• Another target practice

    Written by (TFOL , platinum-rated reviewer) in Canada,

    Mine also came with the 3 in 1 value pack. Nothing much to it, but the perfect set for practicing your accuracy and challenging yourself.


    -Includes are target board. Low hole is worth 10 points, middle hole 20, tall hole 50
    -Comes with player, field section, and soccer ball
    -Field section can be however far away from the target as you want it, no restrictions


    -None, but some might get bored of this set really quickly

    If you do get bored, I suggest you set new challenges for yourself, like scoring the 50 point hole 100 times, or something like that. Overall small set, nothing much to it, but the possibilities for challenges are endless.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Came in Value Pack

    Written by (Unspecified , platinum-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Inexpensive set by itself, fairly good value when it was in the 3 set value pack. Takes a bit of skill to be able to actually shoot the ball threw the holes, but can be done. Building on our Soccer collection sets other wise would have passed on this set.

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Kind of pointless

    Written by (Unspecified) in United States,

    I don't see anything that special about this set. Guess what, you could get a real soccer ball and go play real soccer if you want. I don't know where I got this set from but I wouldn't have paid for it.

    Plate with kicker is kinda cool.
    A minifig.

    Goal doesn't up well.
    Almost impossible to get ball through any of the holes.

    0 out of 0 people thought this review was helpful.