Heritage and community rail tourism innovation competition closed 4 April 16

On 1 March Department for Transport announced a £1m competition specifically aimed at heritage railways and community rail partnerships and improving the tourist experience and encouraging greater use and greater spread of (international) tourism outside London.

Expressions of interest must be received by 23 March and applications by 4 April.  Those wishing to be funded must also be willing and able to attend a “Dragon’s Den” event in London on 10 May 2016.

Doubtless most of those in the heritage and community rail sectors will (should?) be aware of this opportunity.  However, some may benefit from local encouragement and/or local tourism knowledge and expertise, especially in light of the frankly ridiculously, but increasingly common tight time-frame accompanying this otherwise welcome announcement.

The more detailed brief can be accessed here: Heritage and Community Rail Tourism Innovation Competition – Competition Summary

and the headline DoT announcement at:  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-1-million-competition-to-boost-rail-tourism
