Regenerating Seaside Towns & Communities Select Committee call for evidence closed 9 October 18

The issue specific House of Lords Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities which was created in May 2018 took written evidence, which was to be submitted by 9 October 2018.  Unusually the Inquiry had already taken oral evidence.  Our written evidence can be accessed at:

Coastal Towns Select Committee evidence British Destinations

The Tourism Alliance’s response which support  all the major major points raised in our response can be accessed at:

Tourism Alliance Submission – Seaside

The inquiry report published on 4 April 2019 can be accessed at:

2019 House of Lords Select Committee Report – The Future of Seaside Towns

The Governments response can be found at:

2019 Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities Select Committee Inquiry Government response

and the original call for evidence at:

2018 House of Lords Select Committee Regenerating Seaside Towns – call for written evidence



