Month: June 2014

See who won this year’s brochure front cover and home webpage awards and why.

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So close was the marking in this year’s awards that 5 brochure front covers were placed by the judges whilst honours went to 3 web homepages.  See which ones and why via our  webpage at:

Invitation to attend the Tourism Alliance AGM 10 July

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The Tourism Alliance, of which we are members, have extended the invitation to attend their AGM on 10 July in London to representatives of individual British Destinations members.  More detail on our webpage at:

British Destinations appointments 2014 -2015

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At the recent AGM Cllr Graham Cain (Blackpool) and Cllr Iris Johnston (Thanet/Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate) were reappointed for a second annual term in their respective appointments of Chairman and Deputy Chair British Destinations.  Gordon Marsden MP Shadow Minister for Transport was reappointed as President from within the current 26 Vice President appointments. Peter Lane and Alan Cavill also continue as Chair and Deputy Chair of the British Destinations Executive. Tony Corfield was appointed as our latest Fellow.

The new “team photo” and more detail on appointments and governance can be found on the following page:


Latest news, research and statistics from the national boards:

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The very latest from Visit Britain, Visit Wales, Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Visit England and from Europe have been added to their menu tabs under the member’s section of the British Destination B2B website:

VBForesight – issue 128_June 2014  Types of transport used while visiting Britain. High level but a must read/scan……..

VisitWales Wales tourism accommodation occupancy survey published  June, plus access to other recent materials (see item 4 on our Visit Wales page).

VE Latest Destination Communication and eNews for June (see items 1 and 2 on our VE page).

NITB: June Intelligence Brief (see item 3 on our NITB page).

Europe A new addition-Tourism Around Europe Quarterly Newsletter.

These are protected pages, if you have not got or have forgotten the login follow the instructions at:


British Destinations Annual Conference summary and presentations

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The initial report, including access to all the major presentations, given during  what proved to be a highly successful and extremely relevant  conference held this week Southport under the auspices of the International Festival of Business can be found at:

Agenda for AGM and joint Board and Executive meetings 16 June

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The agenda for the joint Board and Executive meeting, 0900 -1200 and the AGM, 1715 -1800 on the 16 June, both to be held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel Southport can be accessed at:

Board and Executive:



and the Annual Accounts for 2013/14 :


Conference details and a copy of the programme (booking can still be taken) are at:

Confirmed conference programme published, final bookings still being taken

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We have just added a copy of the confirmed programme to the conference page at: .

Although the conference commences on Monday 16 June we can still take final bookings for a further 24/48 hours, via the same page link.

Invitation to participate in VisitEngland’s third year RGF supported marketing campaigns

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Briefing notes on the VisitEngland’s third year Regional Growth Fund supported marketing campaigns, including detail of the match funding requirements and a request to express interest by no later than 31 July can be found at:

European Tourism Indicators System for Sustainable Management workshop

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UK destination managers are invited to attend a  workshop to be held on 4 July in  Brussels.  The workshop will present the outcomes of the first test of the European Tourism Indicators System for Sustainable Management at Destination Level, highlighting the positive experiences and the difficulties encountered with a view to start a debate of possible future steps to develop and improve the system.  Details can be accessed at:

British Destinations’ conference update

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Brigid Simmonds Chief Executive of British Beer & Pub Association has now confirmed her attendance at the British Destinations’ Annual Conference held  in Southport on 16th and 17th June and outlined the nature of her presentation on the afternoon of the 16th.

In addition to giving views on the specifics of the rates and rate review debate from the specialist area of pubs, which have a unique turnover based rateable valuation, she will give a wider view on the issue from a more general business prospective and touch on, among other things, the 4 option proposals made in the recent British Retail Consortium consultation on rates in England and Wales.  Brigid also intends to give a whistle-stop tour of the major sector which she represents and highlight some of the other key concerns, both local and national that are exercising the minds of her members; many of whom are trading in, and who are key business partners within popular urban and rural, UK visitor destinations.

Conference bookings continue to be taken for both day and staying delegates and there is still availability in the conference hotel, at the conference rate.  Detail and booking forms can be found on, or accessed from, our conference page at: