• Bulk 3.0

    <h1>Bulk 3.0</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/2182-1/Bulk-3-0'>2182-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory'>HERO Factory</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Savage-Planet'>Savage Planet</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
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    Bulk! Now with less Bulk!

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Well, I've had Bulk for a while, so I guess I should do a review of him before the weekend is over.


    The box is, like the others, in lime green which really stands out in the shelves. Bulk stands heroicly in front as Raw Jaws climb around in the back on the techno-organic trees. The back features the actual size with the core, and an even shorter short comic (now only having the Hero being upgraded, flying out of the factory, and to Quatros). And there's also the combiner with Furno which looks pretty spiffy.

    The instructions are instructions, not much to go over.


    Parts are actually really nice. Since he is our first silver 2.0 built Hero, we get a nice set of re-colors. We got silver size four and five cladding, feet, and Hero Chest (hands already appeared in Fire Lord, but this is a cheaper alternative to get them). And, we also now have an orange core and head which are very bright and almost bordering on garish.

    Other interesting parts include the silver quaza spike, forearm weapon base cladding cover (or whatever), nametag armor, and Wolf Helm. The nametag looks pretty nice, but once again, that trans-green kinda clashes. The wolf helm is great. Sadly, it is slightly assymetric due to the little camera/communicator on the side. But overall, very nice and very wolf-ish. I'd love to see these 3.0 helmets be used in animal MoCs sometime.



    The build

    The build I rated a four because all the Heroes have the same build... Since last year. I'd love to see something new. But since it is still a little fresh, it only got a four. If, say, next year we get the same build again, it's probably going to get a three.

    To go into more detail, the build is rather simple. Just click a few ball joints together, slide some rods into holes, and there you have him. It's simple, yes, but I feel it has some potential.

    The completed model

    The completed model, despite being mostly a clone of the other Hero sets, looks good. He gets some points for being the first silver Hero to use the new system, and it's Bulk, so that's awesome.

    However, despite being Bulk, he doesn't give off much of a Bulk vibe. I guess it's because 1.0 Bulk was such an iconic character (to me at least) that it's weird to see him so drastically changed. Plus, he has lost a lot of muscle. Not only does he use the slim torso, but he also has no upper arm armor. This fact doesn't seem to harm the set much, but I would like it if they could have completely covered him with armor.

    Another thing is the blades. Once again a drastic change since 1.0 Bulk had this awesome, massive gun. The blades really don't work for me, and in my opinion are worst than the previously mentioned lack of armor. While on the blades, I must mention that they don't really stay in tightly. But that's easily fixable by shoving a small scrap of a tissue in the hole.

    But despite these problems, Bulk is still cool. He's fun to pose, and despite have out-of-the-ordinary blades, it's fun to get him in some nice fighting poses. Plus, another up side is that he uses black under armor, so when viewing him from behind, he doesn't look near as bad as some of the others.


    Overall, I do highly recommend him. Those problems can be looked past, and I actually have gotten somewhat used to them to be honest. But, out of the three Heroes I have, I still recommend Stringer the most. Maybe not put Bulk on the top of your list, but definitly don't pass him up. He's still a great figure.

    5/5 Highly Recommended.

    3 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Bulk 3.0

    <h1>Bulk 3.0</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/2182-1/Bulk-3-0'>2182-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory'>HERO Factory</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Savage-Planet'>Savage Planet</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
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    Bulk is the Best

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Bulk 3.0 is part of the new jungle line of Hero sets whose appearances are based on animals. Bulk takes on the motif of a wolf, and I think he is one of the best sets released so far in Hero Factory.

    The overall Hero design isn't anything special; if you've bought a Hero before, then there isn't much that's new. He has a skeleton made of new ball joint pieces, which allow for great mobility at a small size. He also has plenty of armor pieces to bulk up (excuse the pun) his arms. He is very poseable and great for role playing, which is what a younger audience will be looking for.

    Bulk does boast a few differences from other Heroes. He has a decent silver / black color scheme, with the orange head / Hero core highlights. He also has arm blades, which are made out of new pieces and allow the set to have two hands. The weapons offer some nice poses, but I must admit that they have their limitations.

