• Star Wars/Lego nirvana

    Written by (AFOL) in Australia,

    OK, lets just get this out of the road. If you like Star Wars and Lego (and you still have a pulse), you REALLY should grab this model. I really love this model at lot. I picked it up brand new for a decent price, it has a solid brick count, awesome detail, good use of colour and it is a fun build.

    I have owned it for a few years now, it lived down in my games room (attached to the shed of my old house). When we moved to our new home it was partly dis-assembled and stayed that way for a while...until I pulled it apart totally. It stayed that way for 18 months. So Boxing day '09 I decided that it really needs to see the light of day again.

    I guess once I sorted the parts (which took about 30mins of so) the entire build took me about 3-4 hours with a few breaks in between. The assembly is in several stages: cockpit, fuselage, nose, cargo bay and the each wing/engine section. The build only becomes slightly repetitive when you get to the wings (as you would expect with 4 of them). I don't consider this a bad thing, any model with a symmetrical construction will have some repetition to it.

    The model is very well detailed. There are some really coll details along the fuselage, engines and blasters. The construction of the nose is nicely done and adds a good solid weight to the front of the model (it is quite back heavy with the wings attached.

    Some people complain about the lack of a pilot mini-fig. While it is a bummer, the model is actually to a larger scale than what a mini-fig is, the R2 unit is far to large to be a mini-fig in the correct size (R2 is not as tall as an adult). It still looks cool, and to have had a min-fig in the pilot seat would have required the model be smaller than it is. I am willing to trade off the min-fig for the bigger size and better detailed cockpit.

    The hardest part of the construction is getting the gearing in the correct position to operate the S-foils (wings). The gears mesh together easy, but getting the cross-shafts in the correct place so that the wings will come together and more importantly open to give the signature 'X' shape can be tricky. The trouble being that you will not know if you have it totally right until you are just about finished (the wings are fitted last). It can take some time to get this right, or, some frustration if you get it wrong and have to pull it apart to rebuild the gearbox.

    The only negative I can think of are the stickers. I am not a fan of stickers in any capacity. Having said that, I have never applied them to my model and I still think it looks great. I did, however use the large sticker for the spec-plate on the display stand. Try to avoid leaving this in a place where the room tends to get quite hot, the sticker seems to perish and flake quite quickly as a result.

    All in all, the model is rather robust (obviously the blasters are a little flimsy...but they are impressively long as well). The wings and blasters can be easily removed to storage. Perched on it's display stand it looks awesome. Funny thing, just as I was getting the wings on, I started playing through the space battle from Return of the Jedi in my head. I may just have to watch that later today.

    This was my first UCS model. Owning this has really has made my mind up to buy as many more other UCS models as I can. I said this before, if you love Star Wars and Lego...get one...you will not regret it. This is one of the best Lego kits ever released.

    6 out of 6 people thought this review was helpful.

  • See it to believe it.

    Written by (Unspecified , silver-rated reviewer) in United Kingdom,

    It's really quite difficult to describe just how good this model really is. Everything about it is awsome, the detail of it is just staggering. The gearbox for opening the "X" foils into "attack position", is on it's own a work of art. Not only does it work superbly, but you can't see it actually working which I think adds to the magic. The cockpit is outstanding also in it's detail, it even has printed (yes I know, printed!!) bricks representing Luke's flight computer and a nice little joystick, even the seat looks authentic. The wings or "foils" are made up seperatly, there's no repetition in their construction, as each one is unique, so those of you who don't like repetitive steps can breathe a sigh of relief. The only drawback, if you can call it that is the use of stickers mainly on the wings, but I can't see any way around that, so I'll let it pass. I only paid £60 for it not long after it's release and I'm sure glad I did. On the whole a truly outstanding model, get one as soon as you see one, you won't regret it.

    5 out of 5 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Supersized X!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    This is one of my first UCS series products that I bought. It is hugely impressive when done but is more of a display thing than a play thing. It has the sharpest details ever and the color scheme is fabulous. The cockpit canopy is one of the best ever made. The engines are also good! This is a good vehicle for your technic people to fly! The wing mecganism works well and this looks like an X-wing from the files of Lucas! The cokpit with moving controls is the best and you cant get better building! I wish it came with a pilot for it somehow, not minifigs, not jack stones, but technic people would be perfect! This is a whole new realm of detail for me but I tell you that the large minifig craft like the Millennium Falcon and Republic LAAT/i Gusnhip would be nice UCS models by themselves! By the way, you CAN play with the Millennium Falcon new. Overall, this is a nice set, and anyone who can find one should gettit now.
    A pounding 10!

    2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.

  • best UCS so far

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    this is a classic UCS and classic Star Wars set. Looks great with the Luke Minifig in front and Artoo. Every Lego UCS fan should have 2 at least!!
    Great functionality with the wing mechanism. I never thought that would work when putting it together, but it´s firm now for 4 years! Looking forward for the Death Star...

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Its a bueaty!!!!!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    It is such a bueaty!! The Wings are very detailed, the copkit us very well made (It can kind of fold up) and the wing moving is excellent!!!! I can reccoment this set to anyone who is a true star war fan.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.