Who we are & what we do


British Destinations is a national trade association which represents and delivers activities on behalf of visitor destinations across Great Britain.

Its membership is drawn from the broadest range of destinations – rural, coastal, town and city – both large and small, and includes local authorities, destination management organisations and commercial industry suppliers.

It is a recognised and respected body which provides a coordinated and focused voice for destinations, and champions the interests of all its members providing a range of services to support both individual members and destinations as a whole.

Members in particular value its role in coordinating joint activities, lobbying and influencing government, trade bodies, industry organisations and major agencies, and providing a one-stop-shop for tourism intelligence, benchmarking, best practice and industry information.

What we do:

  • National trade organisation representing more than 100 visitor destinations across the UK.
  • A one-stop-shop for tourism intelligence, benchmarking, best practice and industry information; and we manage the annual Destination Intelligence Survey.
  • With a seat and a voice at national tables we represent destination views and undertake strategic lobbying on key industry issues to major agencies and key government departments.
  • Representing destinations for more than 90 years we understand the tourism landscape and uniquely support and champion the roles of local authority destination managers and the established, new and emerging destination management partnerships.
  • Provide support for wider destination product with a particular focus on a number of general and specific professional disciplines including:  resort management, marketing and PR, events and entertainment, economic development and beach management (through the UK Beach Management Forum).

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