• The Burrow

    <h1>The Burrow</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/4840-1/The-Burrow'>4840-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Harry-Potter'>Harry Potter</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Half-Blood-Prince'>Half-Blood Prince</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Harry-Potter/year-2010'>2010</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2010 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    "This is the best house I've ever been in" - Harry Potter

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    I own many Lego sets, but Harry Potter: The Burrow is one of the best, second only to Hogwarts Castle. This is the only 2010 HP set that is not a remake of a previous set, and I'm quite glad they finally did make it. It contains six minifigures, 4 of which are brand new (however, now one of them has been added to another set), a functioning floo-powder fireplace, a small swamp, and the Burrow. I'll start with the minifigures.


    Harry Potter: The hero and titular character of the franchise. In 2010 and 2011 he has come in two different variations. One is the casual-clothing Harry and the Hogwarts-uniform Harry. In this set we get casual Harry. He has thick messy hair and a flesh-colored, double-sided face. On both sides he has his round glasses and a red lightning scar on his forehead. On one side he has a smile, one side he has a frown. His torso (which is the one thing that changes Hogwarts Harry to Casual Harry) is a blue jacket over a light-blue t-shirt. His jacket has two pockets on either side and a silver zipper lining the inside edge of the jacket. Underneath is a normal t-shirt. On the back is some jacket lines for a design. He comes with black legs and a standard brown wand.

    Ginerva "Ginny" Weasley: Ginny is the younger sister of Ron. Though there was a Ginny in the Hogwarts Express set, she had Gryffindor robes on. Her clothing was added to Hermione Granger (not featured in this set) in Diagon Alley. She has orange hair, long enough that is stretched down her back a little. She has a double-sided face. On one side is a happy/neural expression. She has orange eyebrows and faint freckles. her mouth (with some lipstick) seems to be a straight line, though one side is raised a little, like she's almost smiling or it's a half-smile. It's hard to tell.One side has an obvious frown. Her new torso is also a jacket. It's gray and sipped up with red zig-zags for detail A white t-shirt is visible under the jacket. On the back is more zig-zags. The legs she gets is new. It is mainly scarlet with some pockets with zippers. She gets a beige wand like Albus Dumbledore's in Hogwarts.

    Arthur Weasley: The father of Ron, Ginny, and the other Weasley kids. He has never been made in Lego form before, so it's good to have him. He's not balding like in the books, but he comes with short messy hair colored orange. This hairpiece is the only that can be found in other themes. It would've been interesting to see a balding hairpiece. His face is not double-sided. Instead you get Mr. Weasley grinning with some wrinkles from age and smiling. he has thick eyebrows. His torso is also new. It is an interesting shade of green, sort of light green and dark green together. It's sort of a jacket you'd see in a tuxedo. It reminds me of that jacket Sherlock Holmes wears. There are buttons and straps and such. Under is a plaid shirt. On the back is just some lines you'd expect on a jacket. A straps, a few lines of stress, possibly indicating second-hand jacket considering how poor the Weasleys are. Arthur comes with light gray legs and a light gray wand to match his pants.

    Molly Weasley: Mother of the Weasley kids and wife to Arthur. I love the detail you get with Mrs. Weasley. I believe everything is new with her.She has orange hair that's like Ginny's but shorter and kind of rests on her shoulders. She does not have a double-sided face. She has a smile on her face with some wrinkles from smiling and age. I do have some problems with her face though. Readers of the book will note that despite her often kind personality, when she's angry, she's furious and she had a short temper. She was often seen shouting at her naughty children. I think an angry face would've been appropriate if Lego had another side to her face. Her legs and torso is almost connected. Let me explain. It's the printing. She has a normal torso and legs, but the printing continues throughout all of it. She has n apron with a brown lining and sort of tan center with red spots. On her torso there is a pocket containing sewing needles. A couple flowers hang from her apron. The printing makes it look like she has a red scarf around her neck. There are more flowers on her legs. She has a beige sweater under the apron. She has legs the same color as the apron and on the back of her torso is just the string to tie the apron to her. Molly does not come with a wand.

    Fenrir Grayback: A werewolf and servant to the evil Lord Voldemort. He was a new minifigure until he was added into Diagon Alley. I really like this minifigure. He's got really sleek brown hair that looks almost fancy. He has a double-sided face. Both sides feature his face covered in brown hair and these wide pale blue-white eyes. One side features his triumph face, teeth bared in a grin. The other features a more serious look with his mouth closed tightly. His torso is pretty cool. He's got a cool black trench-coat (I believe) with a gray shirt underneath that has a way too long neck-hole. You can see some of his hairy chest. He's got a small brown belt. On the back of his torso is nothing, just pure black. He has black legs and a black wand.

    Bellatrix Lestrange: Another evil servant of Lord Voldemort, a Death Eater. This is my favorite minifigure, and I don't know how to describe her. It's her hair really, and it's hard to describe with words, so I'd recommend scrolling up to look at the picture of Bellatrix instead. her hair is black and so...big. It is very messy and crazed with disheveled hair everywhere. Part of it covers her face and part of it stretches down her back in a pony-tail. Her face is double-sided. She has sunken eyes (very evil) and red lipstick on both sides of her face. One side shows her laughing evilly. Another has her teeth chattering in fright for some reason. She has a very detailed dress on. It's black and has many silver designs. She is wearing a silver necklace. Instead of legs she has a black dress piece with more silver designs and brown knife-holder hanging from her waist. She comes with a black wand.

    Floo-Powder Fireplace

    This is a tall gray fireplace that works like floo-powder. In case you don't know what floo powder is, let me explain. In Harry Potter, you throw this powder into a fireplace. The flames will turn green and you step into the fire and speak the name of your desired location. You will appear in a fireplace at your location. This fireplace is tall and gray. On the top is a couple portraits of two wizards. One is a painter and one is an author/philosopher. Errol, a gray owl with some owl printing on him, rests on the mantle. Inside the fireplace is a wall with studs and a little red fire going on. On the outside under the fire is a wooden board just for effect. On the side of the fireplace is a little knob that is actually supposed to be a smokestack or a pipe or something similar. You are supposed to put a Minifigure in the fire place and quickly turn the knob backwards, which also turns the actually fireplace backward. You then see green flames (stickers) jumping in the air. It works well and is a great play feature.


    This is just a little swamp bit that's sort of like a home-base for the bad guys. It has a dark tan octagonal base. Two weed/plant pieces colored dark gran stand guard on either side. In the back is a catapult next to a little rock. Light blue smooth pieces, giving off a water impression are scattered around. Four flames are lit and stand around, waiting to be tossed. A little green frog waits, frightened by the action. There is also a separate little catapult with four neon red cylinders waiting to be thrown. That's a little useless, but the whole swamp is decent.

    The Burrow

    The house itself is really awesome. It's three stories tall and has this rugged look to it. The walls are made of red, tan, orange tan, and brown and dark brown double cylinder pieces. There are lots of windows. I'll go floor to floor

    First Floor


    The outside of the first floor is awesome. On one side is a window with light blue shutters. Up front is another window besides an old fashioned brown door with a golden little window. A little roof hangs over it. On the other side is another window, but white this time, with two flower pots with flowers in them. On the far right is a little pigsty with two boards to keep the pig in. The pig inside is a standard pink pig with a stud on top. Another little door on the other side of his stable leads to the interior of the first floor.

    The roof of the first floor is kind of like the foundation of the rest of the building. It's a lot of new scarlet roof pieces all leading gradually up until it connects with wall. Up front is a little small roof. There is also a window which is part of the second floor room.


    The inside is awesome. It's a full kitchen with lots of home features. It's a large room that takes up all of the first floor. You enter through the door and on your left is a cupboard with a croissant inside (this is probably an oven because there is one of those oven tops on the cupboard). A sink is in the corner by the two windows, which is next to a couple drawers. On he drawer is four white dishes. In one drawer there are a couple kitchen knives (you can give these to Bellatrix for play) and in another is what could be two forks. On your right is a grandfather clock. The bottom half has that swinging...thing. The top has the actual clock, telling the time. Next to that by the window is a small desk with a little lamp. Hanging from one wall is a black broom. Hanging from another is two gray pans. There is a table in the center with two red mugs, two goblets, a copy of the Daily Prophet, and a yellow plate with two red cherries on it. Two benches are on either side. Flanking one side of the table is two swiveling brown chairs. On the other is a little green stool besides a barrel, which is where I put wands. Hanging from the ceiling is a little chandelier.

    Second Floor

    The second and third floors also and made up of only one room and are bedrooms.


    The viewer's left side of the house is a wall made up of those brown double round pieces seen in Pirates sets. So is the rest of the floor. It has a few dark pieces instead of light brown. The left side has a window with white shutters. There is also a little board that is supposed to hang down from one stud and look like it's broken or falling off to give the Burrow a shabby look. In the front is another window with white shutters and a longer tan board hanging. On the right side is yet another awesome hanging board but a window with blue shutters. Over it is a little roof/awning thing that kind of reminds me of stairs. It's covered in light blue tiles.


    Inside it is very crowded. On the right is a bunk bed. The beds have white pillows and blue and orange sheets. There is a brown trunk on the right with another owl, Hedwig, resting on top. Even though Harry sleeps on the top floor, it makes me wonder if this is Harry's room. However, Harry does sleep in Ron's room, which is the top floor. Anyways, inside the trunk is a couple tiles with black printed socks on them which is always cool. There are also some gold studs in it.

    Third Floor and Roof

    The final room and top floor is pretty small but has a great view.


    There's more roof here, so the room is built on the roof. It's like the roof and room is one. A window with blue shutters stick out of the red roof. There are identical windows on either side of the room. A little chimney/pipe sticks out from one of the side. On top there's more roof that comes to an end with two more little chimneys sticking up.


    I do like some of the detail in this room, but I don't think I like it a lot. Lego did do good and made the exterior of the entire Burrow look great, but the last two rooms are too crowded and too empty. On top, spanning the entire width of the room is another bed. Next to it is a little niche in the wall. It kind of juts out and ends with the window, like a little storage room. There is a copy of the Quibbler and a lamp here in this storage part and on a wall is a Chudley Cannons Quidditch Poster.


    I really do like this set a lot, even though the last two rooms could be better. I love the minifigures and the fireplace and the kitchen. However, like another reviewer said, the feel of the set it wrong. The Burrow is a warm, happy place where Harry was happy, and the first time we see it in Lego there is only three Weasleys when we could've had Fred, George, Percy, Charlie, or Bill. I think Ron should've been here too since it's his house. Instead we get two Death Eaters. While they're great, I think Lego should make a Malfoy Manor set and add them instead. However, it's still a good set and I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes Legos. Thanks for reading.

    14 out of 14 people thought this review was helpful.

  • The Cannibal Escape

    <h1>The Cannibal Escape</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/4182-1/The-Cannibal-Escape'>4182-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Pirates-of-the-Caribbean'>Pirates of the Caribbean</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Dead-Man-s-Chest'>Dead Man's Chest</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Pirates-of-the-Caribbean/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Those Cannibals...

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    This set is among those in the first wave of Pirates of the Caribbean. This is my first ever Pirates of the Caribbean set. Be warned: I haven't seen the movies or gone on the ride in Disney (I was there a few weeks ago, I wish I could've gone!) or had any experience with Pirates of the Caribbean. The sets looked so cool with lots of unique characteristics, I had to be sure to get a set. This set is worth it and affordable.

    There are many different features in this set. There are:

    • 4 Great Minifigures
    • 2 Snakes
    • A Revolving Fire Spit
    • A Throne Chair
    • Cannibal Hut which attaches to the-
    • Bone Cage

    With so many different parts, this set stands out and I would highly recommend it. Here's why, starting with the Minifigures.


    Jack Sparrow: Of all the Jack Sparrow Minifigures out there (yet I only own this one), this is the most comical. He comes with a compass: A dark blue 1x1 tile with gold printing on to represent a compass. You actually get two, one for the set, another as an extra piece. Jack gets brown legs with some printing on it: tatters and what looks like some bits of red and white cloth that continues on his torso. The torso has a belt over a blue vest/jacket. Underneath you see some of his chest. His arms are white while his hands are skin-color. He gets some backprinting: just more of the belt and this strap that is also on the front. His face is the funny part. He is double-sided, and has him on both sides a small beard and mustache with large eyes. He has six painted eyes on his face, three per side. One side of his face has a satisfied expression, while the other has him screaming in fear or surprise. His hair piece is lots of black hair that stretches over his torso and on the back. He has a red bandanna to top it off. On the back of this extravagant hair piece is some braids and a continuation of the bandanna. It came in a separate bag.

    Will Turner: If I heard right, Will Turner appears in only one other set: 4183: The Mill. I like this Minifigure. He gives the impression of an elite warrior - er, pirate. He has dark brown pants and great torso. He has a grayish shirt under a large brown belt with a silver buckle. His shirt is open at the top, revealing a silver necklace underneath. There is some backprinting, just lines for his shirt and more of that belt. He comes with a new piece exclusive to Pirates of the Caribbean: A sword-holder. It is similar to the handbag seen in some sets that must be slipped on before the head with the arm of a Minifigure raised. Here, where the 'bag' should be, is the sword holder. There is some room to slip the silver sword through the space and have it hanging out in the back like a, well, pirate. His face is also double-sided. both sides. He has one of those little mustaches, just a bit of hair. Same with his beard. He has brown side burns on the sides of his face. One side shows him with a sort of happy-determined look, as if laughing during a sword fight because he loves it. The other face is a smile, though it looks like his mouth is twitching. Perhaps he wants to laugh at Jack's hilarious head. He has sleek brown hair with a pony tail in the back.

    Cannibal One: There are two cannibals in this set. They are different, though they have similarities. The first has brown legs and a red loincloth. On his torso is a belt of bones and a necklace of bones with a skull in the place of where a jewel would go. He wears no shirt so you can see how emaciated he is. No wonder he's hungry....He also has some yellow tattoos or paint or some type of making. The back of his torso shows more yellow tattoos. His face has more yellow tattoos and an angry expression with teeth showing, like a growl. He has awesome hair/ It's black and circular, almost like a hat. At the top there is a 'ponytail' which is actually a clip for a small white bone. He gets a nice long brown spear.

    Cannibal Two: The second of the two cannibals. He has brown legs with another red loincloth. Skulls seem to hang from the loincloth ominously. His torso shows a sort of sash of bones hanging loosely across his torso. Some printing shows a full stomach. Maybe this is the leader cannibal and gets a lot more food than his servant. He has some more yellow tattoos. He has a smaller necklace of bones around his neck. on the back shows the back of the sash and necklace with a bit more tattoos. His head is different as well. His teeth are clenched as if frustrated, and his eyes are obviously angry. White paint like a mash surrounds his eyes. His hair is the same as the other cannibal, as is the spear.

    Snakes: Not actual Minifigures. You get two standard snakes: green and red.

    Fire Spit

    This is one of those logs that get turned round and round over a fire to cook a person that is in all the movies. On a small baseplate there is a little fire with a couple orange studs and flames. Above is mainly a round stick piece, but at the end there is a piece that also spins with four studs. You can attach a Minifigure by the legs and spinning it with a piece on one outer end. It's a simple design, though very appreciated.


    Again, I have not seen the movies, though I believe Jack becomes the 'god' at one point and has his own little throne. It is a chair with foliage sprouting at the bottom and with the a great back. Little Jack can rest his back against a 4x2 smooth piece with intricate skull designs on tree bark. Oh yeah - printed. There are no stickers in this set. The top of this chair has a skull head on top. Fang pieces poke through the top as well. There are also these pieces that look like some kind of big torch or sticks on either side of the throne with skulls on top. They move up and down. There is also some brown plant sprouting from the throne. A very well-designed seat of power.

    Cannibal Hut

    The meat of the set: The Cannibal Hut. It seems like a tree hollowed out with a archway for a door. Some foliage is coming out of the hut at the bottom. One side has a small opening in the bark for a window, the other side has more foliage sprouting midway top the top. One piece in front that looks like jagged rock is actually all one piece to represent bark. The tree arches to the left. On the inside there is a bit of room past the doorway.There is a crate with a sword and a glass bottle on one side below the window. Another has one of those tan back-packs seen in City sets nowadays. It hangs from the wall and has some little potion bottle. Up top on the tree there is some standing space. Large gray leaves hang outwards. Another turning device allows you to move a couple of connected chains up and down. The chains start off wrapped around this device and travel up the arch of the tree, passing bright green leaves and a multi-colored parrot piece. The chain continues and eventually hangs over the edge of the tree, where the chain is connected to the Bone Cage.

    The Bone Cage

    This special cage is made up of several bones, beige wand pieces, and Technic pieces (I think). Skulls are also attached. When building, it seems like you build a web with the sides all branches of the center. Then it all snaps together in the end to form the cage. The door way of this set can be raised up and down. It can hold two Minifigures inside. It is the highlight of this set and the reason I got it (or my brother got it). It is attached to that chain on top and can be lowered or raised.


    So basically, this set is definitely worth the thirty bucks. I don't know what else to expect, especially with the stunning bone cage. I would highly reccomend it even if you don't care for Pirates of the Caribbean (like me). The Minifigures are all amazing and almost all of them are exclusive, excluding Will Turner. I'm definitely getting more sets.

