Tourism Alliance post- CSR response

The Tourism Alliance, of which we are Board members, has now written to the Secretary of State DCMS outlining their concerns.  In addition their Director, Kurt Janson has produced a very useful briefing note, which succinctly summarizes the realities of the proposed merger of VisitBritain and VisitEngland and highlights some of the very serious flaws in the proposed approach.

Please consider circulating to your own partners and local businesses, many of whom will understandably be blissfully unaware of the potentially disastrous plans for execution, hidden below otherwise very positive CSR headline announcements made last week.

The Chairman’s letter can be accessed at: Tourism Alliance Letter for SoS

The briefing note at: Tourism Alliance Briefing – The Merger of VisitEngland into VisitBritain

Our earlier letter to the Secretary of State, the Minister’s for Tourism’s response and our critique of it can all be found (previously circulated) at: