• The Razor Crest

    <h1>The Razor Crest</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75331-1/The-Razor-Crest'>75331-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Ultimate-Collector-Series'>Ultimate Collector Series</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2022'>2022</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2022 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    A Perfect Set (Even for a Perfectionist)

    Written by (AFOL) in United Kingdom,

    I want to preface this review by saying I am a perfectionist when it comes to lego, especially Star Wars. I like my sets to be perfect minifigure scale (or as spot on as it can be) with accurate scaling and interior details. This might make me difficult to please but as a Star Wars fan, single pilot crafts are nice and easy to do well, it is a cockpit which fits one character. Give me that with a nice cockpit chair and good exterior greebling, and I am a happy man. Sets that fit this bill for me are the 2018 X-Wing and the 2023 Tie Bomber.

    When it was first rumoured that Lego were doing a UCS Razorcrest I was pretty worried, the last attempt at a Razorcrest was poor. It was great for a £120 play scale Razorcrest but as a stickler for details and interior accuracy, I was left extremely unsatisfied. However, the UCS AT-AT is perfection when it comes to scaling and nailing an accurate interior (besides the lack of access from cockpit to fuselage, which is the height of my pickiness) so I put my faith in Lego once again.

    I think it is extremely difficult to do a ship with a vast interior (and two floors!) the justice it deserves but after reserving my judgement till after building, nearly all of my criteria was met. It is just the height of lego perfection! As far as interesting greebling and accurate scale is concerned this set is where it's at. As I was building this set I was constantly looking at reference images of the ship and at every stage of the build my expectations were met. This thing looks incredible. Every panel that is placed on the exterior of the ship is well detailed and has the perfect ratio of SNOT to studs showing, making it one of the most impressive lego ships to behold.

    Interior accuracy and realism is something that is extremely difficult to achieve in Lego due to the quality standards lego upholds, with many plates having to be reinforced there is often not enough room for a suitable interior to be provided. One example I have of this is the UCS Slave 1, an incredibly beautiful set with interesting and accurate exterior details but without the full interior of the Slave 1 it can only rank so highly on my list of favourites. This is the same way I felt about the UCS Millenium Falcon, the interior details they provided are excellent but there is quite alot of it missing, which is especially frustrating when the areas where interior was needed were left empty.

    This Razorcrest has one of the most accurate interiors I have ever seen lego achieve at a ship this scale. It is spot on in every way even down to the ladder placement and opening into the second floor. As accuracy goes, this set was extremely satisfying even for a perfectionist. If you feel the same way as I do and love the scaling to minfigures and exact interior spaces this (and the UCS AT-AT) is just the set you need.

    Despite being extremely picky I understand there are elements that lego simply could not include in this design and as a result I am not disappointed by the lack of the following features:

    - Sliding door into the cockpit: It would be unreasonable to suggest that this could be added to the model, with the thickness of lego plates and the clearance needed to achieve this, this would not be possible in any way.

    - Retractable landing gear: Again, given the weight of this set and the technic structure required to support these landing struts in the first place, it would be unreasonable to suggest that lego could achieve this with the parts they have available.

    Having previously described this as the perfect lego set, that does not mean that I could not find flaws with the accuracy of this model. However, given what it does achieve, I can not give this any lower than 5 stars. The flaws in accuracy can be found below:

    1.) The placement of the carbon freezing chamber/ gun cabinet: Due to the size of the gun cabinet lego produced and the structure required to hold the second floor in place there was no way for Lego to include the gun cabinet they built besides the side door where it is seen in the series. However, by then moving it down the ship it takes the places of the carbonite freezing chamber and carbonite blocks which are subsequently pushed to the other side of the ship. For me personally I would much prefer the carbonite chamber/blocks to be placed in the correct position and the gun cabinet to be downsized or even represented using a few clips on the side panel towards the front of the ship.

    2.) The vac tube: The vac tube is located at the front of the ship next to the cockpit ladder and this was omitted from the final lego set. I think this is a great shame, and if the design of the ship had been developed, could fit right beside Mando's bed.

    3.) Boarding Ramps: The boarding ramps located on both sides of the ship needed to be longer. The angle at which these must be to touch the ground is extremely steep and takes away the accuracy of how they look (because they look great!)

    4.) Despite never being seen in the show, at the back of the second level there is a door to access the escape pod. Whilst this door did not need to function I would have liked to have seen this included in the back of the second level.

    Given that I have found 4 points where I would like to see the designers improve this set, it may seem ironic that I am calling this the perfect set. However, given the fact that my expectations are somewhat unreasonable and this is the closest lego has ever got to perfect accuracy I cannot deduct a single point from this set (although I would give it a 4.92 if I could!). The designer should be extremely proud of what they have accomplished with this set and I hold this set dear to my perfectionist heart. I hope that this strive for accuracy continues into upcoming UCS and 18+ vehicles as it will certainly get me opening my wallet for further purchases.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this review, and if you are stickler for scaling and interior details like me, then know, that this is the set for you.

    18 out of 19 people thought this review was helpful.