    7 out of 7 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Elf

    <h1>Elf</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/8803-9/Elf'>8803-9</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Collectable-Minifigures'>Collectable Minifigures</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Series-3'>Series 3</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Collectable-Minifigures/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Yes, it is Legolas

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Well of COURSE it is Legolas from the great Lord of the Rings (I'm reading the series and I saw the films). I hope many of you noticed that his name is LEGOlas.

    This is probably one of the best Series 3 Minifigures and one of the greatest Minifigures of all time, and there are many reasons why. To start off, you get lots of great green colors and I believe everything except the bow is new.


    The elf has white-ish/tan-ish/blond-ish hair. I guess it's a sandy color, really. All his hair smoothly glides backwards into small little stubs of hair on the back. His hair is also designed to have ears on them. It's really kind of part of the hair but printed yellow. However, it's pointy and cool nonetheless.

    The only way his hair could be better is if the hair was designed so the ears actually stick out a little more. It's still cool, though and it's new. It's recolored to be brown and black in the Series 4 Werewolf. I hope this hair gets used a lot. Maybe in the future we'll have blue hair with purple ears. Anything's possible when it comes to Legos.


    Next, we have the head. As you can see from the picture, the elf has a rather determined expression. You an see his cheekbones and his thin brown eyebrows. I don't understand the brown color, though. Shouldn't it be blond? His mouth is curved in a frown. If he was smiling, then he would definitely be Legolas. his skin, of course, is yellow. He has one face.


    His torso is brand new, as well. The printing is fantastic. You can see a silver belt along the bottom with a green emerald. He is wearing chain mail, and the detail is great with the silvery design. Around his neck is something brown that I have not figured out entirely. Some kind of sash? Possibly for arrows? The part where his green cloak fastens around his neck is printed, which is AWESOME. His arms are light green and his hands are yellow. The light green is a rare color when it comes to clothing, though it is the same color as roof pieces in Harry Potter. There is no back-printing.


    The elf has brown legs with printing. Along his waist part there is some chain mail, which continues down his leg. There are some light brown pockets to go along. These legs are really great and are actually one of my favorite parts of the set.


    I believe this shied is new. It is gray along the edges and there is a bronze border with silvery designs along it. Inside the border is the same color green as the cloak with silver lines across, and a deer with great antlers printed in the middle like a symbol of peace or something. Well, the deer looks mad so maybe a symbol of nature.... Anyway there is a handle on the back for the elf to hold it and is an excellent piece.

    Bow and Arrow

    This is basically the only piece that isn't new. However, it is still my first and remains cool. It is brown and looks like an bow getting ready to fire, with a brown arrow sticking out, preparing to fire. Along with the shield, you can stage great battles with this elf if you have this. Maybe if you want to make a Lord of the Rings MOC then soem of these would be helpful.


    This is the least special part of the set, which means its speciality on a 1 to 100 scale would be 95. It is a normal cloaks that goes around the neck and is held in place by the head. It is dark forest green, which I think is new.


    This is the normal black stand that comes with every Collectable Minifigure. It is black and has four studs across in the middle.


    This is my first amazingly stupendous Minifigure. There are so many details and it's a favorite of mine. There are sets that cost thirty, forty dollars that aren't as good as this set. I would highly recommend getting it. I only have two complaints: There should be a quiver for arrows, and I think it would've been cooler if he was smiling like Legolas does, or perhaps he had a double-printed head with a smile. Overall, this is a great Minifigure and no true Lego fan could stand being without it.

    6 out of 6 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Space Shuttle

    <h1>Space Shuttle</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/3367-1/Space-Shuttle'>3367-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-City'>City</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Space'>Space</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-City/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>

    Space Shuttle

    ©2011 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    "One small step for a Minifigure, one giant leap for Minifigure-kind!"

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    It is definitely a big leap for Lego to have a space them that doesn't include aliens or anything. I just got this today, March 12, 2011, and I am completely impressed. I have three base reasons for being impressed:
    -It looks so sleek and it looks really nice on display.
    -I can't really play with Lego, no matter how hard I try. This set made it easy.
    -There's lots of great features!

    So I'm just going to start with the Minifigure.

    Legs: You get normal white legs without printing.

