• Useful pieces for a promotional set

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brazil,

    This set was a promotional set, so, it includes few pieces, but useful. Altough the building is poor, the design of some pieces are good, too the red and black color scheme. Made with some parts of the toa Metru, released in 2004, parts like the Vakama's mask (was later included with Balta and Sarda, matoran that is included in the Karzahni set. Another part included with Vakama are red parts of his arms. The building is poor, using a piece as base, but this don't have a good position and makes some articulations worst, but the mask still fit well. The feet are the same of the throwbots sets (predeccessors of the roboriders subtheme and bionicle theme, released in 1999), and are useful for some bionicle sets, like the other pieces included. The rhotkua spinner launcher is included and stay fit on the central part of the piece used as base, it launchs well, but the position of the launcher makes the movements of the arms and legs worst. Altough this is a small and a poor builted small set, this was a promotional released with Quaker Oats, and it have pieces so much useful. Due to some pieces, this small bionicle gets 5/5.

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