• General Grievous's Starfighter

    <h1>General Grievous's Starfighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75286-1/General-Grievous-s-Starfighter'>75286-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-III'>Episode III</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2020'>2020</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2020 LEGO Group</div>

    General Grievous's Starfighter

    ©2020 LEGO Group
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    General Grievous's Starfighter

    Written by (TFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    General Grievous's Starfighter is the third adaptation of the General's personnel starfighter. The set number is 75286-1 and is the second of General Grievous's starfighters that is based on Revenge of The Sith.This set comes with three minifigures, General Grievous, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and an Airborne Clone Trooper. The set has 487 pieces and sells at the price of $80. This set is $30 more than the last version of Grievous's ship, which was $50, and the first General Grievous starfighter was $30 cheaper than the second one. While the pricing of the set continues to go up, so does the quality of the build and minifigures go up as well.

    The Minifigures:

    General Grievous — Grievous is the Supreme Commander of the droid armies and thus he is a rather important character during the Clone Wars. Grievous comes with all four of his lightsabers just like he has in the previous six sets that he has come in. This variation of Grievous is nothing new, since the same figure came out in General Grievous's Wheel bike from 2014, and General Grievous's Combat Speeder from 2018. This Grievous is white and gray and has the same amount of detail and articulation that the previous Grievous minifigures had. It would have been nice to get a new version of Grievous, or at least have Grievous as tan, like he was in the film. Nonetheless, this figure of General Grievous is still good quality and this is a great set to pick up the fiendish droid general in.

    Obi-Wan Kenobi — This is the second set that this version of Obi-Wan has come in, the first being the Duel on Mustafar set that came out earlier this year. This version of the jedi master comes with his lightsaber, as well a blaster pistol, which he uses later on in the fight to kill the cyborg general. However, the odd part with this variation of Kenobi is that he has the burnt marks on his jedi robes, which he did not have until the end of the film long after Grievous had been killed. This makes this figure technically inaccurate to the set and is a little disappointing. Nonetheless, Kenobi is still a great minifigure and it is still nice to get him in another set.

    The Airborne Clone Trooper — This figure, much like the Obi-Wan minifig, was another controversial piece that added to the set. Prior to this set being release, there was many speculating on whom this character could be. Some thought that it was going to be a Phase 2 Commander Cody, others thought that it was going to be a new magnaguard. These guesses proved to be all wrong thou, as the mysterious figure was a new Airborne Clone Trooper. While this might not be the figure that people wanted it is still a good figure and is a nice addition to this set. The Clone comes with a regular blaster, and has new printing on his torso. Another cool new detail is that all the clones this year have a new head print, which they have not got since 2013. This is the second set that a 212th Airborne Trooper has come out in, and while this may not be the figure that everyone wanted, it is still a good figure to have and adds to the set quite nicely.

    The Set: When a set has already been made it can be challenging for the designers to go in and make a new and updated version of a popular set. Sometimes it goes well, and other times it goes very poorly. However, this is not one of those cases of the remake being worse. The designer of the ship is just as if not better than the previous two sets. The ship is about the same size as the original, and has an even more sleek build to the ship, than the 2010 ship. The cockpit uses the same piece for the windshield, however this time the windshield more printing of it which is great. The cockpit opens up just like the 2010 version, however, unlike the 2010 version, the cockpit does not stay shut, so if you move the ship around the cockpit will open up and your figure will fall out. Inside the cockpit, there are two printed control pieces which are on either side, and there is plenty of room inside for Grievous to sit in with all four of his ams. Something that he was not able to do in the 2010 set. The engines of the ship are rather bulky and large, however they do have a rather sleek design to them. The 2010 version of this set had a secret compartment that could open and reveal two flick fire missiles, two on each side of the ship. The 2020 version has a similar feature, however instead of missiles, there is room to store two of Grievous's lightsabers in each engine when he is flying in his ship. The design of the ship has a more accurate color scheme with only a few pieces sticking out. Overall, this design of this ship has greatly improved with a great amount of features that are integrated into the ship rather well.


    This is the third version of General Grievous's Starfighter, and while the ship looks mostly the same, the design of the ship has greatly improved. The big complaint about this set that I have seen so far, is that there is no Commander Cody, and Obi-Wan is the same from the Duel on Mustafar set. While both of these are true, I do not believe that it takes anything away from the set. While getting Cody would have been amazing, the Airborne Trooper is still a good-looking figure and a nice inclusion. Obi-Wan on the other hand, I see no problem with getting the same figure again. I know that the burn marks on his robes are not there till the duel on Mustafar, however, this is not the first time that Lego has included figures that do not belong in the set, or where not there in that scene. For some this figure of Obi-Wan will be the end of the world, they say that Lego is lazy or that Lego does not care. These are the people who push Lego to make a certain product, and when Lego does, but it's not exactly what they want, they turn on Lego in a heartbeat. Anyway, another issue with this set is the price. The set costs $80 for only 487 pieces, and while this is rather high, the pricing does make sense. When looking at the set you should look at the price to piece ratio as well as the amount of stuff that you get in the set. You could buy a set with a lot of pieces, but the build is rather small because all of those pieces are little. On the other hand, you could buy a set with very few pieces, but the build is big because the set contains several bigger pieces. To conclude, this is a great set to pick up if you do not own an older version of this set and is definitely worth picking up.

    2 out of 8 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Droid Gunship

    <h1>Droid Gunship</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75233-1/Droid-Gunship'>75233-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-III'>Episode III</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2019'>2019</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2019 LEGO Group</div>

    Droid Gunship

    ©2019 LEGO Group
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    The New and Improved Droid Gunship

    Written by (TFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    When I saw that this set was coming out this year I was very excited. I missed out on the last two Droid gunships so I finally picked up this set yesterday. The ship overall has been greatly improved on its color and its overall design. It is much sleeker, and has an overall menacing feel to it overall. The set comes with 4 minifigures, Yoda, Tarrful, and 2 of the new Kashyyyk Battle Droids.

    The Minfigures:

    Yoda- is perhaps the most boring out of all of these figures, since he is the only one to have come out in several sets. He has a green lightsaber, and has the same printing on the front and on the back and on his head piece as well.

    Chief Tarrful- Tarrful has only came in one other set, that was the At-Ap from 2014. That being said, he isn’t the exact same version of the figure, from the last set. However he is still a great looking figure, with great printing and a great amount of detail on the front and the back on the figure. Overall a good looking figure.

    Battle Droids- these two battle droids are the only new figures in this set. This set and the new At-Ap set. These figures have a dark green stripe and an olive green body. They both are identical and what I was surprised with was that they both came with gun metal gray blasters. These two figures are actually AAT drivers, but on the box they have been labeled with Kashyyyk battle droids.

    The build,

    The build to this set was straight forward and it was easy to follow the steps. There were not too many stickers which is nice since sometimes stickers can be a pain. The overall look to the set once you finish the build is nice.

    The set,

    The set overall is impressive to look at. The set has gotten rid of all of the regular blue on it and replaced it with proper dark blue. The top of the ship has almost all curved slopes and hardly any studs, which gives the ship a sleek look to it. The front of the ship has a more accurate head with some great looking double barreled cannons. The top of the Droid head can open up so that you can put a Droid minifigure inside. However this is not accurate since the Droid Gunship is a Droid in itself. (Keeper this is not a problem since it is a small part of the ship and you can always leave the droids out as well. The one part of the ship that is a great improvement is the missiles on the bottom of the ship. The two last versions of this ship had a bomb dropping mechanism instead of having missiles like the ship does in the safe wars universe. The way the new missile system works is that all of the missiles are flick fire but instead of flicking them there are these pins that you push that shoots out two missiles at a time. There is still landing gear on the bottom which can still easily fold out and fold in. On the sides there is a cannon which a stud shooter on each side. This looks nice and it is better then having the rods of the spring loader shooter stick out.


    A lot of people think that this set is bad seeing how this is a remake of the 2014 set and it looks very similar. However that is far from the case. This versions of the ship is sleeker and looks more accurate, then both old sets. My personal opinions on this set is, is that you should buy it the improvement of the missile weapons and the sleeker design as well as a solid selection of minifigures make this set well worth the money. However it is fifty dollars, which is the same amount as the 2014. So while it is expensive, it is on the smaller side as well. However that being said, you are getting an upgraded vehicle and good figures , so in the end you should by this set, and even if you think that it’s too much money, then wait for it to go down a little in price. Either way this is a set that will not disappoint.

    13 out of 14 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Cloud-Rider Swoop Bikes

    <h1>Cloud-Rider Swoop Bikes</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75215-1/Cloud-Rider-Swoop-Bikes'>75215-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Solo'>Solo</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2018'>2018</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2018 LEGO Group</div>

    Cloud-Rider Swoop Bikes

    ©2018 LEGO Group
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    Value for money

    Enfys Nest and her gang

    Written by (TFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    When I first saw Solo, one of the characters that I really liked and found interesting was Enfys Nest. I thought that end of the movie that her character was ruined a little bit but not much. When I saw this set I thought that it was cool however was not the first set in the fall wave that I wanted to get, however the set did not disappoint.

    The figures: the set contains 3 characters, Enfys Nest, Weazel, and Tobías Beckett. All three of these figures are well done and are highly detailed.

