Annual Conference Report 19 March 2018

The British Destinations 2017/18 conference was held as a joint event with the Tourism Alliance  and Tourism Society in London on Monday 19 March 2018 between 10 am and 3 pm at the RAF Club 128 Piccadilly, W1J 7PY, followed at 4 pm to 6 pm by the annual tourism Parliamentary reception in the House of Commons. Over 140 delegates and speakers attended what was deemed to have been a very successful first annual joint event.

Details of the speakers topics and conference aims were given in the Conference Flyer .  The conference programme, including delegate list can be accessed at: ETW DELEGATE PACK 2018 – FINAL

Those conference presentations or associated documents that are available will be posted below as and when we receive them:

2018 APPG for Tourism- sharing economy interim report

CBI Brexit Impacts John Foster

We were delighted that both Quality in Tourism and Global Tourism Solutions (UK) (GTS [UK]) joined us as the joint conference partners.

Quality in Tourism has been assessing properties and driving standards across the UK for over 15 years and they are experts in the field, offering advice, support and assessments for tourism & hospitality businesses.  They are currently delivering a suite of assessments, including the initiative Safe, Clean and Legal assessment which is  designed to be more than just an entry-level level scheme.  Safe, Clean and Legal could, we believe, now help fill the growing gap in the market between reliance on customer reviews alone and the more traditional grading assessments approach.

GTS (UK) are a leading independent tourism research company with over 25 years’ of experience working with both the public and private sector.  Their STEAM model providing timely estimates of annual value, volume and economic impact of tourism is widely used by many UK destinations and tourism organisation.

Conference partners:

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