ABTA Deloitte Brexit tourism assessment

The Deloitte report,  “What Brexit might mean for UK travel”, which has been commissioned by ABTA aims to:  ” provide travel businesses and the travel consumer with facts and assessments to help inform the discussion of what a vote to leave the EU might mean for UK travel”.  Usefully the report,  “also contains an appendix of the most pertinent questions that ABTA and Deloitte believe travel businesses should consider in relation to Brexit”.

In the absence of any other obvious “independent” assessments this excellent report may help destination management teams and, if they so choose, their own local business to assess the tourism related merits and demerits of staying in or leaving the EU.

Arguably the report may at first glance have a slight bias towards outbound UK and inbound international travel. However, domestic tourism is also discussed and in any case many of the implications for outbound and inbound travel have direct, or indirect read-across to the domestic market as well:

2016 ABTA EU Referendum Report

Distributed with thanks to our colleagues in ABTA – The Travel Association.
