• The Beginning Of It All!

    Written by (Unspecified , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    This is the set that got me started down the Lego road. Without this set, I do not know if I ever would have gotten as into Legos as I did. I was 5 years old in 1988, and I remember spending hours upon hours with this tiny little set. It started the love affair between myself and Legos that lasted the better part of a decade. Now, as I am out in the adult world, I have really come to appreciate just how much Legos meant to me and how important they were for my development as a young child. I can confidently say that without my lust for Legos, I would likely not have followed the career path I have (I have a degree in Engineering Mechanics). And, it is entirely possible that without this Lego set, my life could very well have wound up differently.

    I loved absolutely everything about this set. The transparent pieces, the facemask on the helmet, the moving pieces, every little bit of it was perfect.

    I think the best way to sum it up was that at one point, I was 5 years old, and I would disassemble this set and lay out the pieces in a certain order and then BUILD IT WITH MY EYES CLOSED! If that's not loving a Lego set, I don't know what is!

    This little one definitely takes me back and puts a big hearty smile on my face! :)

    12 out of 15 people thought this review was helpful.