Developing a tourist accommodation registration scheme in England closing 21 Sep 22

The British Destination response to this consultation can be accessed at:

The long-awaited consultation or, as it transpires call for further evidence, on the development of an accommodation registration scheme in England has now been published with a 21 September 22 deadline for responses.   Although a DCMS consultation about England, comment from other home nations and, in particular, Scotland and Northern Ireland where registration is now in force, is sought. Wales doesn’t get a specific mention but the consultation already ongoing there may be equally informative for England?

The online consultation consists of 13 main question areas including a catchall, anything we should have asked or you wish to comment on section.  I would urge colleagues to consider responding and/or to pass details to other relevant agencies like the local fire service, licencing department etc. for their consideration. The consultation document contains a lot of detail. I would recommend it is read or scanned for now to get an understanding of DCMS’s starting position, of what’s required and to allow you time to assemble thoughts and critically any local evidence (anecdotal or more substantive) before any consideration of the response can be undertaken. Evidence of whatever type, where it is available, is going key to influencing the content of the next stage a consultation on the recommended options which will to follow (hopefully) later this year.  The current consultation will be critical in dictating what option(s), if any, we will be given, so don’t miss the opportunity to shape them.

Developing a tourist accommodation registration scheme in England: call for evidence – GOV.UK (

A very useful Parliamentary briefing documents on the issues arising from the growth of short-term letting, as at January 2022 can be accessed at:
