Month: November 2014

Consultation Community and Ancillary Seller Notices in England closing 9 December

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A relatively simple but potentially important consultation on the implementation of new legislation to allow small accommodation providers and community groups to sell or give away small amounts of alcohol under new less onerous  Community and Ancillary Seller Notices is under way in England.  It opened on 11 November and closes on 9 December.  It may have slipped below the radar of some potentially interested parties.

The detail has now been posted on accessed via the main menu tab “Open consultations”  in the “Consultations response” drop down menu. For ease this page can also be accessed directly here:

Latest VisitBritain Foresight report and current conditions update now available on

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British Destinations members can access the very latest  edition of VB’s Foresight:  “How the world views Britain” and the VB November current conditions update both published today, at the protected page. See paragraphs 3 and 4 respectively of this our VB updates and links page:

Forgotten your member’s login? Then just email me here.

Destination Intelligence Service, research, statistics and other updates

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Minor final adjustments to the 2014 Destination Intelligence Survey input form have been made and the latest version added to and the protected Destination Intelligence.  Please consider completing this years survey; the form is easier to use and colleagues providing both STEAM and Cambridge data are willing to assist their customers with our survey as a free customer benefit.  Access the final version of the 2014 input form at:

The real survey data, new and historic, is protected and can only be accessed by British Destination members. The login detail can be accessed by members from the protected page in the site; accessible here if you need it. Samples of individual and category group  reports, using dummy data have now been produced for demonstration and promotional purposes, so the principles can be shared with anyone but without compromising the real data.  These samples can now be accessed from the page at:

We have added an extra link to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) tourism definitions paper. The general statistical definitions and especially the definitions of destination management, public realm and the roles of local authority at page 25 onwards, and within the 2 annexes that follow it, are really useful and deserve wider publication. Find the definitions paper at:

Various useful and interesting updates and reports  from the national Boards have also been added recently to the  members area & login menu tab.  Individual board’s each have their own tab on the drop down menu. All these pages are protected.  To save you time links to the relevant pages reached from the individual board’s tabs are:

VisitBritain :

Northern Ireland Tourist Board:

Visit Wales:



If you are from a member destination and can’t login to any protected page then follow the instructions at:

CU CU App – Bringing vacant space to life

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British Destinations is supporting a new initiative that could help businesses in your area solve the issue of what to do with empty or shareable premises;

Head of Resource and enterprise – full-time, permanent c£40K – Turner Contemporary, Margate. Closing 21 November

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Details of Head of Resource and Enterprise post at Margate’s Turner Contemporary at c£40k closing 21 November now available via British Destinations Job Vacancies page at: 

Final few slots in MGN Big City Christmas Guide available at discount

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We have a few advertorial slots left now in the North and National on our Big City  Christmas Guide on the 28th of November, deadline Wednesday 19th.

National Slots now £750 with north only £550 which include the Daily Mirror North, Manchester Evening News, Liverpool Echo, Daily Record and Newcastle Chronicle.


Paul Kerslake 

Classified Field Sales

Trinity Mirror Solutions

t:    020 7293 3184

a:   One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP

More detail available in the original British Destinations’notification at:

As we approach the 11th hour of the 11th day of 11th month, an article well worth pondering

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Occasionally you find an article that make you stop and think:

With thanks to our colleague Peter Austin who brought it to my attention via another professional  forum.

Non-members can BOGOF says British Destinations

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Outrageous but true.  Non-member destinations can now BOGOF by  joining British Destinations for the 2015-16 financial year and getting up to 5 remaining months of 2014/15 for free and the array of support, information and representation that goes with it.  As a bonus anyone joining before the end of  January 2015 will also be able to participate in both the current 2014/15 and next year’s 2015/16 destination intelligence surveys and destination intelligence activities. This is a free to member’s service. Alright so the offer isn’t quite “buy one get one free” but it’s near enough and it still represents both a significant saving and on opportunity to get  key, comparable destination benchmarks in place in little over one year.  Both Cambridge and STEAM data users should note that as British Destinations members they can now get free assistance with the completion of the surveys from their data providers.

So why join?

  1. Who we are and what we do:
  2. See recent routine communications:
  3. See who’s involved, which destinations are in membership and  where and at what level  we represent member’s interests:
  4. Take a look at the membership recruitment  tools for more detail and/or for the tools to convince others:
  5. See more about destination intelligence services at:


If you are not in membership then please consider the merits of joining. If you are in membership then please pass the detail of this offer on to colleagues in neighbouring non-member destination (see bullet 3 above for details of who’s in membership now).

Annual membership for a destination or commercial associate member starts from £750 per financial year.  To help with budgeting the single annual membership fee under the BOGOF deal can be paid either now in 2014/15, delayed until the start of 2015/16 (April 2015) or spread across both financial years.

To find out more or to join which is a very simple process, contact Peter Hampson our CEO by email here or call 07714341379.

Deputy Prime Minister announces £10m RGF funding for tourism in north England

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A lot of detail still needed to access the merits of today’s announcement regarding £10m of additional Regional Growth Funding for tourism in northern England, for example precisely where “north England” begins.  The statement suggests this is principally aimed at international tourism and that the funding is for 2015/16 but this isn’t certain. What is certain is that the programme/strategy is to be managed by VE and the £10m is to be match funded.  Whatever the detail an extra £10m or c 20% more than VE’s own annual grant in aid budget has to be welcomed, as does the Deputy Prime Ministers personal recognition of the importance of tourism. The initial press release states:

The north boasts stunning countryside, history and culture, but with 29 individual boards all working separately, there is currently no coordinated tourism strategy. To help boost visits to the north, the Deputy Prime Minister today (5 November 2014) announced Regional Growth Funding of £10 million to back proposals for a clear tourism strategy.

Nick Clegg said:

It’s absurd that our great north is missing out on visitors when it boasts such stunning countryside, history and culture. Through the Northern Futures project, I asked people what our northern cities needed in order to compete globally, and to grow.

Your resounding call is clear – a strong northern future relies on putting the north back on the map: a top tourist destination. From next year, there will be a clear strategy for tourism in the north, bringing harmony to the current offer from 29 individual tourism boards into one great offer.

See the full press release at:

All the latest from the National Boards

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We have updated the information from VB and the Home Nation Boards in our members section. Loads of interesting “stuff” including NITB’s October intelligence brief: Hover over the menu tab to see individual board’s pages.

Meanwhile find all the links to the latest international tourism intelligence from VisitBritain on one page at: