• Another castle promo

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brazil,

    Another promo review that i made, another of the shell promo, and it like very others. this set contains another castle classic minifigure, the old style wheels, a bat, good for castle itens, and a crossbow, great for weaponry of a knight. I rate it 5/5, for the same reasons of the others promotionals.

    2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Flamin Danger

    Written by (Unspecified , platinum-rated reviewer) in Australia,

    This line brings memories back. Driving my mum, dad, gran and pop nuts to go get fuel so I could got one of these. I think I am only missing one but I might have them all I will have to keep looking.

    This particular one is number 4 in the collection and a real treat if you are a castle collector. This little cart is slightly wider than a normal mainly due to the wheels, but I have found this makes it so much steadier. It is armed with duel flame throwers on the front making it excellent for close range attacks or keeping the treasure in the barrel behind it safe (Treasure not included). Also it has a spot for a bat to sit up front, adding to the theme.

    The mini-fig has red pants, a gray shirt covered in chain-mail, Black open-faced helmet covering the nose and the face has a lot of black facial hair. He is also armed with a crossbow.

    Overall I really like this model, it has great aesthetics, little playability by itself but can really bring something to your castle collection. I feel his model is a 5/10 and can easily hold it's place with other non promo models. I would recommend it to any castle collector or promo collector.

    2 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.