    However, the coolest part of Bulk is the wolf head. Is is very detailed and well designed. It has small pegs on the bottom that allow it to attach to a Hero head, but I've found it can also be attached to round 1x1 hollow cones and place in system MOCs. I can already see wolf heads decorating everything from cars to spaceships to Gothic buildings. This piece has lots of potential, and I think it is the best out of all the animal heads being released with this wave of Hero Factory sets.

    If you're going to purchase a Hero set, I would strongly suggest Bulk 3.0. He has a decent color scheme, a cool weapon, an awesome helmet, and all the other perks that the Hero sets have.

    4 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Bulk 3.0

    <h1>Bulk 3.0</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/2182-1/Bulk-3-0'>2182-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory'>HERO Factory</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Savage-Planet'>Savage Planet</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
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    The Howl Of Dunkan Bulk

    Written by (AFOL) in United States,

    Dunkan's Back And This Time He's Gone Wolf With His New Upgrade And His New Daggers This Team Alpha Veteran Still Got Some New Tricks Up His Sleevs And He's Gonna Use It To Stop The Mighty Forces Of The Vicious Witch Doctor!

    This review has been rated unhelpful.

  • Bulk 3.0

    <h1>Bulk 3.0</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/2182-1/Bulk-3-0'>2182-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory'>HERO Factory</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Savage-Planet'>Savage Planet</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
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    good sturdy set that gives you your moneys worth, though not peices-wise.

    Written by (KFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    This is my first non-pros/cons list, so bear with me

    I got his set yesterday when i was in my bed and my mom came home at 10:30 at night. I couldn't beleive that I finally got him, so I made sure to wake up extra early so i could build him. I did. At 5:00 in the morning. Anyway I would totally get this set.


    The canister shows Bulk standing there, looking awesome. On the back it shows the combo model, hero core, and short comic.

    I didn't look at the instuctions until after i built it, and it has a picture of Furno fighting Waspix, a Hero Recon Team ad, and combo model picture (again). In the front it has about logging in the code.


    He has the same parts as any other 2.0/3.0 hero ecxept that he doesn't have two extra balls on the shoulders. He has three #4 peices, two #5 peices, and black underarmor. He also has a translucent green nametag with a wolf on it. the wolf helmaet looks awesome on the orange head. His arm mounted blades look aewsome, but they fall out kinda easily. the good thing is that they're made out of rubber-ish stuff, so they wont break.


    none. Bulk accidently bit them.


    pretty much the same as all other 2.0/3.0 heros, although he has more armor.


    When you finish building him he looks awesome and you think he's the best thing in the world. His blades are perfect for fighting and he has armor everywhere.


    This is,what I think, the best hero so far and i know that he'll be able to beat Witch Doctor.

    I hope this reveiw was very helpful. If it is, check out my others!

    5 out of 6 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Bulk 3.0

    <h1>Bulk 3.0</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/2182-1/Bulk-3-0'>2182-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory'>HERO Factory</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Savage-Planet'>Savage Planet</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-HERO-Factory/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
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    Hungry like the Wolf...

    Written by (TFOL , silver-rated reviewer) in United States,

    I know in my last review I said I'd get pictures. I have none because my Photo area got shut down. I promise I'll have some next time.




    The Packaging of the 3.0 heroes is really cool. The nice swampy background with the cool hero poses. Nice. The back of the container is basically the same as the 2.0 containers. You can combine Bulk and Furno to get someone I call... Burno.


    The pieces in all the 3.0 heroes are almost identical to the 2.0 heroes. But Bulks are in a different color. Bulk has a nice, new orange core and head. His wolf mask is totally Beast! Bulks name plate is printed on a trans green surface. Sure, it looks a little cartoony, but it's still awesome.


    Ahh... The best part of action figure reviews. Sure it's hard to do without photos, but who cares! Bulk is very posable like the 2.0 heroes. One thing that bugs me is that his joints squeak like crazy! It's driving me insane! Credit to Brickthing for my favorite Action pose ever. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=5087923.


    Bulk has to be one of the coolest Action Figures ever. If you must get one 3.0 set, Bulks the one! (Trust me, I have them all but Stormer) And as a wise Zork64 once said...

    "And hey, after all, he comes with a Wolf mask, and that's just awesome."

    7 out of 7 people thought this review was helpful.