Month: July 2014

Destination Intelligence survey 2014

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Dear all,

I am writing to alert you that we will soon be starting data collection for 2014 Destination Intelligence. At this stage we are not planning on making any changes to the content or lay out of the Destination Intelligence Input Form. We will continue to use the MS Excel platform and the indicators included in the form will be based on those of the European Tourism Indicator System (ETIS). However, we would welcome your comments and feedback regarding last year’s input form and any other aspects of the data collection process and will endeavour to implement any suggested changes that make the process easier, faster and / or more efficient.

May I also remind you that you can download the 2013 individual and groups reports (as well as previous years data) from the Destination Intelligence pages within .  Alternatively, I can send individual and group reports on request.

I look forward to receiving your feedback and I will be in touch soon with more details about the 2014 data collection process.

Kind regards

Sergi Jarques

Destination Intelligence Co-ordinator

British Destinations

Direct Line: 01206 392528

Mobile:       07730 664450




Tourism Management Institute (TMI) conference date and venue announced

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TMI Annual Convention: 10-11 November, Stoke-on-Trent – Hold the Date
This year’s TMI Annual Convention will be on 10 -11 November in Stoke-on-Trent.  There will be an optional study visit on the afternoon of 10 November with full conference content starting in the evening.  Programme details are still being finalised, but there will be a focus on industrial regeneration alongside TMI’s usual mix of topical content that will appeal to all members.

Details will be announced as soon as available, but for now, please mark the date in your diary for what promises to be another unmissable opportunity to keep up to date with latest developments and learn from the experience of other destination management professionals, both in formal and informal conference sessions.

Initial information is at with more details and booking available soon.

New tourism research reports added to our research and statistics library

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Yesterday we added the new Sheffield Hallam University report on coastal resort based tourism to the research and statistics section of our website.  Today we have also included new links to the VisitBritain video summary and the more detailed Excel tables that show where oversea visitors stayed in the UK during 2013.  Access these and over 50 other major research and statistical reports via the British Destinations webpage:

If you have access to new or older reports of a strategic nature or of national interest that we have not yet included in the research and statistic library, then please do let us have copies for publication.

Tourism Alliance 2014 Annual Report published

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The Tourism Alliance 2014 Annual Report can be accessed by British Destinations members at:

The minutes of their 2013 AGM are also now available via the protected British Destinations member’s page at:


New coastal tourism report to be published on 18 July

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Sheffield Hallam University report: Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity – Recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England and Wales will be published on Friday 18 July.

The university’s press release, embargoed until midnight 17th July can be found at:

The fully report can be accessed at:

VisitEngland July Destination Communications now available

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VisitEngland’s July edition of Destination Communications is now available via the British Destinations member’s protected page

Welsh Government update on new regional model for tourism in Wales

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The latest update on the new structural and funding arrangements for regional tourism in Wales post October 2014 are available via:

Vacancy Executive Director Island Partnership, Isles of Scilly £55k to £60k closing 21 July

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Details of a new senior tourism appointment offered on the Isle of Scilly at £55k to£60k, closing date 21 July can be accessed at:

Pre publication draft tourism report -Seaside towns in the age of austerity

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British Destinations members can now access for their own internal use a pre-publication draft of the new Sheffield Hallam University report on the seaside tourism industry in England and Wales.  It is made available to allow members and, especially for those with destinations  covered by the report, an opportunity read, digest and understand the information it contains before the report is publicly launched in late July.  The webpage that allows access to the report is protected using the standard member’s login.  If you have forgotten it please feel free to email me now. The webpage the following links take you to also contains a short brief and a number of caveats, please read these and accept them before accessing the report:

On the subject of logins please note that the login will be changing shortly to reflect changing membership and, increasingly, more of the information provided will be protected, both inside and outside the members’ area.  If you are in membership and you don’t have the login or have forgotten it then simply ask for it.  If you are not in membership then perhaps  yet another reason why you should consider joining?