• Great Bionicle!

    Written by (KFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    This was my first toa metru, and my favorite so far. I also have Nuju.
    His drills are very cool, and his armour is just great!
    I got this as a gift from a friend with many other bionicles.
    I did notice this too: On his mask, the hole that is his mouth, is black. On the box, it is grey.

    nice detail
    drills can be put together
    good old gears

    1 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.

  • I like to call it the meat cleaver

    Written by (Unspecified) in United States,

    This guys weapons are my favorite of the toa metru. You can have them seperate and just swipe at people or you can connect them to make what looks like a biig drill. I think he has the coolest mask of the toa metru as well. This is my favorite of the 6. If you like Boinicles and see him in the store absolutely do NOT hesistate to buy him.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Good job, lego

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brazil,

    A good set, the strongest and smallest metru in size, but the most rich in pieces. The black colors are cool, the mask, and his weapon. The weapon when complete can be the most looks likely for a toa of earth, and it don't glows or lights-up. He have gear systems and a dark green eye.

    2 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • My first Toa metru. :)

    Written by (Unspecified) in Ireland,

    Toa Whenua was my first toa metru that I got and I was extremly happy with all`the new features and poseability that came with it. :) I loved all the new peices that came with this set the drills being my favourite parts.:) Whenua was the Toa that got me being an all round earth Toa/Matoran/Turaga fan. I loved his Kanohi mask and still do to this day.(Not to mention the new neck poseability.:) ) Although Whenua is the shortest of the toa metru somehow it brings me to like him even more!:) So overall Toa Whenua is a great set and well worth getting. (Even if it is a little too late.:) )

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Whenua deserves applause!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    I really love this set of Whenua. His Earthshock drills have a great design. Also, their capability to combine is one that no other Toa Metru's tool has. His mask is great, especially the eyes, giving him a dark look. Lego made a great decision in making him the shortest. Since he is dark it makes him seem darkest, mysterious, and unique. The only flaws in his design I can see are that his neck/head movement is stunted from the incompatability to rotate on the axis. This is because of his short stature. Also, the dark green "brain" is hard to see because it is dark. I would have changed the color to the light green of Nuhvok, because other Toa Metru had their "brain" color changed to that of their element's Bohrok. (i.e. Matau-Lehvak, Nokama-Gahlok...) Otherwise, I applaude Lego for their design of Whenua, the best of the Toa Metru.

    2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.