Month: April 2019

New vacancy and new reports added

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1. East Suffolk District Council are seeking a Head of Customer Services, Marketing and Communication, c£62k – £73k closing 7 May 2019.  More under the Job vacancies tab of or go direct to the page here.

Two new reports have been added to the research and statistics library:

2. A belated entry from September 2018, a McKinsey & Company report:  Chinese Tourism dispelling the myths. and from the Ministry of Housing , Communities & Local Government the English Private Landlords Survey 2018 which was last conducted in 2010.

3. Not yet added to the library is the Thomas Cook Holiday report 2019 which has prompted a lot of media interest this week.  It is apparently based on the views/activities of c 29k of their customers and a more in depth study of c 3.5k 18 to 35-year olds.

I am still trying to assess how robust the research is and/or how relevant their customer survey’s finding might be to the wider outbound and domestic industry. Meanwhile, you may wish to look at the report and draw your own conclusions, especial around the 18  – 35 year research findings:  2019 Thomas Cook Holiday Report 2019




City Nation Place UK conference 14 May Birmingham

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Apologies for the late notification for this event which I have only just become aware of .  Although primarily targeted at City and City regions, the sessions should be of interest to a much wider destination based audience.

“In partnership with GREAT Britain, Visit Britain and the Department for International Trade, City Nation Place UK will bring national, city, and regional teams together to focus on how to develop and implement place branding and marketing strategies to drive more successful tourism and economic development”.

The one day event costs £295 per delegate:

More reports on plastics

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In recent weeks the national media have carried more articles on plastics.  Two of the source documents are an Exeter University report on plastics in Britain’s seals, dolphins and whales:  and a report supported by an all-party group of 12 MPs; 2019 Plastic Packaging Plan Achieving Zero Waste Exports .

I appreciate that I posted a lot around the issue of plastic, single use, reduced packaging etc.  I guess the point is that there is a vast amount of both plastic and popular public and press interests currently circulating.  My instincts suggest that plastics may become more of an immediate management issue for beach managers than water quality, the issue issue that has largely dominated the agenda for the last couple of decades plus.  Whether that is good thing or bad and whether it will remain as high on the agenda for the foreseeable future is perhaps one for further mutual discussion?  I would welcome views from the foreshore…..

Annual Destination Intelligence Survey Published

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One of the many benefits of British Destination membership is the annual destination intelligence survey, the detail of which allows members to benchmark: scale, value, volume and performance across a number of key measures with/against the results for any or all other members.  The protected site now contains the 2018 -19 (2017/18 data) survey results, together with historic data going back to 2003, plus a wealth of other statistic information and links.  The latest survey detail is again presented in the form of an improved dashboard that allows easy comparison and, if required, the simple production of tailored local reports.

The main sections of the Destination intelligence site are protected by its own separate password from that used on the main corporate ( website. For ease (I hope) the destination intelligence password can be found on the following protected page of using the password for that site:

If you have lost the relevant password, your browser hasn’t saved it, if  these instructions are confusing or they don’t work for you for any reason then representative of paid up member destinations and other partners are welcome to email me requesting the password detail.

As ever our thanks go to Sergi Jarques of Destination Research  Ltd for his work in conducting and compiling the results of the survey on behalf of the British Destination’s membership.  In the first instance any technical questions on the survey, use of the dashboard or the data it contains should be directed to  Sergi.

Two new tourism job vacancies, London closing 15 April and 1 May 2019.

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Find all current and details of past job vacancies under the “Job vacancies +” main menu tab of  or go direct to the pages from the links below:

VisitEngland Head of England Partnership (maternity cover June 2019 – April 2020, £60k pro rata, closing 15 Apr 19:

Chief Executive Tourism Society London.  Contract 2 days per week, 100 days pa @ £240 per day, closing 1 May 19:


House of Lords Select Committee coastal regeneration report published

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Today the House of Lords Select Committee on Regenerating Seaside Towns and Communities published its inquiry report, The Future of Seaside Towns.  It is a comprehensive document covering all the key issues that most coastal practitioner would wish to see aired.

For ease of initial reading the summary can be found on pages 3 and 4 and the summary of the 59 recommendation from page 106 to 112.

Regrettably, at 23 pages and some 14.5k words our own submission, although I am assured considered by the inquiry has not been published  within the report, as I was unable to edit it to the required size in the time allowed to me.  I am content that the issues we raised have all been covered by others, if not by us, and indeed some of the unattributed comments within the report do appear very familiar to me. We also contributed to the Tourism Alliance response which is acknowledged and has been published as part of the evidence base:

Senior tourism research and development vacancy Liverpool, £40k closing 19 April 2019

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Liverpool City Region LEP are seeking to appoint a new development and research manager to their visitor economy team. to work in their City Centre waterfront  offices.  Applications close on 19 April 2019. More detail can be found under the “Job vacancies +” menu tab of, or go direct to that page at:

Senior job vacancy – Head of Events VisitBritain

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VisitBritain are seeking a new head of events, based in London. The post if offered at a starting salary of c £64k . Applications close on 15 April 2019.

Find the detail under the job vacancies + menu tab of or go direct to the relevant page on our website at:

Annual conference – new research available

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Those of you able to attend our very successful joint conference in London earlier this week will be aware that ABTA and the UK Caravan & Camping Alliance used the event to launch/publicise two recent UK wide research offerings.

Their reports: “Driving growth – The economic value of outbound tourism” and “Pitching the value – 2019 Economic report: Holiday Parks and Campsites” are now both available via our extensive, central research library:

Can I take this opportunity to publicly thank our co-hosts the Tourism Alliance and the Tourism Society, all the conference sponsors and, in particular, our own conference partners GTS (UK) and Quality in Tourism for their assistance in mounting the conference and for their unstinting support to British Destinations throughout the past year:

Our conference partners:

                                                                                  QT Logo CMYK (002)                                    

Part-time job vacancy

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Our strategic partner organisations, The Tourism Management Institute, is seeking contractor support for its membership and communications service delivery. It isn’t a full-time appointment of the type we would normally publicise, however, as we are keen to support TMI when and wherever we can, we have added the detail to our “Job vacancies +” pages.

If you are not interested in the position yourself, then please consider passing the details to anyone who you think might be.  Details can be found under our Job vacancies + menu tab, or go direct to the relevant page at: