the report looks at the lifestyle and wellbeing benefits arising from camping.  It strengthens the case that these benefits go well beyond it being a more affordable form of holiday making:

http://2022 Camping and Caravanning Club The Outjoyment Report

A brief summary, the full main report and an abridged web based version can also be accessed at:  The Outjoyment Report – The Camping and Caravanning Club

Norfolk Ethnic Domestic Tourism Report April 2022 .This report presents the findings of research commissioned by EXPERIENCE which is an Interreg France (Channel) England project delivered in Norfolk by the Norfolk County Council. The aim of this initiative is to expand the holiday season in the county by attracting new markets, namely the demographic segment of ethnic minorities during the off-peak months. 

2022 Norfolk Ethnic Domestic Tourism Report April 2022

ABTA Holiday Habits 2022.  Produced by ABTA and published in September 2022 this reports looks at holiday habits from September 2021 to August 2022 and looks forward over the 12 months from September 2022;

2022 ABTA Holiday Habits 2022

Visitor Attractions trends in England 2021. Produced for VE by BVA BDRC this reports looks at trends in the Visitor Attraction sector during 2021. The full report can be accessed at:

2022 VE BVA BDRC Visitor Attractions Trends 2021

the top six take out from the report are at:

2022 Attractions brief top 6 take outs 2021

ALVA Domestic and Inbound 2023 outlook. Produced for ALVA by Scattered Clouds the report on domestic and inbound tourism outlook looks at the prospects for 2023.  It makes no hard and fast forecast but aims rather to provide the insight and the tools for planning for what is likely to be a very challenging year ahead for ALVA members and the rest of the tourism, hospitality and leisure sectors and for the visitor economy as a whole. The report is presented as both a pdf and as summary slide deck:

2022 ALVA Domestic and inbound 2023 outlook pdf

2022 ALVA Domestic and inbound tourism summary slide deck

Evaluation of the Coastal Communities (England) 2022.  DLUCH have published an evaluation Coastal Communities fund which comprised 5 funding rounds starting in 2012 and ending (completed) 2022. Although essentially now defunct the lessons highlighted in the evaluation may inform future thinking on coastal funding and influence the design, management and delivery of future “levelling up” funding everywhere? The full report can be found at: 

2022 Coastal_Communities_Fund_evaluation_report England

The executive summary is available here.

What is the summer outlook for visitor attractions 2022? ALVA public sentiment survey fieldwork 6 – 10 June 2022.

2022 ALVA Public Sentiment Research – June 2022 (6-10 June) v1 – compressed

Travel Report 2022: Youth of today, travel of tomorrow: With three quarters of Gen Zs planning travel in the next 12 months, YouGov’s newest travel & tourism report sets out to understand Gen Zs globally. It explore what’s important to them and what makes them tick, reveal what Gen Zs want from travel, and identify the best way to connect and engage with this future generation of travelers. 

2022 You Gov Youth of today, travel of tomorrow

The full fiscal and employment impact of reduced VAT on UK hospitality and tourism: Published 4 Feb 22 by the Campaign to Cut Hospitality & Tourism VAT, the report provides an up-to-date analysis of the full fiscal and economic impact of a reduced rate of VAT for the UK hospitality and tourism sector at 12.5% rather than 20%, assuming normal trading conditions and that this is a permanent measure. The 17 page summary, the full 147 page report and added later the 1 page infographic can be accessed at: 

2022 – The Impact of Reduced VAT on UK Hospitality Tourism – SUMMARY REPORT – February 2022

2022 – Impact-of-Reduced-VAT-on-UK-Hospitality-Tourism-FULL-REPORT-February-2022

2022 VAT Infographic – Final

PwC FY 2021 – 22 Hotel Forecast report October 2021. After the most volatile trading period since benchmarking began, the PwC Hotels Forecast 2021-2022 reveals the green shoots of recovery as demand returns in the UK. Though performance is not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels by Q4 2022, there are finally encouraging signs for hoteliers:

2021 PwC Fy 21 -22 Hotel Forecast Oct 21

Supporting sustainable growth for the UK Events industry. Published in September 2021 by BVEP (British Visits and Events Partnership) sets out the challenges for the UK events industry and looks at how it can support the Government’s build back better agenda:

2021 Supporting Sustainable Growth for the UK Events Industry Report FINAL Sep 21 

Chief Medical Officer for England 2021 Annual Report.  The Chief Medical Officers for England’s 2021 report issued in July 2021 looks at the cause and effects of poor health outcomes in England’s Coastal Communities:

2021 cmo-annual_report-2021-health-in-coastal-communities-summary-and-recommendations-accessible (1)

Airbnb Short-term lets registration white paper.  Commissioned by Airbnb and published in June 2021 the paper looks at the issues of short-term lets and makes recommendations for a light touch registration scheme ahead of the promised Government consultation on statutory registration:

2021 Airbnb Short-term lets registration white paper

Visitor attraction trends in England 2020 full report. Commission by VisitEngland the report conducted and prepared by BVA BRDC with the financial support of Historic England presents the findings of a survey of visits to visitor attraction in England. It provides a comprehensive England wide analysis of trends plus visits data for individual attractions:

2021 Visitor attraction Trends in England 2020 full report.

A perfect storm? The end of free Movement and its impact on the UK tourism workforce 2019.  Commissioned by UKINBOUND the report aims to fill the evidence gap with robust data that answers the question: in an important growth sector, already suffering from skills gaps, recruitment/retention issues and a declining pool of home grown talent with language skills, what are the potential implications, from the industry prospective of restriction the pipeline of EU workers via a nationwide skills-based immigration policy focused on ‘highly skilled’ and ‘skilled’ workers and through a potential £30 k p.a. salary threshold limitation. Executive summary and full report:

2019 A Perfect Storm Executive Summary FINAL  and

2019 UKinbound-Perfect-Storm-Long-Report-FINAL

Migrant labour force within the tourist industry August 2019: This new ONS reports provides detailed information of the characteristics of those working in tourism using a three year pooled dataset from January 2016 to December 2018.  Main points can be found at page 2:

2019 Migrant labour force within the tourism industry August 2019

Multi-generational visitor research  report (2019). Conducted by One Minute to Midnight on behalf of VE this research looks at multi-generational visitor potential for England from 10 key markets including the rest of the UK.  There may be some read through on general principles to other Home Nations, not least because of the inclusion of the domestic market within the survey group:

2019 VE multi-generational research report

Peer-to-peer accommodation in Wales: a preliminary review 2019. Global Tourism Solution (UK) Ltd have conducted a preliminary review of peer to peer accommodation among 12 of their client Unitary Authorities in Wales.  The pilot study covered an area containing 56% of the resident population and 89% of traditional tourism accommodation in Wales.  The study confirms the perception that the sharing accommodation provision has grown exponentially, that there is a significant shift from single room lets to whole properties and that traditional methods of collecting data on bed stock and occupancy are not capturing this sector with the likelihood of an increasing gap in the estimates of  local tourism volumes and values.  Work is ongoing to gain further understanding of the impacts of  peer to peer accommodation on tourism and the visitor economy, in order to fill any resulting gaps in the accuracy of current estimates.  The report will be of interest to all destinations  management interests regardless of location:

The full report is available from Cathy James, Director (Wales) of GTS (UK) Ltd, who will also be happy to answer any questions about the project.

The Value of Breaks for Ordinary Working Families: an exploratory study (2019).  Conducted by Nottingham University’s Nottingham Civic Exchange, RSA and the Family Holiday Association this report  on the benefits of holidays and short breaks forms part of a wider project .  The report outline the benefits of  short breaks and holidays to individuals and to society and makes policy recommendations mainly around social tourism and social prescribing:

2019 Value of Breaks for Ordinary Working Families – research report

Town Centres What’s next? (2019).  Based on a survey of 250 towns and cities using 24 variables the Cushman & Wakefield’s Resilience Index has been updated with the government’s future High Street Fund in mind and has been designed to consider which locations have been more resilient and why in order  to assess what needs to be done in future.  The 14-page report summarises the key findings:

2019 UK Town Centres Whats Next Cushman & Wakefield

Destination London: The Expansion of the Visitor Economy (2019). Produced collaboratively by members of the Tourism and Events Research Group of the University of Westminster the book analyses how and why the expansion of the visitor economy is happening and what effect this is having on the city. Although somewhat academic in style, some or all of the 11 individual chapters will be of interest to destination mangers in other cities, while some chapters for example, chapter 3 – Unplanned Expansions: Renting Private Homes to Tourism, or Chapter 10 – Event Takeover? The Commercialisation of London’s Parks will be of  interest to a wider destination management audience:

2019 Destination London – The Expansion of the Visitor Economy

Taking the P*** – The Decline of the Great British Public Toilet (2019). Published by the Royal Society for Public Health the report which is informed by a public survey conducted in September 2018, discusses the decline in the provision of public toilets in the UK, the health and other  impacts this may have and makes recommendations for improvements. The debate about the manner and means of provision of publicly accessible toilet facilities is one regularly faced by destination manager and management bodies.  The report refreshes previous arguments around the need for adequate provision, discusses potential options for funding public provision and calls for a range of further actions:

2019 RSFH Taking the P – The decline of the Great British Public Toilet

English Private Landlords Survey 2018 (2019).  Conducted by MHCLG this survey of landlords and letting agencies aims to understand the characteristics and experiences of landlords and how they acquire, let a manage and maintain privately rented accommodation.  The last survey was in 2010.  Although not directly a tourism issue, the dynamics of the provision of affordable accommodation in popular tourism areas is of interests.  There are also a number of significant ongoing changes occurring within the sector that are not necessarily fully picked up yet in this report. These include a switch from the longer term private rental to the short holiday letting market, arguably driven in large part by  a combination of  changes to taxation (the incentive) and the burgeoning development of unregulated sharing accommodation platforms (the opportunity):

2019 English Private Landlords Survey 2018

The Future of Seaside Towns (2019). This is the report of the House of Lords Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities.  The Committee makes 59 recommendations to Government (see  report summary pages 3 -3 and summary of recommendations pages 106 to 112):

2019 House of Lords Select Committee Report – The Future of Seaside Towns

Driving Growth – The economic value of outbound travel (2019).  This is third report commissioned by ABTA  over a number of years that aims to demonstrate the value to the UK of outbound travel from the UK and in doing so help tackle some of the over simplistic assumptions made about the value of outbound tourism to the UK:

2019 Driving Growth – The economic value of outbound tourism

Cultural Cities Enquiry (2019).  The overwhelming conclusion of this report is that smart investment through cultural activities can bring enormous benefits to our cities and their people across the United Kingdom. Every City has its own unique set of cultural assets – from historic buildings and arts centres to festivals and local crafts.  The creative industries is the fastest growing sector of the UK economy. We have the legacy, the talent and the opportunity to do more, and to use culture to unite communities, encourage investment and accelerate economic growth:

2019 Cultural Cities Enquiry

Economic Benefit Report: Holiday Parks and Campsites impact report (Feb 2019). Commissioned by the UK Caravan & Camping Alliance this independent report  examines holiday parks and campsites activity across the UK to show the value of the sector to the nation’s economy:

2019 Economic Benefits Report Holiday Parks and Campsites – UK Final Report

2019 inbound tourism forecast (Feb 2019). Published by VisitBritain in February 2019 this is the latest in a series of annual forecasts which attempts to predict the fortunes for inbound tourism in the coming year, that includes relevant comment on any potential positives and any potential headwinds that may influence the accuracy of the estimates made. In 2019 there are more of the latter than normal. A revised forecast will be issued later in the years once, hopefully, the shape and full extent of  the Brexit  related impacts in particular start to  become clearer.  Meanwhile the short report and the comment it contains should be of interest to all involved in destination management:

2019 inbound tourism forecast

Chinese tourists: Dispelling the myths (2018). Using findings from an in-depth quantitative survey of more than 2,000 Chinese tourists McKinsey & Company have uncovered new insights on China tourism trends, tourist behaviour, and customer segments:

2018 Chinese Tourists – Dispelling the myths

GB Tourism Survey 2017 (2018).  Published by the National Tourist Boards this report presents the main findings of the 2017 Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS), providing volumes, values and characteristics of domestic tourism within Great Britain by residents of Great Britain taken during 2017:

2018 GB Tourism Tourism Survey 2017

The UK Tourism Satellite Accounts (UK – TSA) 2016 (2018).  Produced and published by ONS,  UK-TSA provides information about the demand for goods and services associated with the activity of tourists and the relationship of this demand to supply of such goods and services within the UK economy.  The figures produced are different and often far larger than the annual estimates for UK domestic, day visitors and international inbound tourism. Main points and a simple explanation of satellite accounting can be found on page 2:

2018 ONS UK Tourism Satellite Account (UK-TSA) 2016

State of the Nation 2017 – Social Mobility in Great Britain (2018). “Britain is a deeply divided nation. Those divisions take many forms. Class, income, gender, race. In recent years, each has been the subject of much scrutiny. But one form of division that has received far less attention is that based on geography. In this, the Fifth Annual Report, focuses  on this neglected place-based divide:

2018 State of the Nation 2017 – Social Mobility in Great Britain

Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2017 (2018). The report presents the findings of the survey of visits to Visitor Attractions undertaken in England by VisitEngland.  The report provides a comprehensive England-wide analysis of the trends plus visits data for individual attractions:

2018 Visitor Attractions Trends in England 2017

The Great Britain Day Visitor Survey 2017 (2018).  The annual GBDVS 2017 conducted by KANTAR TNS on behalf of the National Boards for England Wales and Scotland has been released.  The report covers 3 hours + Leisure day visits, a subset of these Tourism day visits (TDV) and a subset of TDV Activities core to tourism. Understanding the definitions of each of these (page 9) is central to understanding the figures for Scotland, Wales, England and the English regional figures given.  More detail specific to Wales and Scotland is published separately. A summary of the headlines for Tourism day visits is given at pages 11 to 13, for a complete understanding of the Leisure day visits market the full report should be read:

2018 GB Day Visits Survey 2017

Summary insight on overseas visitors to the UK (day trips) 2018. This VB report looks at the profile of overseas holiday visitors who take day trips to and from the UK’s cities and towns:

