Month: April 2015

Job vacancy Weston-super-Mare

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Seafront and events operations mangers post, c29.5k, closing 13 May 2015.  More detail available via

News from VisitEngland

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The £10m plus £10m match funded,Northern Futures, international marketing programme proposals, to be administered by VisitEngland (VE), was approved by Treasury in the closing moments of the last Westminster Government.  Having progressed the initiative further, VE has issued an e-bulletin intended to inform stakeholders in the North of England about plans and progress, but its content will also be of some interest to others outside of England and/or outside the “North of England”.  A link to the text of the e-bulletin has been added to our original briefing page at:

Colleagues in England are also reminded that the closing date of 15 May 2015 to respond to the VE consultation on their updated growth strategy is now fast approaching:

New information added to

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We have added the tourism related detail of the SNP manifesto to the original summary page published last week.  We have also added a comparative table showing policy areas that impact on tourism, which parties have a policy in their manifesto and the assessment of tourism impact good, neutral or bad (top of the page).  Both, as with original materiel, come courtesy of the Tourism Alliance: In addition we have added the minutes of the March VisitBritain British Tourism Industry Group (BTIG) meeting to the member section. Among other items of general international tourism interest this has some interesting comment on the recent Triennial Review and the impact on VB’s roles and functions going forward.  This protected page: Members who have not had or who have forgotten the log in should email us here.

ONS Tourism Atlas for England & Wales launched

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ONS (Office for National Statistics) have launched an excellent new interactive Tourism Atlas for England and Wales which has been developed with the aim of providing a range of official statistics at the local level to assist tourism officials in understanding the impact of tourism within their localities.

The Atlas’s mapping gives a visual interpretation of over 100 major statistical variables down to Unitary or County authority area in both England and Wales.  British destinations have now included this as one of the open access page on our largely members only protected Destination Intelligence website.  More information and basic instructions on the use of the Tourism Atlas can be found at:

Party Manifestos and Tourism

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We have consolidated comment on the tourism content of most of the main party’s manifestos on to one page.  Access the detail via the following link or via the main menu tab “Nation level & political strategies and policies”:

Agenda Executive Meeting Wednesday 15 April 2015

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The agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on Wednesday 15 April is now accessible at paragraph two of the following protected website page for action by Executive members  and for all other member’s information:

Minutes of this meeting will be published on the same page as soon after the meeting as possible.

To access a lost or forgotten password email me here.

Destination Intelligence 2014 data now available to British Destination members

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The aggregated data for the 44 British Destination members who have chosen to participated in the recent 2014 Destination Intelligence Survey, together with the separate category group reports for Cities, Counties, Coastal and Rural groups are now available on our Destination Intelligence website.

Individual destination reports will be posted on to the relevant category group sub-pages shortly and we will notify you again when this has happened.  The individual reports will also be emailed to the person in each destination who submitted the original data.

The following webpage contains links to the “All Groups” and the 4 separate category group reports, alternatively hover over the 2014 main menu heading and then select the group pages you wish to view from the drop down menu:

The Destination Intelligence website has its own separate password protection from the main corporate website.  However, the current pass word can be accessed by members from the main corporate website using the current main website password at:  or,  if you have forgotten either or both passwords, just emailing me here.

“New Funding” section added to

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In order make our reporting of the recent flurry of new, pre-election tourism funding initiatives more user-friendly we have updated earlier reports, add some new pages and then consolidated them all under one new main menu tab, “New Funding”.

To access the detail hover over the main tab “New funding” and then select the individual initiatives from the drop-down menu:

Currently there are 5 relatively new funding opportunities included.  Two specifically are for the English coastal sector, plus a general update on the UK wide Coastal Communities Fund [CCF], and three for international marketing: one of which is UK wide and two specifically directed at Northern and South West England.

As ever with the intent is that when we add something new to this section we will let you know, so there is no necessity to have to keep checking for updates.

If there other currently open, UK or Home Nation funding opportunities, that we have not yet included then please send the detail to us here.