Pre-CSR letter on future funding

What was intended to be  a letter to the Prime Minister, copied to the Chancellor, Chief Secretary to the Treasury  and Secretary of State and Tourism Minister at DCMS has, due to timing issues, become a letter direct to the Chancellor, copied to the Prime Minister and the others.

The letter has gone out under plain cover on 6th November and has been signed by a deliberately wide cross-section of 40 tourism and Visitor Economy interests.  Although British Destinations have coordinated this campaign, other than for administrative purposes in the covering to the email copies sent, there is no reference to our role.  Again this was done deliberately in order to gain the support purely on the basis of the case made and not on the basis of who was, or was not, making it.

Those of you in England may also like to consider sending the letter to your own local MP’s?

Tourism Industry Letter 6 Nov Final