    Enfys Nest: she is the leader of the cloud riders, and is really the main draw to this set. We did not get this her in the first wave of Solo sets, so it’s nice to finally get her. She has a short cape, that has a burnt orange on the inside and on the other side there is a small print of a fur. She does have leg printing and back printing, which looks very good. Her helmet is one of the best helmets done by Lego, and it very accurate to the movie. On the back of her helmet, she has she spikes sticking out of her helmet. These are made out of rubber and not plastic. For her weapon she has a staff like weapon. There is one of those new blade pieces that makes up the top part of her staff. The middle of her weapon is a lightsaber handle, and then the bottom part is made from a spear. One big problem with her is that she doesn’t have a face. She only has a black head. Just like her minion Weazel.

    Tobias Beckett: this is the second best figure in this set. He came In the tie fighter from the first wave of Solo sets. However this version of Beckett is in his regular outfit that he wore throughout the entire movie. He comes it’s two silver pistols and has the new Mr. Incredible hairpiece. His face I believe is different, and the printing on his torso and legs is very well done. He also comes with the same weapons like he did in the tie fighter, he also does not have a double sided head.

    Weazel: is the last figure in this set. He is part of Nest’s gang and is the shortest figure in this set. Like Nest, he also has a unique helmet, however his is plastic unlike his boss. He also has a black head, however on both sides of the head there is some metal printed on it. He like the other two figures has good printing on his torso, and he also has short legs which aren’t the ones that can bend. His weapon is a heavy modified blaster, which is made from an alien quest blaster, and binoculars are attached to the end of it. He like the other two figures are only unique to the set.

    The set: the set comes with two speeders. Nest’s bike came only seat one figure" on the bottom there are a pair of stud shooters. The back of the speeder has a fin that has a red stripe of it. This looks cool, however it looks good from really one side. The engines look really good and are very well built up. Weazel’s bike has a sidecar attached to it and is much bigger than Nest’s bike. The back of the bike looks unfinished which fits with the rugged look of the bikes. There is a stud cannon on both sides of the bike. There is a spot on the sidecar that you can store the cargo that comes with this set. A cool part of this big speeder is hat you can detach the sidecar and make it another speeder to use. You don’t even have to take the pieces that connect the speeders together. If you take the red pins off then you can make it look like part of the the exhaustion for the speeder. However the sidecar doesn’t have any controls on it so you would have to add your own. The best looking part of the speeder is the engines. They are really well built up look very nice. Both speeders have a good and consistent color scheme. However there is one blue pin rapt the front of Nest’s bike which sorta sticks out. Both speeders are well built and are a good collection Solo collection

    Overall: this set is really fun and is well built. It also comes with a container of coaxium, which is important to the whole Solo plot. You are able to store one container on the speeders, however you would have to change the speeders to make room to hold more. The figures are all really good, however It is odd that weazel comes in this set. Sure he fits in the set, but he is hardly in the movie at all. The set goes very well with the Imperial transport train and the at hauler. However the set can be a little boring on its own. The set is good but not as good as some of the others. It is 30 dollars which is pricey, but it’s not bad. I would recommend getting a Anakin’s Jedi starfighter or even Snoke’s throne room. I think that it would be better to get this set on discount then getting at full price. However overall this is a good set and I would recommend it.

    7 out of 7 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

    <h1>Anakin's Jedi Starfighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75214-1/Anakin-s-Jedi-Starfighter'>75214-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Clone-Wars'>The Clone Wars</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2018'>2018</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2018 LEGO Group</div>

    Anakin's Jedi Starfighter

    ©2018 LEGO Group
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    Value for money

    Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter

    Written by (TFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    When I first saw this set I knew that I wanted it, and this set did not disappoint. The set comes with two minifigures and has a great amount of detail and playability.

    The minifigures,

    Anakin Skywalker: Anakin has been updated since the last time he came in a set. He now has leg printing and has very good printing on the torso as well. His hair went back to the lighter color that it was, back during the Clone wars sets. He has the pilot headset on both sides of his head as well.

    R2-D2: This version of R2 has become one of the most common figures to get in Lego Star Wars. He has come in so many different sets, and this one is the same as the last one. However while he is the same, he is still a good figure.

    The Set: the ship has been vastly improved upon and is much better then the last one. The color scheme is very consistent, and is pleasing to the eye to look at. It has two stud cannons on both wings, and has a clip for the lightsaber on the bottom, as well as one landing leg. The cockpit, opens up the same way as the last sets did, and the control piece has a unique print on it. In the front of the ship, right in front of R2, you can remove the triangular piece, and put some more ammo for the cannons. The engines have been updated and are now black with some green pieces making it look like the ship is actually flying. There are a couple of stickers in this set, however they make the set look so much better. Overall this set is well worth the cost and worthy to ad to your Star Wars collection.

    Overall: like I said before, I really like this set and think that it is worth the price. The set costs $20, which is more reasonable and better then some other sets from this year. I think that the fighter is much better the pun the last, however one problem that isn’t to bad but is a little annoying, Is the gap between the wings and the body of the ship. It isn’t big, but it is noticeable. One thing that is really good is that the underside of the ship stays consistent with the color scheme and actually looks good. Like I said before the figures are good, however I wished that Anakin had one side of his head without the headset, so that we could use him for other things. However this isn’t to bad of a problem. Lego uses the clone wars body but makes it more like it would look like if it was in the movies, which looks really good. Overall I would say that for $20 dollars, this set is amazing. The ship looks very good and it comes with some very good minifigs. If you are a fan of the clone wars, or just a fan of Star Wars, them you are going to love this set.

    10 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Snoke's Throne Room

    <h1>Snoke's Throne Room</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75216-1/Snoke-s-Throne-Room'>75216-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-VIII'>Episode VIII</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2018'>2018</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2018 LEGO Group</div>

    Snoke's Throne Room

    ©2018 LEGO Group
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    The supreme leaders throne room

    Written by (TFOL , bronze-rated reviewer) in United States,

    Ever since i saw the images for this set I was excited. I looked forward to getting the new guards and I thought that the Room was nicely designed. I have heard that, and seen a lot of people complain about the set, about the price etc... however what I have learned from after buying this set is that, you can't always believe what everyone else says.

    The minfigures

    For me, this was my first set with snoke, and the last Jedi version of Rey. I had already gotten kylo and the guards where new figures for the set.

    Snoke: he is exactly the same as the last set that he came out of, however that does not mean that he doesn't look really good. The only way that Lego could improve this figure is by making him a tad bit taller, but besides that he is still a very good figure. Snoke is the only figure In this set that doesn't have a weapon at all, but he doesn't need it

    Rey: is the only other figure to come in only one set before this set(snoke is the other one). She is (like snoke) the exact same figure as the one that comes in the first order walker. She is still a very good figure and she comes with a blue lightsaber in this set.

    Kylo: like the two previous figures has come in a previous set before. However unlike the other two, he has come in a microfightet set, which makes him the less desirable figure in this set. However he still looks really good and he has the scar on his face with a calm expression and an angry expression. Kylo also comes with his crossgurad lightsaber

    The pretorian guards: these two are easily the most desirable figures in this set. The guards that we get are the 5th and 6th guards and they look very good. They have a new shoulder armor piece and a new piece for the helmet. However the helmets are the same for both of them. They both come with two different weapons. One thing them come with a staff and the other comes with a pike weapon, it also comes with the whip slash chain version of the same weapon.

    The set: at the front of the set is the turbolift the opens up into the throne room. You came really only fight one figure in it without jamming them in. You can turn the knob on the top to turn the lift around, which works very nicely. The next part of the Room is the bridge which was built very well, which then leads to the main bass of the set. In the middle of the floor, before snokes throne you can put Rey on the tile and, when you pull the red knob you can pull Rey towards snoke. However when you do this it leaves a gap in the floor which isn't that bad. The next function is to the right of the throne you can put Rey over a tile and when you press down on it you can make Rey jump up. This function is very simple however it works to some degree. The throne itself is very nicely built and looks very nice. You can rotate the throne and you can even take it out of its spot for some more storage space. And lastly on the sides, where the pillars are, at the very bottom you can open it up and put some extra weapons and such in. This is the same for both sides.

    Conclusion: I bought this set with some high expections of it and it did not disappoint. The completed set looks very nice and the figures are excellent. However one thing that is missing is the red curtain. This one a big part of the throne room, and some people think that the set looks bad without it. However this is not the case. The sets works down without it and it gives more room to place in the Room with out the curtain taking up space. Another issue is that you can't put Rey in the turbolift with her handcuffs on. This is a tad bit disappointing however it isn't bad. An odd part to the set is the inclusion of a chalice for the supreme leader. We never saw snoke use this in the movie so it is odd that the put it in this set however it isn't bad. And finally the price. Yes the price is $70 for about 500 pieces. It is a expensive set and the price does hurt it. However I would say this. If you don't have snoke, Rey or kylo, or at least you don't have two of these figures then I would definitely buy the set hands down. However if you already have these figures then I would think about it more, or wait for it to go on sale. For me personally I didn't have Rey or snoke, so I was really happy to get this set, however if you do have these figures then I would save your money and get the x wing or another set. However this is still one of the best 2018 sets that Lego had made and I think that a lot of people will have fun with this highly detailed set

    10 out of 10 people thought this review was helpful.