The Regional Value of Tourism 2011 (2014)

Published by the Tourism Intelligence Unit (TIU), Office for National Statistics (ONS) this report examines the value of tourism in the regions and sub-regions of the UK. Key findings include:

  • London and the South West have the highest percentage of GVA in their areas that is attributable to tourism industries.
  • 40 per cent of all tourism expenditure in 2011 was in London and the South East which amounts to £50 billion.
  • The value of GVA that is directly supported by tourism spend was £13 billion in London in 2011 27% of the UK total.

The report is available at: 2014 – The Regional Value of Tourism 2011

British Destinations member can access this and  all other ONS TIU papers from one place  by visiting the protected member’s page:

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