• Whenua as turaga of Mata Nui

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brazil,

    The turaga whenua is a great set and black colors are awesome. The eyes color don't glows very, but in light color heads can be cool. The weapon, a little drill in staff, is in the black color, being a good option for little weapons.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Dwarf

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in New Zealand,

    Turaga Whenua is the shortest Turaga, being just a little shorter than Matau. His drill/thingy staff is quite cool and the mask is pretty good. But he is kinda short, even though Matau is almost as short as him.

    Earth Turaga
    Drill/thingy staff

    Monotonous colours
    Kinda short

    Overall Turaga Whenua gets a 4/5.

    1 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.

  • the midget

    Written by (Unspecified , bronze-rated reviewer) in United Kingdom,

    This is the smallest Matoran ans this is clever because Onua also was slightly shorter then all of the other Toa. It still makes him look a bit like a hunchback which wasn't so much of a problem. These 2 points cancel each other out soo I'll just give it the same score that I gave every other Matoran.

    0 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Yet another great mini Bioncle set

    Written by (Unspecified , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Yes, another Turaga (getting kind of old with six similar structures, but hey atleast they are different). This one is also less fearsom, but at least a sub-lethal weapon... The structure is near identical, except for the pose and height, this guy is a midget compared to the others, but his mask is pretty cool! A great set!

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Tiny hunchback of Onu Wahi

    Written by (Unspecified) in United States,

    I got this set free with all of the original turarga and toa. he is small. Very small. Very simple (what did you expect, the guy is 26 pecies!) He is a hunch back gtoo. His mask is cool though. Very old wise and hunchbacky looking, if that makes any sense whatsoever. I like his drill-dtaff thingy though. I think that the idea of thenm using toa heads without the brain stem for feet was a pretty smart idea. I like the effect his head has with the black head and the green eyes. Not as cool as Ownewa's head but still cool. He also comes with a wimpy rubber band fuction that moves his right arm. Over all a O:K set if you can find him free because i sure as heck would not spend money on this dude!

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.