    Torso: It is again white but it has lots of printing like the NASA symbol, some buttons that might control the space suit, etc. on the back there are some printed tubes to help him breathe. He has gray hands.

    Head: I really dislike this head. I am going to change this head without a more suited one. It's that frown with the red glasses. I just don't get why the guy has to be angry. I really hate it in this set and would seriously recommend changing it with a more happy face.

    Helmet 1: You get two helmets for this Minifigure. You get a nice white helmet with a clear visor. It kind of looks like a motorcycle helmet. Or if you're familiar with the game 'Halo' then it looks like the Master Chief's Helmet.

    Helmet 2: I prefer this one over helmet 1. It's big. In the back there are some air tanks that extend over the back of the Minifigure. Then you get a big golden visor that isn't see-through. It's pretty cool and makes the Minifigure looks cute.

    The cockpit is kind of empty. Inside there is some nice 2x2 slanted pieces with computer screens, and there's a mug there, which is kind of dumb because wouldn't coffee just float out because of zero gravity? The mug sits on the computer. Then there's a blue chair for the Minfiigure. The Minifigure cannot sit properly in there with Helmet 2. Only helmet 1 works.
    The top/outer part of the cockpit is pretty nice. At the nose part there is a printed part that looks pretty cool. It has what I think are some engines and some black and gray paint to make it look cool. There's are three blue windows, two small ones and a large one in the middle. They are actually one big window and attach from the inside. On top there are some studs. On both sides there is a sticker which again might be the NASA symbol. It's on either side of the cockpit. This whole thing is one big piece that attaches pretty easily.

    The storage area is very nice. The rocket can be pulled open easily so it is very wide and you can see inside. Attached to one end is the yellow robotic arm. It's not an actual arm, but a long part that moves around and pivots at lots of useful angles. At one and is a piece that attaches to the satellite.
    The satellite is a great accessory. It is round at the bottom and on top of that there are two transparent blue pieces that can fold up and down so it looks like it's closed or like a real satellite. When closed it fits into the storage area, but open it looks like a satellite. On top of that two little sticks stick out, and this is where the satellite attaches to the robotic arm. On top of that is a round piece with a yellow stud. You can also put Helmet 2 in there and it has this kind of stand thing that holds it. You put the satellite and helmet back in and fold the robotic arm on top and then you can close it up.
    When closed, it looks like the middle of a shuttle as it should. There are tons of studs on top for things you need on top.

    The wings are big triangles on top of bigger black triangles. There is a sticker with the NASA symbol and the numbers and letters: JM 3367 (3367 is the set number). Another section of the wing can move up and down. Each wing is identical.

    In the back there is a large rudder piece with the NASA symbol again, and both sides are the same. Then there are these half-circle type pieces that kind of hold in the engines. There are five black circular engines in the back with lots of orange studs. It basically looks like the back of a rocket.

    On the bottom there are circular smooth gray pieces and a five wheels. The ship leans in the front because of some of the wheels.

    This is a very well-done set. The design is pretty realistic. It has so many features that even if you aren't into City or Space or anything 'real,' you will still have to get this. I expect that once it is discontinued, it will be hundreds on eBay and Amazon. This is something you must get before it leaves stores. Seriously, buy it! This is right now my favorite set, but it will probably drop to second when i get Lego Hogwarts this April for my birthday.

    -Great Minifigure, minus face.
    -Excellent design of shuttle
    -Lots of great features
    -Must have

    -The easily fixable face problem....

    Building Experience - 5 - Not overly challenging but it was definitely fun and pretty good. Not easy, and you get numbered bags which can be helpful.

    Parts - 5 - Lego picked the best parts to make this set, including the new cockpit piece and Helmet 2

    Playability - 5 - I have never been able to really play with a real Lego set, this I can play with.

    Value for Money - - This is hard. The piece count would say it should be about 25 bucks, but in the end it is fairly big at about a foot long and 8 inches wide it is pretty big and you get big pieces. I'm going to give it a 4.5 because this is a hard decision, but I'll give it a five here.

    5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20/20 = 5/5!

    10 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Prisoner Transport

    <h1>Prisoner Transport</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/7286-1/Prisoner-Transport'>7286-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-City'>City</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Police'>Police</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-City/year-2011'>2011</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2011 LEGO Group</div>

    Prisoner Transport

    ©2011 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    A Pretty Decent Set

    Written by (TFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in United States,

    I got this recently as a gift and built it quickly. Though it is not the best City set, it's pretty good.


