Early Outbreak Management in England

Public Health England released a series of work place action cards setting out what is expected of business and the steps to be taken to manage any future covid-19 staff or customer related outbreak.  They apply in England only.

The full list of cards includes: places of worship, construction sites, manufacturing, food and other processing, homeless hostels, domestic abuse refuges and dressmakers and tailors.  These six are not reproduced below but can be accessed via: https://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/reporting-an-outbreak/overview/ .

There are currently  17 different cards in total, contained in 3 zip files and in some cases sub-files in the resource section of the PHE advice page, with leisure, tourism and hospitality business spread across all three. Although not too difficult, it isn’t initiative or necessarily always quick to find a particular sector’s file. Each cards contain much the same details but are individually branded by sectors. If you direct business to this page they might find it frustrating.

For your ease the 11 most relevant card the visitor economy and destination management have been downloaded and are accessible below.  These will be retained here on Britshdestinations.net and therefore you can use this page in full or copy paste the links below to pass detail to your partners:

July 20 – Arts Heritage and Cultural Attractions 

July 20 – Campsites and Caravan parks

July 20 – Entertainment and Holiday Resorts

July 20 – Hairdressing-barbershops-beauty and nail bars-makeup-tattoo and spray tanning studios

July 20 – Hotels and Guest Accommodation

July 20 – Restaurants Pubs Bars and Cafes

July 20 – Spas-sports and massage therapy-well being-holistic locations

July 20 – Theatres Cinemas and Venues

July 20 – Tourist Attractions

July 20 Entertainment and holiday resorts

July 20 Shops and branches
