PPL Small Residential Hotels & Guesthouses Tariff closed 19 August 2016

PPL is running a consultation on proposed changes to its Small Residential Hotels & Guesthouses Tariff (commonly known as its “Small Hotels tariff”). This tariff has been in place for over 25 years and applies to the use of background music in small hotels and guesthouses with 25 bedrooms or fewer, where none of the facilities are available to non-residents.

As part of its Code of Conduct, PPL is committed to fair, reasonable and proportionate consultation when proposing a new tariff or making significant changes to an existing tariff. Therefore, we have already issued our proposals to and consulted with the British Hospitality Association (“BHA”) and its affiliate organisations.

To complete our consultation we are now seeking responses from existing individual licensees that will be affected by the proposed changes to the Small Hotels tariff.
Details of how to respond to this consultation are provided in section 5. The deadline for responding is 19 August 2016. The consultation document can be accessed here:


British Destinations’ response can be accessed here:


Their consultation response offering  some minor concessions can be accessed below.  Their covering email outlining their plans is also reproduced below.


Dear Peter

Thank you for your recent response in respect of our proposed changes to the Small Residential Hotels & Guesthouses Tariff.

Having considered all comments received from customers and hospitality organisations, we are now informing you that we have finalised the proposed changes to the tariff.

The revised tariff

You can find a summary of the consultation and details of the revised tariff enclosed with this email. These details are also available at ppluk.com/hotels.

The revised tariff will take effect from 1 January 2017.�� However, having considered the various responses we received, we will keep small hotels with 16-25 bedrooms on the Small Hotels tariff for a further year before they are transitioned to PPL’s main hotels tariff in 2018.  We will also defer the introduction of the surcharge in the Small Hotels tariff until 1 January 2018.  We hope that deferring these two changes for a further year will help affected licensees to adjust to the new tariff.

What happens now?

The revised tariff will only affect licensees at the point of their licence renewal on or after 1 January 2017.  We will contact all licensees six weeks before their licence is due for renewal to confirm the ways in which they use music and ensure they are licensed on the relevant tariff.

If you have any questions about how this will affect your members, please do not hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Richard Stewart

Head Of Dubbing & Tariff Development

1 Upper James Street London W1F 9DE
T +44 (0)20 7534 1276 M +44 (0)7730 633637