• Mini Slave I

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brazil,

    This set is one of the Star Wars mini building sets. Released in 2004, and packaged with Kabaya sweets, this mini sized Slave I is a small and promotional set that includes 25 pieces. Like the mini Slave II, this is builted in the same form, and most due to the color scheme (some green, gray and beige schemes), it still recognizable. As a mini set, and a promotional, this Slave I don't includes a minifigure, and the playability is limited, due to the size. The building is also simple, because it uses a small plate as base, and this is so much small, too in comparison with some other mini builted sets. The brown triangular plate have some printed details, hidden by the front. With a similar shape to the Slave, this also still with the green scheme, like on the plate used to increase the front, and some other bricks on the sides. Above some other green bricks, there is a black brick with a different shape, that makes it looks like the place on the front of the cockpit, but it is too small in comparison with some other bricks, and the size makes it odd. The "wings" on each side are also much simple, and these are made by small bricks with another shapes, it isn't much detailed, but it is recognizable as the "wings" of the Slave I. Under the front, there are two small pieces making the guns, these on the same position of the original. Altough these pieces are in a god position, due to the size of some other bricks, it still in a bigger size than other pieces, making another bad thing on this simple building. Overall, due to was a promotional, this set was cheap, and also nice designed, altough simple, but in the use of some bricks and in the size, it could be better.

    4 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Same as Jango Fett's Slave 1 but Green!

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    This is prettty similar set to the Jango Fett's slave 1 mini. It is green though! It has the same combat capabilites I suppose but I have always liked Jango a tad bit more anyways! Nice set and wickedly cheap!

    2 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.