• Ultimate Macy

    <h1>Ultimate Macy</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/70331-1/Ultimate-Macy'>70331-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights'>Nexo Knights</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Ultimate'>Ultimate</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>

    Ultimate Macy

    ©2016 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    She's got a hammer! Watch out!

    Written by (Parent , platinum-rated reviewer) in Japan,

    The daughter of King Halbert and Queen Hama Halbert comes to us in ultimate form! Is she still worth it? Let's take a look!

    Packaging and Parts:

    We get the usual fare here. A nice box design focusing on our protagonist. The colors are bright and the shot is very appealing.

    Inside you will find one manual, two bags and no stickers.

    You will get so many 1x1 round studs in red and green you may be at a loss as to how to use them all up in other things. We get the silver triangular slope piece introduced for NEXO Knights as well as vine pieces, two golden bars and the ever useful NEXO crate. In addition you get 3 NEXO powers. Considering this ends up looking the simplest of the Ultimate sets it sure packs a lot of parts. Oh, and lets not forget that trans-red armor piece. Good stuff.

    When you are done, you will have these parts lying about, though maybe more red 1x1 pieces if you swap out the armory on Macy. that is a lot of 1x1s!


    We get the one and only Macy Halbert in this set and boy she is a thing to behold. The color choices here are outstanding. The print work on her torso, hips and legs is beyond compare and extends to the back as well. Year one of NEXO totally took me by surprise and this type of minifigure is the reason why. The detailing is so fantastic.

    In addition Macy has a duel sided head piece. One with her confident smile(which shows off her chipped tooth) and the other her battle-worn look. I like her smiling face the best.

    Once clad in armor and armaments she looks simply stunning!

    The Completed Model:

    Once completed you will have Macy sporting a side cannon and like all of these sets an armory, she can swap out the NEXO powers and wield the appropriate armory weapon that corresponds to that power.

    This particular armory is probably the simplest looking of the lot but somehow feels fitting to our character. All of these powers are decently useful in the companion app but then again much depends on your play style.


    After reviewing all of the main knights in the line this is probably my favorite one. Her persona is quirky but compared to the other knights she is probably the most stable one of the bunch. Her bright red color scheme along with the dragon print on her armor will be a draw for many to be sure.

    If you are a fan of the line or associated media then this set is a total must have!

    9 out of 9 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Ultimate Macy

    <h1>Ultimate Macy</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/70331-1/Ultimate-Macy'>70331-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights'>Nexo Knights</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Ultimate'>Ultimate</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>

    Ultimate Macy

    ©2016 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    The Ultimate Knights Impress

    Written by (AFOL , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Canada,

    Set #70331 Ultimate Macy: Macy is one of my all-time favorite characters from the theme because of her design and the fact that she represents the first female knight in LEGO history. We’ve had Princess characters before and a few female Ninja in the old Castle Ninja Theme, but we’ve never seen a female knight, not even in the CMF line of Minifigures. So it’s great to get her in such a cheap set.


    These packages don’t mention the word Ultimate anywhere on the package. It’s just Macy at the top in the character specific colouring. The front shows the set very nicely with all of the features, the back instructs you on how to use the set with the App to get full advantage of the unique Nexo powers in the set.


    Macy: Standing out in a rich red armour with impressive torso and leg printing Macy is a great looking figure, her clear red visor and armour looks nice and her unique ponytail sticking out of the top of the helmet completes the overall look of her in a great way. A shame she didn’t include a unique hair piece for when she’s not wearing the helmet.

    She includes two expressions, a spunky looking smirk with a gap-toothed detail and a smudged looking determined expression for when she’s really getting into the battle against the lava monsters.

    The Nexo Powers & Display Stand

    This display stand is standard for the LEGO Nexo Knights. Instead of featuring transparent parts unique to each figure, like the armour, you have a pretty bland looking angled gray piece that resembles a shield. It’s ok for what it is though and the display stand works well.

    Mace Rain: The main Nexo Power gives Macy a massive multiple stud shooter on her back and features a large mace weapon with brick built parts. The mace is awesome with five of those little 1x1 tip pieces, or crown-like pieces for turrets in micro-builds, and the stud shooter makes for a great standing assault weapon when not attached to her back.

    Phoenix Blaze: Her second Nexo Power is a flaming weapon, built out of some nifty pearl gold pieces some from Legends of Chima, this weapon is equally impressive. You can keep the stud shooter attached to add more play value.

    Jungle Dragon: The last Nexo Power is a bit of an oddity, she is given two vine pieces to hold and switches her red studs for green studs, it’s green dragon flame she’s firing from her launcher now. There’s also a nice clear orange topped treasure chest to hold all of the extra studs for the launcher, or at least six of them.

    Overall opinion

    Overall I’d say this is the best offering in the first Series I’ve gotten so far, it features an impressive looking Minifigure for a cheap price, which is a fan favorite character, and includes a lot of play value outside of the App with the massive stud launcher weapon and the numerous brick-built weapons. Strongly recommended.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Ultimate Macy

    <h1>Ultimate Macy</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/70331-1/Ultimate-Macy'>70331-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights'>Nexo Knights</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Ultimate'>Ultimate</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Nexo-Knights/year-2016'>2016</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2016 LEGO Group</div>

    Ultimate Macy

    ©2016 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Lego Nexo Knights: Ultimate Macy - Reseña en Español

    Written by (AFOL) in Mexico,

    Primeras Impresiones

    En esta ocasión le toca a Macy, una de las integrantes del escuadrón de héroes de los Nexo Knights. El set es muy similar al resto de los Nexo Knights, pero este en especial lo he sentido un poco más agresivo en sus armas. Igual, puede ser una percepción propia.


    Con un conteo de partes de 101 piezas, este set no es el que menos piezas tiene de la serie de los sets individuales de los Nexo Knights. Curiosamente, cuenta con más piezas de detalle que otros, que solo se enfocaron a su base y alguna que otra parte de soporte de armas.


    La minifigura incluida es Macy, guerrera que prefiere armas de golpes contundentes, como un mazo e incluso un lanza-proyectiles con un sistema muy interesante. Macy cuenta con dos caras impresas en su cabeza. Un punto muy importante que hay que mencionar, es la coleta de cabello que han incluido. Es de un plástico blando, lo suficiente para sentir la textura, pero lo suficientemente rígido para conservar su forma si se manipula con fuerza. Su armadura es muy similar a la de los demás Nexo Knights, solo que en color rojo y el casco, como se los comentaba, tiene una coleta que le da un toque femenino muy bien pensado.

    La Construcción

    La base es en esencia idéntica a las demás. Lo que cambia en todo caso es el arma que va montada en uno de los dos puestos y los escudos proporcionados. En este caso, el arma secundaria solo es un hacha, ya que el 3er Power Up, utiliza el lanza proyectiles solo con diferente munición.

    El Modelo Completo

    El modelo completo, a pesar de ser muy similar a los demás por utilizar la misma base, me ha gustado. En especial con el cofre que han incluido para almacenar el resto de las municiones. Me hubiera gustado que el cofre se pudiera integrar más al set como parte fija y no como un elemento suelto. Así sería más completa la “estatuilla” para los coleccionistas.

    Opinión Final

    Macy es un personaje fuerte, agresivo en su apariencia y diseño pero sin dejar a un lado el toque femenino que merece. Un personaje ideal para cualquier niño o niña que desee una guerrera valiente entre su colección.

    6 out of 11 people thought this review was helpful.