Welsh Tourism Investment Fund -Proposal Invited closed 23 Nov 18

Proposals are being invited from the tourism industry for the next round of tourism investment funds, in support of Wales’ thematic years. Visit Wales is looking for big idea projects which can make a real difference in making Wales a must visit destination.

The Tourism Product Innovation Fund (TPIF) and Regional Tourism Engagement Fund (RTEF) will help the private and public sector work together to develop and deliver innovative destination and product led initiatives that align with the Year of Discovery for 2019 and future thematic years; that reflect all or any of the three key themes for promoting tourism to Wales  –  adventure, culture and landscape. Support will also be available for projects that align with The Wales Way initiative.

Visit Wales is looking for big idea projects which can make a real difference in making Wales a must visit destination and give people compelling reasons to visit Wales. For the Year of Discovery the emphasis is on the experiences that people can have in Wales and inviting visitors to explore and discover what makes us uniquely Wales.

Wales’ Year of Discovery will encourage our visitors to discover a new place, a new experience or product, a sense of place through language, culture and a local history.  It’s also about self-discovery and discovering an adventure.

Minister for Culture, Tourism and Sport, Lord Elis-Thomas, said: “Over the last three years, we’ve seen how this revenue funding has enabled the industry to come to together, work in partnership and deliver projects which have greater impact in a very competitive market-place.   As we now turn our focus to Year of Discovery we would like to see even bigger ideas and strategic partnerships developing. We will be prioritising our investment in proposals that evidence genuine regional collaboration and are able to promote the commitment to inclusive growth set out in our Economic Action Plan.”

“Adventure, culture and landscape represent Wales’s core strengths and areas where we believe Wales can be truly competitive. We want to return to them, and The Year of Discovery and future years will look to and strengthen these core themes.”

This round of RTEF/TPIF funding will be open for expressions of interest (EOIs) from Thursday 25 October 2018, with a deadline for submission by 23 November. Following EOI assessment, successful applicants will be invited to submit full applications by 1 February 2019. It is anticipated that this will be the final call for applications and covers the funding period from April 2019 to December 2020.

Find out more information about our tourism funding here where you can also watch our short film introducing our support and find out how we have helped other tourism businesses. Also take a look at successful projects assisted through TPIF and RTEF. Following reference to the guidance here – TPIF / RTEF – if you wish to discuss your proposal please email the Regional Tourism Engagement team.

Both the Tourism Product Innovation Fund (TPIF) and Regional Tourism Engagement Fund (RTEF) are supported through the Welsh Government Rural Communities Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), and Welsh Government.

Stay up to date with tourism and skills news

Make sure you stay up to date by following us on twitter on @VisitWalesBiz . You can also catch up with news on the Tourism pages of the Welsh Government website and find out more about support for improving skills in tourism here.  

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