    Cop: This is your standard cop. He gets a white cap to put on his head and his yellow head the regular charming smile. He has the black uniform with a gold police badge, some buttons on his uniform, and a breast-pocket. Underneath you can see a tie and a blue shirt. He comes with black pants.

    Criminal: I prefer him over the cop because this is my first criminal. He has the gray criminal hat that is circular and has a sort of bumpy ridge on the end. One end is lower than the other so you can tell that one side covers the face, one doesn't. His face is pretty cool. he's a got some 5 o'clock shadow and he's grinning, showing all of his teeth, including one gold tooth. There's a small mustache above his moth. His eyes have that happy/evil look.

    The criminal is wearing the new backpack that clips on a minifigure's neck. It's open and you can stick money in there. It fits about 200 dollars (2 bills). You get 100 dollars (1 bill) to put in this backpack. The criminal's torso us a button-up shirt with gray-and-white stripes. You can see that he has no shirt under his prison uniform, just seriously hairy chest. The number 50380 is printed on his shirt. He comes with dark gray pants.


    he criminal gets to ride around in a motorcycle. It was an easy build, with 8 pieces used to make it. It has a kickstand and on top is a big orange piece where the criminal sits, and on the bottom is a big black piece that has the wheels. It was a nice inclusion.

    Police Gate

    This is a small thing that was added to the set. It's just a fence that is used to block off roads. It has two stickers, one that says 'POLICE,' and one that has yellow and white squares across it. There are two blue lights on top. It was another nice inclusion.

    Prisoner Transport Truck

    Now for the meat of the set. I liked the design of both this truck and the Canine Unit set, and was thinking on getting either one, but i'm glad I got this. I'll start up front. There's a few headlights and a licence plate reading 'JM 7286.' There's a sticker on the front that represents where the front engine goes, I guess. It says 'POLICE' as well. You get a large blue windshield that is 6 x 3. There are two doors on either side, and the roof can be pulled off so you can see the driver's area. There's a yellow chair, a red mug, and a yellow steering wheel. On the outside there are also side-view mirrors, which are just 1x1 slopes. On top of the roof is another stick saying POLICE and a couple of binoculars for some reason.

    The second section is a storage area. On either side of the truck there are doors that resemble garage doors. Both can be lifted up and inside you see a yellow crate. You can pull the crate out from either door. When inside, it actually stays in there pretty firm without moving around very much.

    The yellow crate has a new design with handles on either side. There are 6 studs inside with a 2x3 design. You can sake out what's inside the crate to get tons of accessories. You get: A walkie talkie, a bullhorn, a pair of handcuffs, a little flashlight, and I don't know what the last thing is. It looks like a ping-pong battle with a transparent blue stud on it. It might be one of those things cops use to measure the speed of cars. Anyways, it's nice that you get all those accessories. You can easily slide the box back in and snap the door shut.

    In the back you keep your arrested criminal. There are two windows in the back on either side with bars in them instead of glass. In the very back there are two white doors with stickers on them saying POLICE (I messed up and these stickers a crooked). You can open on the doors wide enough to see that there is a chair inside. You have to put your criminal in there with handcuffs and close the door.

    The roof of this set (which covers the last two sections of the truck) has a couple of features. In the back is a little yellow light that moves up and down, and in the middle is a rotation light that moves up and down. There's lot of transparent blue pieces to show that the police own the vehicle. That and the four stickers on the truck saying 'POLICE.' the roof can be lifted off easily and you can see the storage and criminal area from the top. you can also see that each section has walls in between them.


    This set is definitely a good set. Any City fans will enjoy this. I'm not a City fan, but I like this set. You do get the accessories and the cool new backpack. I think most people will love building this. It's easy and fun.

    Building Experience - 5 - It was a fun build. It was definitely not a challenge, but just a set to build, which was enjoyable.

    Parts - 5 - I like the use of a lot of pieces, plus the accessories are pretty cool.

    Playability - 4 - You might need a police station or your own little City street to have the most fun, but alone I'm sure a kid could have lots of fun imagining with this set.

    Value for Money - 5 - It could have been 17 dollars because of the price range. City Camper looked similar and was the same size and that was 17 bucks. However, you get a lot for a small truck and does look like the set would cost twenty bucks.

    5 + 5 + 4 + 5 = 19 = 19/20 = 5/5

    6 out of 9 people thought this review was helpful.