• Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring

    <h1>Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/7661-1/Jedi-Starfighter-with-Hyperdrive-Booster-Ring'>7661-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-III'>Episode III</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2007'>2007</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2007 LEGO Group</div>

    Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring

    ©2007 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    A pleasant surprise this was made

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Some LEGO sets are meant as companions to other sets. This is one such set. 7661 is meant as a companion to 7656 "General Grievous Starfighter", released the same year. It depicts the blue Eta-2 Actis-class starfighter Obi-Wan took to Utapau and the hyperdrive ring that facilitated the journey. There's also a bonus Kit Fisto minifig.

    The fighter itself is very similar to the first model from "Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid" back in 2005. There are, however, some changes. The underside of the cockpit only has one 2x3 inverted slope, to make room for the pieces that hold the ship in the ring. Rather than use a friction hinge brick, the canopy is hinged via a combination of Technic pieces, which unfortunately results in a very loose hinge that A. won't let the cockpit stay open unless it's thrown all the way back (something I used to complain about but nowadays I don't mind) and B. won't keep the cockpit closed if the 4x4 concave dish with the forward viewport printing is loose or too far out (something actually worth complaining about). The change to the small repeating lasers on the sides of the fighter is welcome, however. The use of 1x1 plate-with-grip pieces to hold black narrow rods is sturdier than the original design's use of minifigure neck brackets to hold fuel nozzle pieces. The landing gear is basically unchanged, it does the job alright. The radiator surfaces on the inside of the S-foils and the vents under the top S-foils are stickers, naturally. They work fine. Unfortunately, as with Obi-Wan's red Eta-2 in the Ultimate Space Battle set, there's no stickers for the white/light grey sections on the outer surfaces of the S-foils, which is a bummer - I guess here DSS stands for "Deficient Sticker Sheet". The flaws of no lightsaber storage and no body for the astromech from the first set are repeated. Overall though, it looks nice and is very fun to swoosh around.

    The ring itself is cleverly done, making good use of Technic parts. The elbow variety of the post-with-pinhole pieces enable the circular shape of the skeleton of the ring, while pins allow plates to be mounted with studs facing outward, giving the ring a more solid and bulky look as well as its color. The engines use existing space pod pieces as well as Technic wheels for the basic body, with various tile and dish pieces making up most of the detail. They use two of the 2x2 plate-with-pin-on-bottom piece to attach to the ring (very tightly, I might add - the engines will sooner pop off the pin plates than the pin plates will separate from the ring w/o being pushed). The central section of the ring, where the fighter docks, is nice and sturdy. The only weakness is that the flaps that close down on the fighter when it docks can come off if you're careless, but it's not that big a fault. It looks to sit a bit high when the fighter's in it, but again not that bad. And the ring is swooshable in is own right, especially with the fighter docked. All you have to do is grab by the middle. The ring also features flick-fire missiles. They're the "cone on axle" variety, so they fire very easily but don't stay locked in. As such they tend to fall out during swooshing. However, the ring doesn't look bad without them and since they're on long light bley axles they're reasonably easy to find.

    The minifgures are alright. We get an ROTS Obi-Wan, who has some changes from previous ROTS Obi-Wans (pants color, mainly). He's alright. Unfortunately, he does not have his lightsaber. We also get a bonus Jedi, Kit Fisto. He does have a lightsaber. His head is PVC, and unfortunately doesn't grip his neck tightly (but on the plus side, the flexibility lets him sit in the chair in the cockpit). Still, he looks alright and it's nice to get him. As this is a starfighter set, neither of them have capes and Obi-Wan has a comlink headset included in his facial printing.

    The box is also worth talking about. Many people wonder why it's so big. Well, wonder no more. The box is the size it is so that if you pop the booster ring's engines out of their sockets, you can pack the set neatly away in its box while it's still built. This was VERY thoughtful of LEGO.


    • Comes with the hyperdrive ring, which is nice to have especially since none was ever made for their original Delta-7 set.
    • Captures the fighter in nice detail, makes an improvement from the original set of it
    • Includes a bonus Kit Fisto.
    • Box big enough to store the set in built form with only minor disassembly.


    • No lightsaber for Obi-Wan.
    • The cockpit canopy is unchanged, meaning it still relies on the viewport dish to click closed.
    • The Technic hinge rig for the cockpit canopy has no friction, so if that dish is loose...
    • No body for R4-G9. This was getting really old by this point.
    • No stickers for detailing the outer surfaces of the S-foils.
    • The box's means of closing is an idea that was better on paper.

    I was very happy to receive this set, and I think it was definitely worthwhile at the retail price and at the time. I still think it would be worth getting now, what with the inclusion of that hyperdrive ring. While they've been busily remaking (and in some cases, re-remaking) just about everything from Revenge of the Sith, it's uncertain if this fighter will get remade or if such a remake would include the ring.

    5 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring

    <h1>Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/7661-1/Jedi-Starfighter-with-Hyperdrive-Booster-Ring'>7661-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-III'>Episode III</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2007'>2007</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2007 LEGO Group</div>

    Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring

    ©2007 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Star Wars Set #12: 7661 Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Booster Ring

    Written by (TFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    I got this set for my birthday along with the Rogue Shadow set. This is the second edition of the Jedi interceptor ever made, and the only hyperdrive booster ring. It's great, but with few flaws.


    It's a large box, and it's battling nicely over Mustafar as the starfighter is detaching from the ring. The instructions are clear to read, but it shows how repetitive the build is when constructing the ring.

