Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity – Recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England and Wales (2014)

 The impact of economic austerity on Britain’s seaside tourist industry has so far been very unclear. This report updates previous estimates of the employment supported by seaside tourism to cover the years since 2008. The report provides figures for 121 individual resorts around the coast of England and Wales: 2014 SHU report Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity

Original professionally printed hard copy of a very limited print run can be obtained from British Destinations at cost of £100 including free postage and packing.  Orders placed now will  be delivered with complimentary professionally printed copies of both the 0riginal 2010 The Seaside Tourism Industry in England and Wales and the 2003 The Seaside Economy reports.  To place or discuss orders please contact us here.

2 thoughts on “Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity – Recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England and Wales (2014)

    […] Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity – Recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England … […]

    […] Seaside Towns in the Age of Austerity – Recent trends in employment in seaside tourism in England … […]

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