• Eclipse Fighter

    <h1>Eclipse Fighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75145-1/Eclipse-Fighter'>75145-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Freemaker-Adventures'>The Freemaker Adventures</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Naare is awesome!

    Written by (AFOL) in United States,

    I thought the Freemaker Adventures on DisneyXD were very entertaining and gave great little "in between" stories for the Star Wars universe. So when I saw they made a few sets from the series, I had to have them! This one featuring the first antagonist of the show, is amazing! The characters featured in this set are highly detailed and come with everything they need to follow the show. Naare, the Sith lord is bad*ss! The minifig follows that theme! And her lightsaber handle is unique, as I've never seen one like it on any other character.

    The set also comes with another of the series' antagonists, Gangar. A great added addition as his speeder bike is highly detailed and can actually be used by the minifig. He can stand and hold the controls as if he's actually using the bike! Totally unusual and awesome! Gangar also comes with a blaster rifle that can mount to back of the bike.

    The ship itself is awesome! The build was easy but not too easy and the overall aesthetic is incredibly accurate. The playability is amazing too! It "transforms" from flight mode to battle mode exposing 2 blaster cannons which is totally cool! It looks cool and plays cool... what more could you ask for!?

    The cost is worth the value if you know what I mean!

    6 out of 7 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Eclipse Fighter

    <h1>Eclipse Fighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75145-1/Eclipse-Fighter'>75145-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Freemaker-Adventures'>The Freemaker Adventures</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Interesting ship

    Written by (AFOL) in United States,

    I honestly have no idea where this ship is in the Star Wars universe, I think I heard there was animated show or game that had it, but that didn't stop me from seeing this for $19 and picking it up because it looks really neat. It has a very very cool way of splitting the wing sections to reveal the weapons. The speeder bike it comes with is a nice addition.

    Now off to figure out what this ship is from!

    This review has been rated unhelpful.

  • Eclipse Fighter

    <h1>Eclipse Fighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75145-1/Eclipse-Fighter'>75145-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Freemaker-Adventures'>The Freemaker Adventures</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    The Freemaker's Adversary Appears.

    Written by (AFOL , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Canada,

    Set #75145 Eclipse Fighter: LEGO teamed up with Disney and Lucasfilm to make some brand new content, a new television series and two sets based on the adventures of the Freemaker family in the LEGO Star Wars universe. This was the smaller of the two sets from 2016 and features a very solid looking model and some fun Minifigures.


    Box: Your standard looking box based on The Force Awakens design showcasing the model on the front in a dynamic action scene and a detailed schematic on the back of both vehicles, plus a ton more imagery.

    Instructions: The instructions are perfect, there are no difficult steps to follow along with and the rear includes some cross-promotional images and the Minifigure checklist. Short and simple for the description this time.


    This set doesn’t seem to have any rare pieces or too many unique looking ones. I doubt it’d be a decent parts pack if you’re looking for specific pieces, the only one that stands out to me is the Technic double-sided pin piece with the central pin circle in the middle, and do forgive me about the name of this part… I’m afraid some of them are just ones I don’t run into enough to memorize the part names.


    Dengar: Notorious Bounty Hunter Dengar is included for the first time in a relatively cheap set. This iteration of his Minifigure uses a double-sided torso print with some great detail work, ordinary dark brown pants, a long blaster rifle accessory and a buildable backpack which attaches to a neck bracket.

    His face features a strong likeness to the bandage wrapped head of the bounty hunter on the front, there is no back printing unfortunately, however he’s using a new head piece which was first seen in LEGO CMF Series 15 for the Clumsy Guy bandaged head.

    Narre: A new Sith Apprentice to Emperor Palpatine in the world of LEGO Star Wars, she hides her true Sith Nature by pretending to be a survivor of the Jedi Purge. Unfortunately LEGO did not include the blue Jedi Lightsaber she uses while perpetrating this deception.

    Her torso is double-sided with plain grey robes and her legs features added print details of the long robe, her head is dual-sided. One is the regular Jedi Facial Markings with white tattoos and a happy expression, the other is the Sith markings and an angry expression. She includes a blue hood or a black hair piece for different looks and wields a red Sith lightsaber with Asajj Ventress’ hilt piece.

    Her blue cape is the new material so that she can keep wearing it while stuffed into the cockpit of her personal Starfighter and it won’t lose its shape. Overall a very nice new character to add to the LEGO Star Wars universe.

    The build

    Bag 1: Dengar leaps to action to build his Swoop Bike and then you can start on the cockpit of the Eclipse Fighter. The Swoop build is pretty impressive and I like how unique it is compared to numerous Speeder Bike builds from other sets. As far as the cockpit section is concerned there isn’t anything that jumps out at me as being difficult to do, it’s a fairly straightforward build.

    Bag 2: This portion of the build starts to include the skeletal structure of the wings, and here’s where some of the placement of parts needs to be exact and could cause tricky problems for younger builders. Mostly because the Technic elements will not be secured until the wings are fully built and they tend to flop around a lot as you move the model to construct each section as you go forward. Once you complete the bag you will secure the floppy bits with more Technic pins and bricks solidifying everything, but placement needs to be exact for the play feature to work properly.

    Bag 3: This bag brings Narre to the fold, you also get to complete the wings by adding the external detailing parts. This section of the build is pretty quick, and there aren’t any moving floppy parts to get in the way as you construct and attach all of the detail pieces to the wings, it shouldn’t take too long to finish off this main model.

    The completed model

    Dengar’s Swoop: This is a pretty decent little model, the only flaw in its design that some may not appreciate is that Dengar needs to stand to pilot it instead of sitting down like with most Speeder’s in this size range. It’s a fun little swooshable model.

    Eclipse Fighter: This ship was designed specifically for Freemaker Adventures and the look of the model truly captures this design quite well. It’s a very Sith-inspired ship with tons of black and red parts. There are some design cues that remind me of General Grievous’ personal Starfighter. Especially in attack mode when the wings sweep in closer to the chassis to grant access to the friction based launchers.

    This is a great looking ship and isn’t bogged down with awkwardly placed play features or anything like that, it’s a great design and quite fun to play with. There’s a storage clip for Narre’s Lightsaber, and the cockpit can hold a single Minifigure without any issues.

    Overall this is a great looking Starfighter and an awesome model. The highlight of the set right here.

    Overall opinion

    Strong offering as one of LEGO’s unique Star Wars designs. I strongly recommend picking up this set, there is only a few things that could have improved upon it. First of all, Narre doesn’t include her blue lightsaber and secondly there are only Two Minifigures in a 30$ LEGO set, when we’re used to seeing 3 Minifigures, this is a bit unfortunate, but I can get past these minor issues because the set is extremely well designed and executed.

    14 out of 14 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Eclipse Fighter

    <h1>Eclipse Fighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75145-1/Eclipse-Fighter'>75145-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Freemaker-Adventures'>The Freemaker Adventures</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    "My name is Narre. I'm a friend."

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United Kingdom,

    Lego releases its first series of kits from the new Freemaker Adventures series.


    The standard mid size rectangular box for kits in this price range. Narre is the figure of choice on the top with Dengar just next to her. The front shows the ship and speeder in a battle scene. The back has the blueprint spec of the speeder and the fighter, the vehicles in a hangar bay and several pictures showing the play features
    There is one square instruction book.


    The average per piece ratio for a kit of this size. The pieces are mainly black and dark red. There are some nice new pieces I haven't come across before in the set, especially the grey 2x2 plates with twin studs on the base.
    There are 3 bags in the box.
    Bag 1 contains the Swoop Bike, the cockpit section of the fighter and Dengar.
    Bag 2 contains the lower hull and front bracing for the fighter.
    Bag 3 contains both wing sections, engine pods, stabiliser wings and Narre.


    The set comes with Narre and Dengar.
    Narre features excellent printing across her torso and legs. Her head piece features two faces. Her more human face has white tattoo markings while her Sith face had red markings and more 'angry' looking eyes. The instruction manual suggests that her human guise is just the plain robes with the black hair piece while her Sith guise has the blue hood and blue cloth cloak. She's armed with a curved hilt red lightsaber. This uses the same type as Asajj Ventress' from The Clone Wars.
    Dengar was the primary reason I purchased this set. As I don't own the UCS Super Star Destroyer, this was the easiest way to get one of the best versions of the bounty hunter. He has an excellently detailed torso and head. Adding the bandage style head piece, a backpack and an assault rifle, and you have a great little minifigure.

    The build

    Total building time, 20 minutes.
    Nothing unusual in the build and it's a pretty straightforward kit with regards to construction. A nice use of Technic pieces to create the swing mechanism for the front of the Eclipse Fighter, allowing both wings and pods to move in concert. The movement of the wings folding in and out, with the engine pods sweeping back is very smooth.
    The Swoop Bike is a very basic build as well and takes a couple of minutes to throw together.

    The completed model

    The Eclipse Fighter is a bit of an odd beast. It's very solid in its construction so very flyable for kids. The whole front slides forward to activate the swing wing mechanism and reveals two spring loaded missile launchers. There is a clip underneath for lightsaber storage. The cockpit seats one figure (just) and there are 4 positionable stabiliser wings on the rear.
    However, there are a couple of issues with the ship. The wings are rather heavy and pull down on the support struts so the model does not stay perfectly in line. Also, the cockpit is very shallow, features no controls and Narre just lays in there, which is a shame.
    With the wing mechanism the size changes so it measures from 17.5 - 20.5 cm long, 18.5 - 23 cm wide and 7 cm tall.
    The Swoop Bike is a nice little vehicle with positionable control grips, seats one minifigure, has positionable steering vanes and control grips and there is a clip at the back for weapon storage.
    It measures 9 cm long, 6 cm wide and 4 cm tall.

    Overall opinion

    Not a bad set and probably one just for fans who enjoy the show. The Eclipse Fighter is very sturdy and playable but other than that, there's not really a lot going for it. If like me, you want a really good Dengar figure, then this may be a good purchase for you.

    24 out of 27 people thought this review was helpful.