• Kind Of Boring, But Good

    Written by (Unspecified) in Switzerland,

    Turaga Nuju is a perfect example of an average set: okay weapon, okay coloring etc etc. The only thing about him that`s slightly above average is the mask, the Noble Matatu, the Noble Mask of Telekinesis. It`s got some detail on it, but compare it to Turaga Matau`s Noble Mahiki and it falls flat on its face. As does the rest of this set when compared to my other Turaga. The colors are not good: if he comes from the Land of Ice and Snow, Ko-Wahi, shouldn`t there be more white? Instead it`s grey grey grey, and then white feet and an unimpressive white pickaxe. Unimpressive things in a very average set.
    Overall, Nuju does not tickle me pink. He`s boring. Really, you should only get him if you`ve got all the other Turaga or you`re a fan of the Ice characters.

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