Month: February 2021

Covid-19 roadmap and other updates

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We have now had the outline of the roadmap out of lockdown for both Wales and England, with Scotland’s details to follow tomorrow and Northern Ireland’s next week. Subject to certain conditions being met it is now clearer what the earliest date for lifting of certain restrictions will be in England and Wales. It is now certain that Easter is essentially written off for the tourism industry in England, whilst in Wales there may yet be some relaxation to allow limited opening for Easter, subject to the Welsh data nearer the time. Details of the announcement for England can be found at: The information available thus far leaves a considerable number of questions unanswered. Doubtless more details and clarification on specific sectors, subsectors and business types will emerge as the week progresses.

Meanwhile, as a light distraction, I have added more research, including the latest Clearsights update, under the C-19 research menu tab Go direct to the page at: . In addition I have also added links to typical article on last week’s Supreme Court ruling on the UBER driver’s employment status. The court’s finding and the associated potential implications for UBER’s VAT status should have profound implications for he wider gig economy and by implication for a range of other internet disruptors who have benefitted from using the gig economy and gig workers to help them undercut traditional retail, transport and other business models. Not only may it help in time to level the cost base of doing business but it may give Government some further incentive and greater impetuous to apply a range of rules and regulation more evenly:

Links to important UK Government consultation and new research added

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Two items to draw to your attention:

1. BEIS have launched a consultation on new post BREXIT Government subsidy controls, closing on 31 March. While I am sure it will get a lot of responses, particularly from Local Authorities, I am less certain that tourism will feature as strongly as it could or should. For example, there is a golden opportunity to get the visitor economy and tourism recognised within sector specific provisions and to get the more economically deprived areas, that are often highly tourism dependent, mapped and specifically identified within the future UK subsidy control measures. A brief summary and link to the consultation can be found in the open consultation dropdown menu from the “Consultations” tab on, or go direct to this page at:

2. I have added the February BVA BDRC ClearSights on recovery report to the “C19 Research” main menu tab, or again go direct to the page at:

I would be grateful if you would consider raising the consultations existence and the perceived opportunities around highlighting the visitor economy and tourism in any local responses with those most likely to be tasked with responding locally.

CEO VisitBritain Sunday Times Travel Article

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You might be interested in seeing a copy of a consumer facing Q & A article with Sally Balcombe CEO VisitBritain from the latest edition of the Sunday Times (31 Jan 21).  The link to the subscription only page is: .

For ease a photo of an original copy can be accessed here: