• Cute Robot

    Written by (Unspecified , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    The robot in this set is too cute, and you can picture him rolling around, crashing into rocks as the harried Space Policeman tries without success to successfully control him. It's a small set, but hits the mark with a distinctive 'bot. What's also cool is that this set came in a bonus pack with two small town sets, a small castle set, and a small pirates set. It's a good pack to pick up if you want a sampling of minifigs and models from various Lego themes.

    4 out of 4 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Interesting

    Written by (Unspecified , platinum-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Space police two is not as good as the first one but it is still good. On to the review.

    This is a very neat set. The robot looks so high tech and the minifigure is once again great, better color scheme then space police one. But how r they gonna fight with no weapons?

    0 out of 2 people thought this review was helpful.