• worth getting two..... for the parts at least !

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    I have to admit, the first time i bought this set, i wasnt to happy, but now i realize that it is good, with all the parts and cool minifigs. Its such a good parts pack(like any set in the robo force theme)Plus there are trans orange helmets. Those are really cool

    1 out of 1 person thought this review was helpful.

  • Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    I think this set is a good addition to the Roboforce series. Although sometimes the colors seem a little out of proportion, it's not bad. The horizontal shoulder hinge means that the arms can not only reach up and down, but in front of the set too. I do not find the wings of the head/ship out of proportion, and there can be logical explanations for the legs and feet.
    The feet are used to increase the wheelbase of the model without making it inordinately bulky, and having legs instead of a solid connection to the base decreases the potential target area for enemies, making it harder to hit the robot. Although there is not much firepower, as an exploration unit, it has definite potential.

    2 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Nice minifigs, naff model.

    Written by (Unspecified , platinum-rated reviewer) in United Kingdom,

    Roboforce was the 'other' Space range (besides UFOs) released in 1997. This set is the kind of rubbish that made a lot of kids lose interest in lego in the late nineties. It's nice to see trans-orange being used again, and the minifigs in this set look great. Shame then that they weren't put to better use. Their 'vehicle' looks like a tacky robot off some dodgy '50s b-movie. It moves on wheels, so why it has legs is a mystery. Its arms look ridiculously skinny and it has the feel of a "tacked-together-in-half-an-hour" model. Though it has some useful pieces, if you want a space-age robot-like vehicle you'd be better off with the two far superior Spyrius 'giant robot' sets.

    2 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Honey, I blew up the head

    Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in Brunei Darussalam,

    On first look this set seems good - nice colours, design is interesting with movable hands and a head that detaches to form a jet of some sort. In reality, though, things are a bit different. The base is fitted with wheels so that the legs are non-movable. It gives the whole thing the appearance of being on really tiny rollerskates. The head is a bit too big for the body as well - it would have preferred if they bulked up the body and they changed the legs to be hinged and movable.

    1 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Written by (Unspecified , rhodium-rated reviewer) in {Unknown},

    What in the name of great green googly-moogly is going on here? You're giving this 8s and 10s? What on earth??? For starters it looks awful, the construction is completely slap dash - it's one of the worst models Lego have made! Its head is weird and ungainly with wings too big to be decorative and way too small for flight, the arms are disproportionately spindly (fit only for the comedically camp limp-wristed gesture displayed above) and the legs are terrible, managing to look both stumpy AND shaky. Plus - why use legs at all when they have no points of articulation and the overly large feet are joined together? To top it all off, putting those tiny aircraft wheels on the bottom... it just perfects this exercise in ridiculousness. I only bumped it up to a three because of the awesomeness of trans orange helmets with black visors!

    4 out of 7 people thought this review was helpful.