    The Stickers:

    This set contains ten stickers (four on the wing flaps, two on the cockpit, and two on each of the wings, all on the fighter). None of them were applied to the hyperdrive ring. Ten stickers for a small fighter like this does seem a little much, I must say, but some of them, like the ones on the wing flaps, are necessary.

    The Pieces:

    There's a good piece selection here, I especially like the choices used for the engines on the ring. All the dark blue pieces are nice, and look nice mixed with white and gray.

    The Minifigures:

    Two great figures are included here. The first one is Kit Fisto, one of three I own. He does looks the same as he's always been, but he is an excellent figure! His head detailing is fantastic, and the sand green and brown look great with the big black eyes. He comes with a green lightsaber with that horrible neon yellow green color. Obi-Wan is also included, as the set mostly pretains to him. This is one of the few times he doesn't come with a lightsaber, but I like the figure. He has a headset since he's flying the starfighter mostly. All in all, two very nice minifigs.

    The Jedi Starfighter:

    Technically, it's a Jedi interceptor, but it's still a starfighter in some way. It's a major improvement over the first version, which came in two color schemes. It's not quite as good as the 2012 version, and I'm sure the 2014 version will be better, but it's good. The S-foils fold and unfold into flight and attack mode. The wings have excellent detailing with all those vents. The cockpit of the ship opens up to seat a minifigure, and it's a roomy space in there for Obi-Wan. I've put Kit Fisto in there a few times because for the longest time, I thought it was his fighter. Now I realize, after reading other reviews of the set, that it's actually Aayla Secura's. Moving on from that, the landing gear works pretty well, and is best not used when it's attached to the ring. It has two small technic rods that jut out from the bottom that help it attach to the ring. It fits snugly in there. The one con I have about the ship is that the droid doesn't include a body for it. That's a problem that Jedi interceptors have had until 2012 when that problem is solved.

    The Hyperdrive Booster Ring:

    It's a little more of a disappointment than one would expect, mostly because of the stupid flick-fire missiles. These things don't have weapons, Lego! Leave the shooting to the starfighters! Other than that, though, it's a pretty cool looking thing, to be honest. The engines look amazing, which is why I like it so much. The section of where the starfighter locks into place is well-designed, and it works well when blasting into hyperspace.

    The Final Verdict:

    Stickers - 8/10 - A lot for a small ship like that, but it looks good in the end.

    Pieces - 10/10 - Those engines. Those colors.

    Minifigures - 10/10 - It's an excellent selection of minifigures, especially Kit Fisto.

    Jedi Starfighter - 9/10 - Point off for the dumb droid.

    Hyperdrive Booster Ring - 9/10 - Point off for the flick missiles.

    Final Result - 9.2/10. It's a good little set with a few flaws, and it's fun to swoosh around the house.

    3 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • It's huge but not great build for kids

    Written by (Unspecified , bronze-rated reviewer) in Netherlands,

    First I decided not to buy this one because of several negative reviews I read here. But I just picked this one up with a whopping 40 euros discount. Only because the box was a bit damaged. But everything inside was in tiptop condition. And for that price I thought, to hell with all the reviews, let's make up my own mind!

    The build was quite boring, especially the Booster Ring, so I imagine that the parent is building while the kid is out playing with the finished Starfighter. But since I do not have kids I had all the fun myself. I loved the ring construction (even though it was boring), it gave me several ideas of other constructions in the future. But that a side;

    It's a huge set and offers great playability. I haven't swhooshed it trough the room yet. But when you hold it tight it's feel good.

    There are some spare parts but they came in pairs so I fitted them on somewhere. The Kit Fisto minifig is a very nice bonus, but there is only room for 1 in the fighter, so.. what about that.

    + The size
    + A lot of parts
    + Nice looking Starfighter (altough the back feels a bit empty)
    + Kit Fisto (of course!)

    - Construction of the ring not really fun for kids (I imagine).
    - No place to put Kit Fisto

    Especially because I picked it up at a bargain price, I give it a 5/5.

    6 out of 7 people thought this review was helpful.

  • prepare for the jump to hyper space!

    Written by (Unspecified) in United States,

    One of the best lego sets of 2008! This set comes with an all new Kit Fisto minifig.the hyperdrive ring is awsome,but kind of confusing to build but worth it.
    Kit Fisto
    Obi one
    Blue Jedi Starfighter
    Hyperdrive ring
    hard to build
    I highly recomend this set!

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.

  • i dont get what Kit has to do with anything, but hes here!!

    Written by (Unspecified , silver-rated reviewer) in United States,

    this set is fairly good for the price, and many of you got it over priced, but here in the USA it was only $49.99... any way, this set has Kit-Fisto and an other Obi-Wan Kenobi! Kit is very well made, but in the Complete Saga vidio game, he had a different torso... but its Obi-Wans torso, so we get it in the set! the Jedi Star fighter is well made, and blue, meaning it was Obi's second one. the hyperdrive booster ring was hard and teidius build, but worth the sturdy, cool-looking booster ring we get afterwards! there ARE stickers, but i dont get why everyone complains about them so much... they dont even overlap parts in this set!! DONT MAKE A MONTEN OUT OF A MOLE HILL! the booster jets on the side of the ring are also well-made, but fall off fairly easily... the set also has some of those dumb flick-fire-misles, but whatcha gonna do? so, dont get it over priced, dont get it if you're NOT a Star Wars fan, but GET IT if you fill these requirments! Kit Fisto is very well made, and very detailed, too...

    2 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.