Destination Intelligence Dashboard


In 2016 we have produced Destination Intelligence individual reports for every single British Destination member. We have also incorporated data from a number of external sources, including data published by the Office for National Statistics and from Visit England / Visit Britain.

As a further member benefit we have created an interactive data dashboard that provides immediate results, including trend and benchmarking analyses. The dashboard has been designed as a single point of access to key tourism statistics at destination level as well as providing benchmark comparison data against group destinations and overall averages. Users can select individual destination profiles by using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.

Destination Intelligence Dashboard

Gain greater insight into your destinations tourism performance.

The FREE, downloadable Destination Intelligence Dashboard makes understanding and reporting on your destination even easier.

The Dashboard includes your destination’s:

  • Population trends and household data
  • Accommodation
  • Economic data
  • Tourist Information and Social Media
  • Tourism Activity Management

Benchmarking – This new additional feature gives you three new layers of information offering you greater insight into your destination:

  • Visualise the key statistics for your destination on a two-page dashboard report
  • Compare results against similar-type destinations
  • Compare results against all British Destinations members

The Destination Intelligence Dashboard can be found here.

For more information about Destination Intelligence, click here.

Forgotten the separate password for the destination intelligence site?  Find it using the main corporate site password at:

or email for a reminder

Best wishes


Sergi Jarques                                                                                                                                            Director                                                                                                                                                     Destination Research Ltd.                                                                                                                     DD:      01206 392528                                                                                                                              M:        07867 474581                                                                                                                           Check out our most recent projects !





4 thoughts on “Destination Intelligence Dashboard

    […] Destination Intelligence survey 2014 […]

    […] Destination Intelligence survey 2014 […]

    […] Destination Intelligence survey 2014 […]

    […] Destination Intelligence Dashboard 2016 […]

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