Sponsorship for infrastructure

Sally Looker and colleagues at Tendring District Council have secured over £30M for coastal defence works and are now looking at opportunities to raise sponsorship for the 5Km of new beaches that this will deliver.  If any other destination inland or coastal has undertaken a brief to secure sponsorship (other than roundabouts) for this or similar physical resort related infrastructure they would very much welcome advice/support/suggestions on how you undertook the task.  Any discussions,  very much welcomed as would examples of reports strategies etc.

Respond using the blog facility below or email Sally Looker  directly.

Any substantive conclusions will be reported to the membership in due course……

One thought on “Sponsorship for infrastructure

    British Destinations responded:
    January 17, 2014 at 2:55 pm


    Not directly sponsorship of planned new infrastructure related, but have you looked at the possibility of including beach huts? In the right place and circumstance day chalets can be a valuable asset and one that it might be possible to offer to a commercial operator under terms and conditions which leave the Council with a revenue stream and them with the capital and revenue issues to manage. Rather easier said than done I know and I suspect sufficiently untried and untested to make it a potential major project in its own right, assuming of course that your own planning regulation, local opinion etc. would allow it in the first instance! I offer it as a suggestion, we have some historic material relating to beach huts and I know UKBMF conducted a survey of beach huts issues which you are welcome to access.

    Peter Hampson

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