• Ultimate Robin

    <h1>Ultimate Robin</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/70333-1/Ultimate-Robin'>70333-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights'>Nexo Knights</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Ultimate'>Ultimate</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>

    Ultimate Robin

    ©2016 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Fear the power of chicken!

    Written by (Parent , platinum-rated reviewer) in Japan,

    Robin finally gets the ultimate treatment! Does he have the power to bring his foes to their knees? Let's take a closer look!

    Packaging and Parts:

    We get the usual fare for NEXO Knights with a nice front cover detailing the figure and some of his ultimate weapons. Like all sets for this line in 2016 the box had bright colors and presented a bright and adventurous tone to everything.

    Inside we will find 2 bags, a manual and no stickers.

    The set also comes with a tool box some chicken drum sticks a lightning bolt hand piece and 2 different types of spring loaded shots.


    We get one figure in this set and it is Robin. He comes with everything he needs to fight his foes and then some. Like most figures in this line we get a figure here that has fantastic printing front and back, though I must confess I am partial to the prints on the back of his torso. I think it is the silver column armor print he got. It really looks amazing. Like everything else in NEXO though it is also a huge shame a lot of that excellent printing is hidden behind armor.

    But this set has one great detail that I wish all other NEXO sets had, we get a helmet and a hair piece for Robin. I want a hair piece for the rest of my Knights, why didn't LEGO do this for the others? Though I do prefer him with his helmet on for any of the powers he is using.

    The Completed Build:

    If you have assembled these before then you know what you are getting here. Still the rotating cannons look pretty cool on Robin if they are a bit ridiculous. His NEXO powers aren't too shabby either. The one with the chicken legs in particular can come in handy in the game as they tend to linger about and replenish your health when picked up.


    If you are still working on getting the full line up of Ultimate Knights from last year then this set is a must. The powers included are decent enough but getting all those fun pieces and two distinct pieces of headgear make this a great pick up.

    Also you just gotta use that helmet. Robin looks more fierce with it on!

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Ultimate Robin

    <h1>Ultimate Robin</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/70333-1/Ultimate-Robin'>70333-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights'>Nexo Knights</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Ultimate'>Ultimate</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>

    Ultimate Robin

    ©2016 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Battling with Chicken Legs?

    Written by (AFOL , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Canada,

    Set #70333 Ultimate Robin: Every Knight gets an Ultimate form, even Robin and this is a pretty interesting choice. The real problem I’d say with this set is that Robin’s extra arsenal makes things really hard for him to stand. That being said this set is still interesting and here’s why.


    I’ve spoken at length about this packaging design in every review so far, by this point I’ve got not much to say anymore. Passable packaging, decent design choice for storing the set and instructions.


    Robin: This is pretty much the same Minifigure found in the Mini-Fortrex polybag, the only difference is the accessories, here he gets his own shield and sword as well as a suit of armour to wear. The torso, legs, hair and head are just the same as the Polybag, unlike the Knights he doesn’t get a different colour scheme for his Ultimate Powered up form.

    The Nexo Powers & Display Stand

    Mech Master: This NEXO Power is a pair of wrenches over something that I can’t quite identify, it might be supposed to indicate a gear. This power gives Robin a massive looking backpack with two pressure missile launchers on ball joints that can move independently and be used as extra legs to make Robin taller when he has to fight a Lava Monster.

    Chicken Power: This NEXO Power has a chicken on the printed element. Using it Robin can put on a helmet and throw chicken legs at the enemy… a really unconventional attack. Not much to it honestly.

    Storm Dragon: Another dragon head and neck printed on the NEXO Power shield, this ability changes Robin’s missiles to blue and he has a toolbox and lightning accessory element. Honestly, really unusual power, but considering Robin is the mechanic to the NEXO Knights this does suit him.

    The display stand is the same as the other knights and looks great. That pretty much covers it.

    Overall opinion

    Ultimate Robin is a mixed bag, he’s got some weak abilities and accessories, but the massive backpack he wears really looks great and is canon to the show from what little I’ve seen of it. I like the overall look of that build, and I’d recommend picking this up if you could get it half price on clearance. It doesn’t offer much, but it is nice. Mildly recommended.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.