2018 Summary insights – profile of overseas visitors taking day trips to and from UK’s cities and towns.

International Passenger Survey (IPS)  2017 (2018).  The summary reports from ONS and VB give the highlights of the IPS results for 2017 (still subject to possible revision). The ONS report gives both inbound and outbound statistics, the VB version features inbound travel only but gives both UK and home nation breakdowns.  For a the full strategic overview for UK tourism both short summaries should be read:

2018 ONS Travel trends 2017

2018 VB UK and Regional IPS Summary 2017

The role of commercial space in Local Industrial Strategies (2018). Written for and published by the Centre for Cities this report looks at the role of commercial space.  Its headline findings include the comment that: as local areas pull together their Local Industrial Strategies, the barriers preventing businesses from locating in city centres need attention. When property is one of the problems facing a city, this will require improving the quality of city centre office space. This may mean reducing the overall supply of commercial space, especially retail and poor quality office space, within their city centres.  The report’s statistics cover a number of Cities in both England and Wales and some major towns.  Its finding may also have application in other large and some of the UK’s smaller towns, especially around the recommendations concerning the potential need to reduce and re-purpose any excess retail stock:

2018 Centre for Cities -Building Blocks – The role of commercial space in Local Industrial Strategies

Discover England Fund research- Outdoor Activities (2018).  Published in June 2018 the report is based on the output of 2 primary research projects conducted in 2017 by One Minute to Midnight and Maru/edr relating to the DEF for VisitEngland, both qualitative and quantitative. This project builds on that general activities work of Year 1 with a deep-dive extension looking into Outdoor Activities:

2018 DEF Outdoor Activities Research report

Financial sustainability of Local Authorities 2018 (2018). This report by the National Audit Office highlights the financial pressure on local authorities.  Although not a tourism report as such, there are details at pages 30 -31 and 41 which are relevant to the provision of public tourism service and many of those service areas detailed in figure 10 pages 30 – 31 impact directly or indirectly on the quality of place and ability of urban and rural places to trade successfully as popular UK destinations:

2018 NAO Financial sustainability of local authorities (England) 2018

Inbound countryside and coast research 2017 (2018). Published in March 2018 these two reports take the insights gleaned from 2 primary research projects conducted for VE  by One Minute to Midnight and Maru/edr in respect of the VE DEF programme:

2018 VE DEF magazine – countryside tourism

2018 VE DEF magazine – coastal_ tourism research

Spending needs, tax revenue capacity and the business rates retention scheme (2018): The report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies looks at benefits of  a moved towards 100% rate retention  The aim of these reforms is to provide stronger financial incentives for councils to boost local economies and tackle the underlying drivers of spending need. However, the flip side of these stronger incentives is a greater potential for councils’ revenues to diverge from their spending needs:

2018 Spending needs, tax revenue capacity and the business rate retention scheme

Discover England Fund Research, 5 projects (2018).  VE commissioned XV Insights to produce two waves of research in support of it major DEF projects.  $ reports were released in early 2018:

  • The Urban and Renaissance Collection:

2018 DEF Research summary report Urban Collective and Renaissance Collection

  • London and Cultural England:

2018 DEF Research Summary Report London and Cultural England

  • The Great West Way:

2018 DEF Research summary report Great West Way

  • East of England Touring Routes:

2018 DEF Research summary report East of England touring

  • The Waterways of England:

2018 DEF Research summary report for the waterways of England

The Real Level of Unemployment 2017 (2017): Produced by Sheffield Hallam’s Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research this is the fifth in a series of reports on the real level of unemployment published at intervals since 1997. The new report, like its predecessors, provides estimates for every local authority district in Great Britain, deploying essentially the same methods as in the earlier studies but with a number of important refinements. The central question remains the same: what is the real level of unemployment in the UK?  Although not specifically a tourism report the findings may have some profound implication for some of the UK’s most popular tourist destinations:

2017 The Real Level of Unemployment 2017

Report of the Inquiry into Coastal Communities – APPG for the Visitor Economy (2017):  Produced by BHA in their capacity as the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Visitor Economy in Westminster the APPG’s report looks at the challenges for coastal communities and tourism and makes recommendations for Government and the industry on how together they can build on the strengths found in coastal communities and promote growth and social mobility in all areas of the UK:

 2017 BHA report APPG inquiry into hospitality and tourism in coastal communities

The Future Travel Journey – Trends for Tourism Product Development (2017): Published by VE in July 2017 as part of the Discover England Fund programme the report details several trends that are set to influence the travel and tourism industry in the years to come:

2017 Vsitengland The Future Travel Journey – Trends for Tourism Product Development

Travelling together – The value of UK outbound tourism (2017):  As the UK and EU prepare to negotiate for a future trading agreement, and to put in place transitional arrangements, ABTA  published research to demonstrate the importance of UK travellers to the economies of all EU countries. The report also reflects on the importance of the industry to the UK:

2017 The value of UK outbound tourism

2016 Day Visitor Survey (2017): Jointly sponsored by the statutory tourist boards of England and Scotland and Visit Wales (the Tourism Department of the Welsh Government), this report presents the main findings of the 2016 Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS).  The survey measures participation in Tourism Day Visits taken to destinations in the UK (including Northern Ireland) by residents of England, Scotland and Wales. Reports with further, more detailed data specific to Wales and Scotland are (will be) available separately:

2017 GB Day Visitor Survey 2016

Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2016 (2017):  This report presents the findings of the Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions undertaken in England by VisitEngland. The report provides a comprehensive England-wide analysis of trends plus visits data for individual attractions:

2017 Annual Attractions Trend Report 2016

Perceptions of the English Coast: Identifying Opportunities for Domestic Non-Visitors (2017): Commissioned by the National Coastal Tourism Academy this non-visitor research identifies the barriers that could be addressed, which non-visitors might be open to staying on the English coast and which types of destination and activities would be most relevant to them:

2017 Perceptions of the English Coast Domestic Non-Visitors. NCTA

Unlocking the Value of youth, student & educational travel (2017): Produced by the British Educational Travel Association this report aims to highlight the importance and value of this sector, to promote the UK as a must visit destination for young travellers:

2017 Unlocking the Value of Youth Student and Educational Travel

EEA-workers in the UK labour market (2017): The main purpose of this report produced by the independent Migration Advisory Committee is to provide some preliminary analysis of the UK labour market and other countries’ migration systems to kick-start the call for evidence. Whilst it covers all industry the figures given serve to highlights the current importance of migrant works to tourism.  The paper does not make any policy recommendations nor provide any conclusions, it is, however, a very useful summary of some the competing economic theories  and differing approaches to this loom issue for all UK industry and tourism within it:

2017 Migrant Advisory Committee Briefing Paper

Final Mile – best practice guidelines (2017): The Final Mile refers to the distance from a train station to an attraction. It could be within walking distance, or have a connecting bus service. But lack of detailed information, represents a barrier and may cause international visitors to opt for easier alternatives (also impeding greater use of public transport among domestic visitors) This VB/VE guidance looks at how destinations, train operators and attractions can overcome Final Mile challenges (real and perceived). There are examples of innovative practice capable of adoption or adaptation, along with suggestions, support and advice:

2017 Final Mile – Best practice guidelines

Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2016 – Full Report (2017): This report presents the findings of the Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions undertaken in England by VisitEngland. The report provides a comprehensive England-wide analysis of trends plus visits data for individual attractions:

2017 Annual Attractions Trend Report (England) 2016

International visits, nights and spending by UK and Overseas residents, 1980 to 2016 (2017):  Published by the ONS Tourism Intelligence Unit in May 2017 these Excel data sheets present visits, nights, and spend figures for domestic and international inbound and out bound tourism in 8 different data sheets, all covering the period 1980 to 2016, plus a definition sheet (see standard Excel sheet tabs for details):

2017 ONS travel and tourism 1980 to 2016

Activity Holidays: Are they the key to growth on the English Coast? (2017): The research was commissioned by the National Coastal Tourism Academy to understand more about this potential opportunity and to help businesses and destinations understand what they can do to attract more of the activity market to the coast:

2017 Activity Holidays on the English coast

Living abroad migration between Britain and the EU8 (2017): This report is the second in a series being published by ONS to provide more information on British citizens living in the European Union (EU), and EU citizens living in the UK. Section 4 looks in some detail at EU works in the UK by sector.  Additionally in 2016 ONS  did some ad-hoc analysis of EU workers in the UK tourism industry 2011 to 2015 and in 2015 alone:

2017 ONS report – Living abroad migration between Britain and the EU8

Report on the benefits of low VAT on job creation and competitiveness in the EU 2017: Produced by HOTREC the Voice of Hotels, Restaurants, Cafés and similar establishments in Europe, this report examines the economic case for low VAT rates on tourism services:

2017 HOTREC The benefits of low VAT

World Economic Forum  Travel & Tourism Competitive Report (2017):  The headline positions from this biennial report from the World Economic Forum are often quoted as an indicator of the UK’s travel and tourism’s international competitiveness.  UK retains 5th position overall behind Spain, France, Germany and Japan (up from 9th and pushing USA from 4th to 6th).  Other points of note are:

  • The UK’s Tourism Service Infrastructure has improved markedly from 37th to 7th due to major up-ratings of rental car companies and ATM availability.
  • The UK’s safety rating has slipped from 63rd to 78th
  • The UK’s international openness has slipped from 11th to 20th
  • The UK’s Price competitiveness remains the second from the bottom behind that of Switzerland
  • The UK still ranks at the bottom of the table for Airport charges and fuel  prices

The executive summary is at page 15 of 387:

2017 World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Competitive Report

Workers in the tourism sector: examining their private pension savings, Great Britain, July 2012 to June 2014 (2016): Published by the ONS, Tourism Intelligence Unit this report explores the private pension savings of tourism workers, including: the characteristics of tourism workers mostly likely to have private pension savings; the distribution of those pension savings (by tourism industry and gender); and compares both of those to 10 other main sectors in the economy:

2016 Workers in the tourism sector examining their private pension savings, Great Britain, July 2012 to June 2014

VisitBritain – Decisions and Influences (2016):  Published in December 2016 this report aims to give an understanding of the overall holiday decision-making process across key inbound markets:


VisitBritain – Foresight – issue 148 – How the World views Britain (2016):  Published in December 2016  this report is a summary of the key UK findings from the 2016 GFK Anholt Nations Brand Index survey, an annual study amongst 20,000 consumers in 20 panel countries around the world:

2016 Foresight – issue 148 December 2016

The GB Day Visitor Statistics 2015 (2016): Published in 2016 this report presents the main findings of the 2015 Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS 2015). The survey measures participation in Tourism Day Visits taken to destinations in the UK (including Northern Ireland) by the residents of England, Scotland and Wales:


Off Peak Coastal Tourism: Potential for growth in the Empty Nesters Market (2016): Produced by the National Coastal Tourism Academy this report looks at off peak coastal tourism. By 2024 Empty Nesters – the over 55s – will be the biggest sector of the population. This age-group has considerable financial flexibility, recently helped by pension reforms giving them access to more disposable cash. They therefore represent a significant market for boosting off-season holidays to the coast:


Discover England: summary insights on overseas visitors to England’s regions and Addressing market opportunities (2016): Produced by VB/VE largely from existing data these two reports aim to give potential Discover England Fund bidders a better understand of the international markets and the tool to assist them.  Although focused on England they have wider UK utility:



Trains – The gateway to beyond London?(2016):  Produced by One Minute to Midnight for VB/VE this thought piece looks at the role of rail in getting the inbound traveller beyond London, and into the rest of the country:


The tourism landscape – DMO 2016 (2016): TEAM Tourism Consulting conducted a survey among organisations in England with a responsibility for tourism promotion and development, this excluded national and regional tourism organisations. The survey was conducted on a self-completion basis through an online survey. Overall 39
valid responses were received:


UK Hotel Forecast 2017 (2016): This PwC report on the prospects for the UK hotels in 2017 states that, “while the full impact of the UK vote to leave the EU will not be known for some time, economic growth is expected to slow. A weak pound should provide a boost to inbound leisure travel, but security concerns, tight corporate travel budgets, above average supply growth (especially in London) and consumer and corporate uncertainty could create an unfavorable backdrop. We retain a cautious outlook”:


Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2015 (2016): This report presents the findings of the Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions undertaken in England by VisitEngland with financial support from Historic England. The report provides a comprehensive England-wide analysis of trends plus visits data for individual attractions:

2016 Annual visitor attractions trends in England 2015

Migrant workers in the hospitality and tourism sector and the potential impact of labour restrictions (2016): As the hospitality and tourism sector starts thinking about the implications of Brexit and any new labour restrictions for EU workers, this paper published by People 1st sets out the key figures to inform the debate and to help the sector in England understand where any new restrictions are likely to have the biggest impact. Its findings also have some relevance  to the other Home Nation:

2016 People 1st Brexit report

Potential Contribution of Coastal Tourism to the Regeneration of Seaside Towns (2016). Commissioned by BHA this report assesses the current and potential value and contribution of coastal tourism to the regeneration of seaside towns and coastal communities and make recommendations for action to increase the contribution of the tourism and hospitality sectors:


2016 Coastal Tourism (2016): This paper builds on the previous report published by the National Coastal Tourism Academy (NCTA) Coastal Tourism 2015 and seeks to update the picture on the current status of coastal tourism in England, the context within which it operates and some of the key opportunities and challenges it faces. The paper reviews all the known data published on coastal tourism and key issues impacting growth on the coast, combined with primary research undertaken or commissioned by the National Coastal Tourism Academy:

2016 Coastal Tourism Report

The productivity of tourism industries 2015 (2016): This Office for National  Statistics (ONS), Tourism Intelligence Unit release is methodological in nature and explores the feasibility of producing estimates of productivity for the industries that contribute to the tourism sector. Two methods are explored in the release – one based on the Tourism Satellite Account estimates and the other based on the measures of labour productivity produced by ONS:

2016 The productivity of tourism industries 2015

The regional value of tourism in the UK 2013 (2016): This report  from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Tourism Intelligence Unit examines the value of tourism in the regions and sub-regions of the UK. Tourism is very much driven by tourism expenditure, also referred to as tourism demand, and any analysis of the economic value, or contribution, of the sector is dependent on information on the spending of visitors:

2016 The regional value of tourism in the UK 2013

The UK Tourism Satellite Account (UK-TSA) 2013 (2016): This report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Tourism Intelligence Unit provides information about the demand for goods and services associated with the activity of tourists and the relationship of this demand to the supply of such goods and services within the UK economy in 2013:

2016 The UK Tourism Satellite Account (UK-TSA) 2013

Tourism Alliance UK Tourism Statistics 2016: “The Tourism Alliance has been publishing UK Tourism Statistics for four years now, charting the growth of the UK tourism industry and highlighting the role that the industry has played in the rebuilding of the UK economy
since the recession”. This short summary document, severs both as a useful reminder to practitioners of the headline facts and as a powerful local and national lobbying tool:

2016 Tourism Alliance UK Tourism Statistics 2016

Retail 2020 Fewer but better jobs (2016): The first of three reports from the British Retail Consortium (BRC). “Retail is an important industry to the UK economy. It is the largest private sector employer, providing employment and services in communities across the country”. It’s also a changing industry which can and will respond, however the report acknowledges that, “Areas that are already economically fragile are likely to see the greatest impact of store closures and some of the people affected by changing roles will be those who may find it hardest to transition into new jobs that are created”:

2016 Retail 2020 – Fewer but better jobs

GVA of DCMS sectors (2015): This report produced by DCMS looks at the Gross Value Added by their sponsored sectors.  It shows that Tourism contributes £58.7bn (3.8% of total UK GVA) and while it contributes less that Creative industries or digital, it contributes more than Sports and Telecoms:

2015 DCMS sector GVA Estimates

Wish You Where Here 2015 – Music Tourism’s Contribution to the UK Economy (2015): A report by Oxford Economics on behalf  of UK Music the umbrella organisation representing the collective interests of the UK’s commercial music industry. The report examines the music industry’s contribution to tourism in the UK between 2011 and 2014:

2015 Wish you where here Music Tourism’s Contribution to the UK Economy

the detailed methodology used is described in a separate supporting report:

2015 Wish you where here methodology report

New Blue Deal (2015): New Economics Foundation (NEF) is, “an independent think-and-do tank  that aims to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environmental and social issues”, by, “working in partnership and putting people and the planet first”. UK coastal communities rely on the ocean for food, jobs, and recreation”. “But as environmental and economic pressures grow, natural ecosystems are being pushed to their limit”. New Blue Deal is a, “new vision for coastal communities, one that delivers good jobs and economic prosperity now and for future generations:

2015 Blue New Deal – Good jobs for coastal communities through healthy seas

The Skills and Productivity  Question (2015). The hospitality and tourism sector continues to be a large employer that is experiencing significant growth which employs a workforce of 2.4m, a rise of 493,000 since 2009. The report identifies that its productivity is undermining its economic performance and overall profitability and examines how these issues may be overcome:

2015 People 1st – The skills and productivity question

Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2014 (2015). This report presents the findings of the Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions undertaken in England by VisitEngland. The report provides a comprehensive England-wide analysis of trends plus visits data for individual attractions:

2015 Visitor Attractions Trends in England 2014

Regional spread of inbound tourism to Britain 2014 (2015).  VisitBritain’s Foresight edition 139 details the regional spread of inbound tourist visits with Britain during 2014:

Foresight – Issue 139_June 2015

Tourism and Aviation – How flights to, from, and within the UK underpin a growing tourism industry (2015).  Ahead of the Airport Commissions launching its Aviation Capacity report on 1 July the Tourism Alliance, ABTA, the Airport Operators Association and UKinbound have launched a joint publication that showing the importance and interconnected nature of the UK’s aviation and tourism industries:

2015 Tourism and Aviation Report

Airports Commission Final Report (2015). Although neither a research or statistical report the long awaited Airport Commission’s Final Report is of major significance to the general UK economy and references the importance of tourism and tourism statistics as part of it debate and recommendations on airport expansion:

2015 Airports Commission Final Report

Economic Impact of the Holiday Park Sector in Scotland (2014). The Scottish Caravan and Camping Forum (SCCF) appointed Frontline to undertake an assessment of the economic impact of the holiday park sector in Scotland.  Although the study looks at Scotland the findings have relevance to the other home nations:

2014 Economic Impact of the Holiday Park Sector in Scotland

GB Day Visitor Statistics 2014 (2015).

The 2014 annual Great Britain Day Visitor report covers Wales, Scotland and England and includes three year averages for County and local authority areas (page 88 onwards):

2015 GB Day Visitor Statistics 2014

UK Satellite Accounts (TSA) for 2012 (2015).  

The Tourism Intelligence Unit (TIU) at the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published a Tourism Satellite Account for the UK for 2012.  Due to revisions to the national accounts published by ONS, on which the TSA is based,  it has also been necessary in this release to revise the entire back-series of UK-TSAs from 2008-2011 and a full set of TSA tables for each of those years is included:

2015 UK Satellite Accounts for 2012

2015 Coastal Tourism (2015).  

A paper produced by the National Coastal Academy.  “Coastal tourism is often perceived as an industry in decline, yet a recent report by Sheffield Hallam University challenges this perception.  This paper seeks to bridge gaps in understanding and present the state of tourism on the coast of England as well as the opportunities for growth, and priorities for development and support”:

2015 Coastal Tourism

Getting Active Outdoors (2015). 

“A study of the Demography, Motivation, Participation and Provision in Outdoor Sport and Recreation in England”.  Commissioned by sports England and the UK wide Outdoor Industries Association, the report highlights the scale  and identifies current and future opportunities to enhance participation and provision in all environments (urban, rural coastal etc.). Although commissioned by Sports England and, thus, ostensibly about England, like most strategic research on tourism and the visitor economy it is applicable and has utility in all the home nations.

2015 Outdoors participation report

ONS International Visitor Trends 2014 (2015). 

Key findings on inbound travel to the UK and outbound UK resident travel taken from the 2014 international passenger survey:

2015 Tourism Trends 2014

The Future of Chinese Travel (2015)

This InterContinental Hotels Group report produced by Tourism Economics examines trends in Chinese outbound travel in the context of economic and demographic developments and projects how Chinese travel demand will evolve over the coming decade:

2015 InterContinental Hotels Group report The Future of Chinese Travel

Triennial Review of VisitBritain and VisitEngland (2015)

Triennial Reviews are part of the Government’s Public Bodies reform programme providing a robust challenge to the continuing need for non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and reviewing their functions, performance, control and governance arrangements. This is the first Triennial Review of VB and VE:

2015 Triennial Review of VisitBritain and VisitEngland

20 year in 12 place (2015)

New research commissioned by Heritage Lottery Fund  reveals the UK’s heritage helps make us happier about where we live, and puts heritage firmly at the heart of shaping and improving quality of life across the UK:

2015 HLF report 20 years in 12 places – the benefit of heritage

Tourism Alliance statistics 2015 and Parliamentary Candidate brief 2015

Tourism Alliance (England) has again published it annual summary of headline UK tourism statistics:

Tourism Alliance Statistics 2015

Tourism Alliance’s has also published The Tourism Briefing 2015: information for Parliamentary candidates:

Tourism Alliance Manifesto brief 2015

Economic Downturn and the “Staycation” (2015)

VE qualitative research (but equally applicable elsewhere in the UK) examining short break taking in England under the overarching heading  of Economic Downturn and the “Staycation”.  The topline report Understanding Short Breaks, published in late December 2014 and the full report, Beyond the Staycation, published in January 2015 represents this year’s offering in an annual series of reports on the general subject of the  economic downturn and the growth of the staycation:

2015 VE Understanding Short Breaks – Topline Summary

2015 VE Understanding Short Breaks – Full report

Coastal Communities Fund Annual progress report 2014 (2015)

Coastal Communities Fund (CCF) is a UK-wide programme funded by the UK Government through the allocation of funding equivalent to 50 per cent of the revenues from the Crown Estate’s marine activities.  Launched to coincide with the announcement of the majority of round 3 awards in late January 2015, this report highlights the progress made in rounds 1 and 2,  2012 to 2014:

2015 Coastal Communities Fund Annual progress report 2014

London Review 2013 – 14 (2015)

This London & Partners reports looks at and compares London’s tourism economy is dominated by overseas visitors: “In 2013 overseas visitors accounted for 58% of visits, but more significantly, they accounted for 78% of nights and 80% of expenditure”:

2015 London Tourism Review 2013-14

Economic Benefits from Air Transport in the UK (2014)

This Oxford Economics reports sponsored by a consortium of airline and airport operators outlines the UK economic value of the air transport industry using 2012 data:

2015 Economic Benefits from Air Transport in the UK

Developing a competitive health and well-being destinations (2014)

The WelDest project, funded by the EACEA, was undertaken to explore and research health and well-being in tourism destinations with the aim of creating a development framework for use by public bodies, DMOs and private companies in destinations willing to strengthen the elements influencing the well-being levels of tourists and residents alike:

2014 Developing a competitive health and well-being destination

ONS Estimates of the economic importance of tourism 2008 – 2013 (2014)

This report from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Tourism Intelligence Unit  presents a ‘nowcast’ technique to provide estimates of the key aggregate measures of the value of tourism for 2012 and 2013, based on the UK Tourism Satellite Account for 2011.

2014 ONS Estimates of the economic importance of tourism 2008 – 2013

Additionally an associated short report shows that tourism in the UK has grown at a faster rate between 2008 and 2013 than many other sectors of the economy:

2014 ONS Tourism grows faster than other industries post 2008 recession

2011 Census – Coastal Communities (2014)

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) compares the average data from the 2011 census across 273 coastal communities with the averages for England and Wales as a whole:

2011 Census Coastal Communities in England and Wales (2014)

Employment in Tourism Industries, 2009 – 2013 (2014)

The Office for National Statistic released their latest tourism industry summary, Employment in tourism industries, 2009 -2013 :

2014 Employment in Tourism Industries, 2009 to 2013

An infographic , summaries and reference tables from the report can also be accessed here.

The State of UK Public Parks 2014- Renaissance to Risk? (2014)

Published by The Heritage Lottery Fund this is its first report to comprehensively review the condition and management of the UK’s public parks. Two decades of public and Lottery investment has ensured that the majority of UK parks are in better condition, but unless future funding is generated in new ways, parks are at serious risk of rapid decline and even being sold off and lost to the public forever:

2014 HLF report – State of UK Parks

Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2013 (2014)

This report presents the findings of the Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions undertaken in England by VisitEngland.  The report provides a comprehensive England-wide analysis of trends plus visit data to individual attractions:

2014 Visitor Attraction Trends in England 2013

Where overseas visitors stayed in the UK In 2013 (2014)

A two minutes video produced by VisitBritain showing what the top 12 towns or cities are for holiday, business, VFR and study visitors in 2013. Also access Excel tables showing how many visits were made by overseas residents to the UK’s counties and towns in 2013:

Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity –  Recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England and Wales (2014).  The impact of economic austerity on Britain’s seaside tourist industry has so far been very unclear. This report updates previous estimates of the employment supported by seaside tourism to cover the years since 2008. The report provides figures for 121 individual resorts around the coast of England and Wales:

2014 SHU report Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity

The national press release is at:

Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity – national release

Original professionally printed hard copy of a very limited print run can be obtained from British Destinations at cost of £100 including free postage and packing.  Orders placed now will  be delivered with complimentary professionally printed copies of both the original 2010 The Seaside Tourism Industry in England and Wales and the 2003 The Seaside Economy reports.  To place or discuss orders please contact us here.

Welsh Government Economic Value of Activity Tourism (2014). Research undertaken by the Welsh Government in partnership with the Wales Activity Tourism Organisation (WATO) which represents more than 600 outdoor activity tourism providers in Wales:

2014 Economic Impact of Activity Tourism in Wales

ONS International Visitor Trends 2013 (2014). Key findings on inbound travel to the UK and outbound UK resident travel from the 2013 international passenger survey.  The summary:

2014 IPS Headlines for 2013

and the report:

2014 Travel Trends 2013

ONS Analysis of Employment Contracts That Do Not Guarantee A Minimum Number Of Hours (2014). “Non- guaranteed hour contracts (NGHC) include but are not exclusively, ‘zero-hour’ contracts….” “Around 13% of all employees surveyed reported some use of NGHC’s, including almost half of all businesses in tourism, catering and the food sectors.  More than one in five employers in health and social work report using them, although they are to be found relatively rarely in financial and professional services and the manufacturing, energy and agricultural industries”:

2014 ONS Non-guaranteed hour contracts survey report

and press release: 2014 ONS Non-guaranteed hour contracts – press release

GB TS full year 2013 commentary (2014).  Initial commentary as at April 2014 from VisitEngland on the full year results for GB TS 2013:

2014 VE GB TS 2013 – Full year commentary on results

and an infographic version for England  2014 VE 2013 GB TS Infographic for England

VE Trends in Domestic Leisure Tourism the Next Decade a workshop pack (2014).   A self-presentation workshop pack from VE covering the detail of their late 2013 Domestic Trends for the Next Decade report (full report is also  posted amongst the 2013 reports below):

2014 VE Trends in Domestic Leisure Tourism the Next Decade – workshop pack

Events are Great Britain (2014).   A report by the Business Visits & Events Partnership on the size and value of Britain’s event industry, its characteristics, trends opportunities and key issues published March/April 2014:

2014 Events are Great (Summary)

Tourism Alliance UK Tourism Statistics and video presentation (2014). Tourism Alliance UK Tourism Statistics 2014:

Tourism Alliance Annual Statistics 2014

and the video can be accessed here.

Northern Ireland Tourist Board Quarterly Update (2014). In their final quarterly report from 2013 ‘look back, think forward’ NITB take stock of the year that was and look forward to the year ahead:

2014 NITB Quarterly Intell Brief Issue 4 Feb 14

The direct links to all the latest update from all the National Tourist Boards can be found on one page in the member’s protected page

The Future of the Staycation (2014).  At the end of 2013 VisitEngland carried out some qualitative research among “staycationers” – those who started to take more domestic holidays as a result of the economic downturn. The purpose of this was to find out what their attitudes and expectations were with regard to holidaying in England as the economy emerges from recession. Given the nature of the research and the audience the findings should have utility elsewhere in the UK.  The text based summary of the headline results can be accessed here

2014 Staycation Summary Qualitative Research Nov 2013

and the full report is accessible here:

2014 Staycation Summary Qualitative Research Nov 2013

The Regional Value of Tourism 2011 (2014).  Published by the Tourism Intelligence Unit (TIU), Office for National Statistics (ONS) this report examines the value of tourism in the regions and sub-regions of the UK:

2014 – The Regional Value of Tourism 2011 *

* British Destinations member can access this and  all other ONS TIU papers from one place  by visiting the protected member’s page:

Tourism: jobs and growth. The economic contribution of the tourism economy in the UK (2013).  Deloitte, with Oxford Economics as sub-contractors, were commissioned by Visit Britain  to update and refresh previous analysis on the economic contribution of tourism in the UK.  The objective of the study is to provide an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of tourism to the UK:

Statistics Deloitte Final proof 15 Nov_tcm29-39296

Welfare reform- hitting the poorest places hardest (2013).  Hitting the poorest areas hardest, the local and regional impact of Welfare Reform:


Domestic Leisure Trends for the Next Decade (2013). Produced by VisitEngland this report summarises the trends identified and presents them in five groups – demographic, economic, technological, consumer and tourism-related. They range from the familiar, such as the increased importance of mobile technology, through to more recent developments such as FOMO, the ‘fear of missing out’ and the rise of the ‘individualocracy’:

2013 Domestic-leisure-trends-for-the-next-decade

Regional Spread of Inbound Tourism (2013).  This November 2013 edition of VBs monthly Foresights looks at the distribution of inbound tourism over time, across the year and by journey purpose, including a focus on the top cities and towns that are stayed in and the relative importance of different trip purposes and markets to parts of Britain:

2013 VB Foresight – Regional Spread of Inbound Tourism

A Profile of Deprivation in Larger English Seaside Destinations, 2007 and 2010 (2013). This article defines the 57 largest seaside destinations in England based on resident populations of constituent Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs). It examines the levels of deprivation experienced by seaside destinations compared with England as a whole and to each other.

2013 ONS A Profile of Deprivation in Larger English Seaside Destinations, 2007 and 2010

London and Beyond (2013). This  July 2013 edition of VB’s monthly Foresights looks at inbound tourism to Britain and the results recently commissioned study into why many visitors do not go beyond London what the barriers are, and also what attracts those that do go beyond London to do so:

2013 VB Foresight – London and Beyond

ONS UK Tourism Employment Characteristics (2013).   ONS report  on the employment characteristics in 2011 for the UK tourism, published in March 2013:

ONS Employment Characteristics

Turning the Tide – Social Justice in 5 seaside towns (2013).  A report by the Centre for Social justice looking at 5 seaside town cases studies:


The Grimsey Review (2013).   The Grimsey Review – An Alternative Future for the High Street.  An independent report published in September 2013 aimed to influence thinking around the future of the UK high street: “This review is fact based and evidence is fully referenced. It covers all aspects of commercial and social activity impacting on town communities including high streets, shopping centres, out of town shopping parks, shopping malls as well as local economic and community needs such as health, housing, education, manufacturing, agriculture, entertainment and tourism.”:


Tourism Alliance – UK Tourism Statistics (2013).   The Tourism Alliance the trade association for tourism trade associations produce an annual UK Tourism Alliance Statistics report.  This is the  2013 edition based on 2011 and 2012 data:

TA_Stats_2013 FINAL

Economic impact of the UK Heritage Tourism Economy (2013).   Oxford Economics report – economic impact of the UK heritage tourism economy:

Economic Impact HeritageTourism 2013

The Economic Impact of Air Passenger Duty (2013).  This report was commissioned by a consortium of four airlines:

2013 PwC Study – Economic Impact of APD

The Visitor Economy: A potential powerhouse of local growth (2013).  Produced   by the Tourism and Sport Board, Local Government Association in mid 2013  the publication “sets out some of local government’s key asks in order to fully unlock the growth potential of our local visitor economies”:

Visitor economy publication FINAL 0613

The Great British Outdoors – Health and Well-Being from Natural Environments (2013).  A presentation on the health and well-being benefits derived from living and visiting natural environments:

2013 Health and well-being from natural environments (presentation)

Health and Well-Being from Coastal Environments (2013).  A presentation focusing specifically on the health and well-being benefits derived from living and visiting coastal environments:

2013 Health and Wellbeing Benefits from the Coast (presentation)

GB Day Visits 2012 (2013).   This report presents the main findings of the 2012 Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS 2012). The survey measures participation in Tourism Day Visits taken to destinations in the UK (including Northern Ireland) by the residents of England, Scotland and Wales:

2013 GB Day Visits Annual Report 2012 *

*  Quarterly and year to date updates are now published 3 months in arrears by each of the national tourist boards. VisitEnglands England and GB reports can be accessed here.

Geography of tourism employment (2012):

Geography of Tourism Employment

The Coastal Communities of South East England Recommendations to the South East LEP (2012). This report considers the policy implications arising from a statistical review of the South
East’s coastal communities, completed in April 2012. It also builds on discussions involving coastal local authorities, private sector representatives and other local partner:

SHU SE Coastal LEP Report Dec 2012

Office of National Statistics (ONS) Measuring tourism locally ([version 2] 2012).   Measuring tourism locally the hows and whys and all the key official industry definitions  for “tourism”:

statistics measuringtourismlocally_tcm77-2643521

Cities Outlook 2012 (2012).  “Cities Outlook 2012 highlights some of the challenges confronting cities today: economic development, unemployment and changing demographics but most importantly the need to stimulate private sector growth”:


Tourism Marketing Return on Investment: The Impact of Displacement (2012).  

Commissioned by DCMS this report investigates the impact of displacement on the measurement of tourism return on investment and makes recommendations on methods to calculate displacement within RoI:

2012 Tourism Marketing Return on Investment – The Impact of Displacement

Driving Growth – The economic Value of Outbound Travel (2012).  Produced by ABTA the report’s stated aim is: “Historically, research on the economic value of travel and tourism to the UK economy has tended to focus on the inbound and domestic sectors, that is, tourists visiting the UK, or those holidaying at home. This report shines the spotlight on the UK’s outbound sector and dispels some of the myths that foreign travel by UK citizens negatively impacts the UK economy”:

Statistics Driving Growth Outbound – Summary

Oxford Economics – The Economic Impact of the UK Exhibitions Sector (2012).  This report updates earlier work in order to provide an estimate of the UK Exhibition sector:

2012 OxEcon – Economic Impact of the Exhibition Industry Study

GB Day Visits 2011 (2012).  The 2011 report is also available here, prior to 2011 the reports was done every 5 or 6 years (2005):

2012 GB Day Visits Annual Report 2011

England Hospitality – Driving Local Economies (2011):  A report from the British Hospitality Association(BHA) detailing the role of the hospitality industry in driving local economic activity in England: 


The Changing Landscape of Public Sector Support for tourism in England(2011). The aim of this report is to map current public sector support for tourism in England in the transition period before the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) close in 2012. In particular, this report sets out to examine: i. The extent to which tourism has featured in proposals to establish LEPs; ii. How far current ‘destination groups’ have been interfacing with LEPs; and iii. Some possible consequences of the new arrangements for delivery:

2011 Changing Landscape of Public Sector Support – Report for VisitEngland

UK Tourism Statistics 2010 (2011). This report presents the principal findings of the United Kingdom Tourism Survey (UKTS) 2010 and it represents the last of a series of 22 reports that included statistics for Northern Ireland.  Subsequent surveys cover Great Britain (GBTS) and are therefore not directly comparable:

2010 UK Tourism Statistics

The Caravan Communities of the Lincolnshire Coast (2011).  A report by Sheffield Hallam University on the caravan communities of the Lincolnshire coast:


UK Tourism – The Leaky Bucket III (2010). Professor Victor Middleton revisits the case for supporting domestic tourism and his analogy of UK tourism as a Leaky Bucket.  Filling it with inbound tourist is one way of keeping it topped up but another and arguably better approach may be to stem some of the leakage abroad from within the domestic market?:

Prof Victor Middleton Leaky Bucket III (2010)

The Overseas Visitor to Britain , trends attitudes and characteristics (2010). Published by VisitBritain this  report aims to help  understanding trends, attitudes and characteristics of international travel in 2010 and beyond:

2010 Overseas Visitors to Britain (2009)

The Economic Case for the Visitor Economy 2010.  VisitBritain commissioned Deloitte, with Oxford Economics, in September 2009 to update and extend the previous report for ‘The Economic Case for the Visitor Economy’ in Britain. The objective of this study is to provide an in depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of the annual contributions of the Visitor Economy to the UK and its nations:

2010 Economic case for the Visitor Economy

Economic Value of Welsh Marinas (2010).  The aims of this report are to assess the economic impact of Marinas in Wales on their local economies, and by aggregating these, their overall  impact on the Welsh economy.  These were achieved through a series of case studies of Welsh marinas undertaken during summer 2010 which provided a robust analysis of the value that Marina operations bring to the economy of Wales. ( Our comment: The methodologies and finding may have utility outside Wales):

Report on the Value of Welsh Marinas

The Seaside tourist industry in England and Wales – employment, economic output, location and trends (2010).  This report presents new figures on the scale of the seaside tourist industry in England and Wales (covering both principal and smaller seaside towns). The figures are comprehensive in that they cover just about all the places where seaside tourism is a significant component of the local economy, consistent in that they provide data for each individual resort on the same basis, and comparable through time:

SHU FINALTourismReport

England’s smaller seaside towns – a benchmarking study (2010).   This report replicates earlier benchmark studies on the principal resorts in England.  Although producted in parallel to similar work in Wales on both principal and smaller seaside towns, it was published in the following calendar year:

SHU Smaller English Seaside Towns Benchmark

VisitEngland Coastal Towns Action Plan (2010).  Part of VE’s wider ongoing, rolling three year action plan programme:


British Tourism Framework Review (2009). “This Review is comprehensive, inclusive and objective. It was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport in late 2007 in light of a reduction in government grant-in-aid for VisitBritain, the national tourism agency. It is based on four strategic objectives”:

2009 British Tourism Framework Review

UK Tourism Survey 2009 (2010). Tourism by residents of the United Kingdom in 2009: this report presents the principal findings of the United Kingdom Tourism Survey (UKTS):

2009 UK Tourism Statistics

Understanding Group Travel Organisers (2009).  This report aims to present the industry with a range of information from the prospective of group travel organisers to help provides better understand their needs and ultimately increase your share of this market:

2009 National Group Travel Report

Backing UK Tourism: Destination Recovery (2009).  This report produced by the British Chambers of Commerce, was written and researched in conjunction with Travelodge. It examines the opportunities for the tourism sector, the system of tourism support (with examples of current practice) and makes a set of recommendations to improve tourism support in the short to medium term:

2009 Statistics Backing UK Tourism Report (Travelodge)

Seaside towns in Wales – a benchmarking study (2009).  This replicated the previous separate benchmark studies on principal seaside towns in England ( listed below) and the subsequently smaller seaside towns in England  benchmarked (listed above):


UK Tourism Survey 2008 (2009). Tourism by residents of the United Kingdom in 2008: this report presents the principal findings of the United Kingdom Tourism Survey (UKTS):

2008 UK Tourism Statistics

Deloitte – The Statistical Case for the UK Visitor Economy (2008).   VisitBritain  and the Tourism Alliance commissioned Deloitte, with Oxford Economics as sub-contractors, in March 2008 to assess the ‘Economic Case for the Visitor Economy’ in Britain. The objective of the study is to provide an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of the contribution of the Visitor Economy to Britain:

Statistics Deloitte Economic Case for UK Visitor Economy Sept08

England’s Seaside Towns – a benchmark study (2008).  

This report has been commissioned to help inform policy development in response to the 2007 Select Committee inquiry into England’s coastal towns.  The report presents a range of statistical evidence on socio-economic conditions and compares the figures with regional and English averages, but only in the original “principal” seaside towns and only those in England, originally identified in the 2003 Seaside Economy report (listed below).

Subsequently smaller seaside towns in both England and Wales were  identified and studied both retrospectively in the same manner and in the same subjects as principal destinations and they were also included in all later studies, for example,  the 2010 report : The Seaside Tourist Industry in England and Wales (listed above):

SHU CLG principal resort benchmark study

Seaside And Coastal Towns Manifesto Group Issues for Stakeholders (2008).  British Resorts and Destinations Association (now British Destinations) comments to the manifesto group:

2008 Seaside And Coastal Towns Manifesto Group

UK Tourism Survey 2007 (2008). Tourism by residents of the United Kingdom in 2007: this report presents the principal findings of the United Kingdom Tourism Survey (UKTS):

2007 UK Tourism Statistics

UK Tourism Statistics 2006 (2007). Tourism by residents of the United Kingdom in 2006: this report presents the principal findings of the United Kingdom Tourism Survey (UKTS):

2006 UK Tourism Statistics

Welsh Assembly Government  now Welsh Government Coastal Strategy (2006).  The coastal strategy executive summary;

WAG Coastal Summary

The Eddington Report – Transport’s Role in Sustaining UK’s Economy (2006). Report on transports role in sustaining the UK’s productivity and competition:

2006 Transport Eddington Report _exec summary

Aging and Coastal Communities (2006).  This report explores the process of demographic ageing in coastal areas of the UK and the implications of this changing population profile for the future economic and social development of these areas:

2006 Ageing and Coastal Communities Report

English Leisure Visits 2005 (2006). A report on leisure (day) visits taken within England:

2005 English Leisure Visits

The Future of Transport and Tourism in the (England’s) NW (2006). The aim of this study was to forecast the likelihood of changes in transport and tourism within the North West of England up to 2016:

2006 Transport and Tourism Englands NW study

Review of tourism statistics (2004).  Review of tourism statistics:

Stastics Review of Tourism Statistics1

The Seaside Economy – the final report of the seaside towns research project (2003).  A ground breaking study, which looked at the economise of “principal resorts” in England, Wales and Scotland:

SHU Seaside Economy Final Report 2003

Measuring the Local Impact of Tourism (2002).  Measuring the Local Impact of Tourism a review for the British Resorts and the Local Government  Associations  by Victor Middleton:

2002 Measuring the Local Impact of Tourism Victor Middleton

and response to the BRA/LGA review by South East England Tourist Board: 2002 Measuring Tourism Local a response to the BRA and LGA review

UK Seaside Resorts – Behind the Facade (1999).  Through this document the British Resorts Association aimed to obtain wider recognition of the problems faced by the UK’s seaside resorts.  The original study that prompted a series of increasingly more in-depth studies into the socio economic issues associated with “resort” towns. Text only, scanned or hardcopy versions of the report can be obtained from British Destinations:

Behind Facade Report Text

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