
Open and recent consultations can be accessed in the drop down menu from this, the consultations main menu tab, above.

British Destinations responds on the member’s behalf to consultations in relation to specific subjects affecting the visitor economy, some of these form part of a joint Tourism Alliance response and/or are separate responses from British Destinations. Examples of previous responses from British Destinations, plus any replies and summaries are detailed below:

  1. British Destinations response to the DCMS DMO review 28 April 2021:
  2. Tourism Alliance response to DCMS DMO 28 April 2021:
  3. Tourism Alliance /British Destinations response Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangement Regulation 2018 6 month review, 8 March 2019: 
  4. Consultation on the Business rates treatment of self-catering accommodation (England) 16 January 2019: 
  5. British Destinations response to the House of Lords Coastal Regeneration Select Committee inquiry 9 October 2018: Coastal Towns Select Committee evidence British Destinations and the Tourism Alliance response: Tourism Alliance Submission – Seaside
  6. British Destinations response to Defra Fisheries White Paper 12 September 2018: Fisheries White Paper BD reply final
  7. British Destinations response HMRC The role of online platforms in ensuring tax compliance by their users: 2018 HMRC Sharing Economy Consultation – British Destinations 8 June 2018
  8. British Destinations response HMRC Tackling the plastic problem – Using the tax system or charges to address single-use plastic waste: online response not retained 2018
  9. British Destinations response Home Office’s Immigration Statistics – arrivals data: 2017 Landing Card Consultation Response 2017
  10. British Destination response APPG sharing economy inquiry: British-destinations-sharing-economy-narrative-comment 2016
  11. British Destinations response Select Committee Inquiry on rural British-destinations-rural-select-committee-response  2016
  12. British Destinations response PPL Small Residential Hotels & Guesthouses Tariff: small-residential-hotel-and-guesthouse-consultation-2016

  13. British Destinations response devolving Sunday trading rules in England and Wales: Completed online copy not retained 2015

  14. British Destinations’ submission to the VisitBritain and VisitEngland Triennial Review: Triennial Review submission 2014 2014
  15. British Destinations’ response to CMS Select Committee Inquiry on Tourism: British Destinations CMS Inquiry Submission 2014
  16. British Destinations’ response to the English Heritage – New Model consultation: EH -New Model – British Destinations Response 2014 2014
  17. The Secretary of States covering letter to contributors  briefly outlining the EH consultation response and future plans can be accessed here: DCMS EH Consultation results S of S covering letter 2014 2014
  18. The brief analytical summary of the c600 EH responses received can be accessed here:  DCMS EH Consultation response analitical summary 2014 2014
  19. The Home Office and UK Border Agency have recently announced changes, manly positive, affecting student, tourist and business visitor controls:  Home office news.
  20. British Destinations’ response to the Taylor Review: The Taylor Review Response
  21. British Destinations’ response to the Change of Use consultatation: Change of use response Sep 2012
  22. British Destinations’ response to the Brown Signage Review: Brown Signage
  23. CLG Select Committee Inquiry  – Provision of Public Toilets: Written Evidence CLG Select Committee Inquiry Provision of Public Toilets and Supplementary Written Evidence – Public Toilet

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