• Original boxing and wicked fighters

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    I never got or saw the old Y-wing & Darth Vader Tie but this is the set I got and it rocks. Along with the X-wing, 2 Ties and the Millennium Flacon you can relive the scene of the destruction of the first death star. This set sety is wicked and I advise all to get it before it retires (again).

    * Y-Wing pilot and droid
    * Darth Vader with lightsaber
    * Cool Y-Wing and Tie

    * Still the flimsy joints connecting the cockpit to the wings on the Tie.

    Overall I recommend you to get this set before its to late!

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Improved TIE, but original "Y"

    Written by (Unspecified , gold-rated reviewer) in United Kingdom,

    I am really pleased this set has been re-released as this has enabled me to obtain the Y – Wing that I previously missed. Although this is a re-issue, there are some differences from the previous ones 7150 and 7152. It uses the new shades of grey for both ships, and despite the impression given by the official photograph above, the TIE advanced is the improved version that first appeared in set 10131 - so I now have 2 of them. The confusion is made worse by the picture on the instruction booklet showing the original version whereas that on the box shows (correctly) the improved version! I am planning to use my second TIE advanced as the basis of a TIE interceptor. Unfortunately it still uses those blue bricks/plates - see my review of 10131.

    The box is (very nicely) embossed with both ships and Star Wars branding standing out. This time the caption “Original Trilogy Edition” is correctly applied to both these prototypes. The Y - Wing appears to be unmodified from before, which is a pity as the same problem remains with oversize cannon swivelling around a little too easily. I shall think of something to make them at least smaller, more accurate and more stable. In my opinion the opportunity should have been taken to modify/improve the design like some of the other excellent SW re-releases such as the X – Wing. The other disappointment is that the engine nacelles should really be turned through 45 degrees to be more accurate – I will be working on a way of achieving this also. Finally the undercarriage leaves much to be desired, and should have been improved.

    Whilst I am grateful to have had the opportunity to belatedly obtain the Y – Wing, overall I think this set is a little overpriced at £43 GBP for what you get compared to what you get set 10131 for £65 GBP. However, it is still cheaper than the old sets on auction sites so from that viewpoint it is worth it. I rate the set as an 8 because of price and the fact that although the TIE is modified, the Y – Wing retains its original problems and is not quite up to the standard in terms of accuracy and design of the latest SW re- releases.

    4 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Great "ship" set!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    This classic set gives you two awesome ships..........the T-25A Y-wing attack starfighter, and the TIE Advanced X1 starfighter! The Y-wing has some pretty nifty details. It has a pretty involved fuselage section in which it uses alotta bricks and crurves to make it look mechanical, but aerodynamic. The engines with the Y-wing are one of my favorite parts, they are round and tubular and have the great "pulse-rods" that lead to the back, increasing the Y's length a few inches. The cockpit has some flaws and I'll tell you about them right now................... The pilot must have a heck of a hard time flying when he is lying down and the control display is blocked by his feet because it is so low, and the yellow and white colors are a little too squarish. The front heavy blasters are nice but the large ion laser cannon that sits above the cockpit is attached to a loose swiveling piece so the cannon shifts and swings around when you play with it. I put it on the back section to make it thwart flanker attacks. It is a pretty large and cool starfighter.

    The TIE Advanced X1 Starfighter.
    This fighter is so easy to hold, it is a 10! The no-control cockpit is a little dodgy but you can easily add some with the descent space given. Darth Vader comes with it but I always take of his cape in order to sit him down easier. The Advanced is a deadly starfighter, it is quicker and more maneuverable than any rebel Y-wing! The TIE Advanced occasionally has the solar pylons and a cool back part that makes it much easier and stronger to hold! I also like the TIE Family colors, and now, I have every lego TIE Fighter made, I call it the Imperial Air Force! This is a dashing set and I give it a 9 because of the few flaws of the Y-wing. get it to complete a starwars collection. A burning 9.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Awesome set!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    I couldn't be more pleased with this set. It exactly lived up to my expectations, and I have to shout out to ToysRUs for getting the exclusive re-release and then having both ships set up in awesome form diving on each other behind a glass display case (along with most of the other Lego Christmas lineup). The display cases get me every time.


    Y-wing: perfectly detailed, socket for R5, pilot's face (isn't his face from a space police model?) engines and the incredible way the aft engine extensions are stuck on. The Y-wing comes out looking spectacular. The length and amount of detailing with slope and plate pieces make the ship look and feel intricate, giving it just the sense of mechanical complexity and ramshackle clumsiness that makes the movie Y-wings so endearing.

    Vader: His presence is felt! ("It came from behind....")

    TIE/Advanced: welcome relief to the wobbliness of the regular TIE Fighter. This one has me thinking of customizing a TIE intereceptor. Improved connection for the cockpit makes the fighter a joy to swoosh around.

    Y-Wing's Engines: These actually don't wobble; they attach tightly.

    Price: I'll just put this here, because I almost never say anything good about price. I paid $50 for this set, and I think it's a fair price.


    Wobbliness of the TIE/A: The back portion of inner hull is snapped on with Technic bits so that it's removable. Doesn't realy detract; the model stays together far better than the TIE Fighter, which itself is a great set anyway. It's also easy to customize the TIE/A with a few extra gray plates so that the whole thing is locked together. Otherwise, the feature does make it easy to redesign the whole thing into a TIE Interceptor without the big aft hull section.

    Y-wing's Ion cannons: they're said to wobble, and they do, a bit, but they can't move too far because the guns are wedged between the ridge lines of the canopy, so they only wobble about thirty degrees. The plane looks the same if you substitute a regular red plate for the turntable. What I've done is take apart the turntable and stuck some tape in the bottom to friction up the turning. Works perfectly, and the guns are stable.

    Landing gear of the y-wing, just sticks on the bottom. Makes for a less detailed underside of the ship.

    Set gets a 9 because it's not a perfect 10, but darn close.

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.

  • 2 in one!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    My parents purchased this for me off Ebay (they didn't rerelease it in Canada) and I waited for 2 weeks.
    When I finally got it, I was so happy!
    The best thing about this set is that it has two great ships in one, at the same price of the new X-wing fighter (a great set!).

    The Tie advanced: Of the two, I think this one looks the coolest. Unlike almost everyone else, I actually like the blue!
    There's only one problem, but it is a big one: it's too wobbly.
    The best part is how the cockpit opens. 8/10

    The Y-wing fighter: This one is a good solid ship. The colors are nice, and those back engines look really cool. It's very "swooshable" although when you move it, the guns swing too much. Other than that, I see no problems. 9/10

    The minifigs: Perfect. I love the darth fig, how they got his helmet so detailed, and the face underneath is great! The Y-wing pilot is great, especially his helmet. The droid is cool, but looks identical to R2-d2. If his head was a big squarish it would have been better. But that's a very small problem. 10/10

    OVERALL: 9/10

    2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.