Written by (Unspecified , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    As the topic says I love the Y-wing so I obviesly love this set! The Y-wing is very realistic! I don't like how the pilot has to lay down to fit! The Tie-Fighter is the same as other Tie-fighters. I also like how it comes with a droid, pilot and Darth Vader. The price is a bit steep, I think it should be $25.00! I do think you should get this set though!
    Republic Commando Sev

    0 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • A TIE fighter and Y-wing in one set!

    Written by (TFOL , platinum-rated reviewer) in Canada,

    In the past, TLC used blockier pieces for construction, which made the ship look somewhat unrealistic and lacking in aesthetics. Over the years, however, this improved as TLC started using sleeker, curved pieces, which resulted in a better, more realistic model. Even if chunkier pieces were used back then, at least the overall design looked realistic, to a certain extent. It's understandable that piece variety was more limited in the past.


    -Y-Wing is actually fairly large, the engines look very realistic, there are cannons above the cockpit (that can rotate) and on the nose of the fighter
    -There is a small compartment immediately behind the rotating cannons and a larger one behind the droid
    -Targeting computer and joystick
    -Cockpit opens to seat pilot
    -Comes with astromech droid and a slot for it to go into
    -TIE Fighter is realistic, has adjustable wings, has realistic cockpit window
    -TIE's roof opens to seat pilot inside
    -Cockpit has control panel
    -Laser cannons on cockpit window
    -Comes with DARTH VADER and his lightsaber


    -Both fighters are too blocky, in fact, the front of the Y-Wing should be sloped in a curving manner
    -Y-Wing's landing gear can't retract, you have to take each support off manually, then it becomes a pain to put it back on
    -All blue pieces on TIE are supposed to be grey

    Overall a decent set for playing but if you're about the details I would get the collector's models.

    2 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • The Dual, but misplaced!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    This set is mighty good. I got the TIE Collection, the TIE Bomber, and this for Christmas so I have an airforce of TIEs. The Y-wing is awfully narrow but the engines and body section look very realistic. The minifig is good, has a unique Biggs Darklighter helmet, but the control display sucks. This does have control sticks though, so it is realistic in that way. The cockpit is slim so the poor guy has to lie down to fly it. The Y-wing is cool, and looks realistic. The TIE Advanced is like any other TIE Advanced, it is thick, cool, sturdy, and well put together and designed. I am an Imperial pilot, thpugh, so I root for the stormies and TIE squadrons! A descent 9! Overpriced, though!

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.