Review: 76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake

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4762 Rescue from the Merpeople was released in 2005, portraying the memorable second task of the Triwizard Tournament. These underwater ruins reappear in the excellent 76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake, which particularly resembles its precursor.

This minifigure selection, for example, matches the selection from the earlier set. Moreover, the proportions of this design are noticeably similar to the model from 2005, albeit with an above-water structure on top! Fortunately, the original recreation of the scene was impressive, so I anticipate good things of its modern counterpart.


76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake, 349 pieces.
£39.99 / $44.99 / €44.99 | 11.5p/12.9c/12.9c per piece.
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Despite feeling expensive, this long-awaited return to the Black Lake is very satisfying

  • Clever structural configuration
  • Consistently detailed
  • Fantastic minifigures
  • Quite expensive

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.


All five minifigures in this set are exclusive, beginning with Harry Potter. The wizard's swimming attire is accurately decorated with a tiny Hogwarts crest and his name on the reverse, while this double-sided head features unique gills, representing the effects of consuming Gillyweed. I like the hair element too, which reflects Harry's longer hairstyle from The Goblet of Fire.

Viktor Krum is similarly dressed in a Durmstrang-branded vest, although with a more muscular torso. However, the printed Durmstrang crest seems rather indistinct, only vaguely resembling a double-headed eagle. Krum's hair and head are effective though, despite this character's noted tendency never to smile.

Rather than a grimace, the other side of the head displays a cavernous mouth, which fits nicely inside the provided shark headgear! This component was designed for the Shark Suit Guy from 71011 Collectable Minifigures Series 15, but is perfectly suited to Viktor Krum. The teeth appear brilliantly menacing, but the printed mouth does not completely fill the space between them.

Harry's transformation using Gillyweed is less dramatic, but does involve his feet becoming long flippers. A pair of light nougat flippers are therefore included, connecting to the medium legs and matching Harry's skin tone. Ideally, both Harry and Krum would also be wearing shorts, although medium legs have never been dual-moulded before, so I can excuse their omission for Harry.

The second task requires each Triwizard Champion to rescue somebody precious to them, from the depths of the Black Lake. Ron Weasley takes on the role for Harry and enters an enchanted sleep when ensnared, so this minifigure includes an exclusive expression with closed eyes. The Hogwarts robes are common though, with subtle Gryffindor colours.

Hermione Granger wears the same Hogwarts attire and both students include medium legs, as normal for their appearances in Third and Fourth Year sets. The chosen hair components match other versions of Ron and Hermione as well, while Hermione's minifigure also features a unique head, with closed eyes.

I had hoped these new double-sided heads would create an opportunity for some more unusual expressions, rather than the standard happy and determined designs. However, both minifigures do include smiles, which makes sense for this scene, admittedly.

Various mysterious creatures dwell in the Black Lake, including Merpeople. A lone Merperson is therefore supplied to guard the captives, recreating the distinctive sand green skin tone of these characters in the film. Some metallic silver scales decorate the torso and should have continued across the tail, which is disappointingly plain.

The shape of the tail looks splendid though, originating from VIDIYO and 43102 Candy Mermaid BeatBox. The wavy hair component was also introduced with the Candy Mermaid, but has never appeared in a traditional hair colour before, like medium nougat. I love the texture, as though the Merperson's hair is billowing underwater.

Both expressions seem rather scary, although the second design with bared teeth is particularly fearsome! This minifigure carries a golden trident, ready to threaten Harry when he attempts to free Hermione, as well as Ron.

Merpeople are not inherently aggressive though, whereas the troublesome Grindylow definitely is! These ferocious water demons have never appeared in physical LEGO form before, so their introduction here is exciting. The Grindylow's shape is accurate, including intricate tentacles and arms, similar to those on Baby Groot. The trans-opalescent brown colour is strange though, with a glittery finish.

The Completed Model

LEGO sometimes struggles with models which transition between above water and underwater settings, given the challenge this combination presents for play. However, the designer of 76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake has taken advantage of the underwater ruins to reinforce the viewing platform above. The structure is therefore fairly tall, reaching nearly 32cm.

The above configuration is certainly my favourite, but the two sections are designed to be easily separated and displayed separately, if you prefer. These are only connected with four studs, but feel absolutely secure when attached. The contrasting colours between them are superb, clearly distinguishing the blue-tinted ruins beneath the water from the viewing platform on the surface.

The viewing platform is substantially scaled-down in relation to the movie, of course. The design is recognisable though, with wooden stanchions supporting the upper tier and a platform for the Triwizard Champions to enter the water located beneath. Once again, bands of colour separate the primary viewing area from the supports.

I think the balcony could maybe have been expanded to capture the proportions of the onscreen platform more faithfully, although there is already plenty of room for minifigures. The sand green roof on the building looks good and integrates four 3x3 double concave slopes, which are new in this colour. The pearl gold plates around the clock are attractive details too.

Clock faces should decorate all four sides of the tower. However, some are omitted in favour of a simple function, as rotating the Technic ball on the back will turn the clock. I am more satisfied with the interior, which contains two mugs and a coffee container. These are shown briefly when Dumbledore and Barty Crouch walk downstairs in the movie, so are an enjoyable detail.

Furthermore, a trans-green jar of Gillyweed is found on the floor, beside a ladder to the platform underneath. Sadly, this leaves very little space for minifigures to stand inside, but I consider this a worthwhile compromise. The repeated use of dark tan plates on each level provides pleasant consistency, with a lever under this platform revealing another function.

Pressing this lever will flip the 2x6 tile on the front of the platform, hurling any minifigures on top into the water. Like the clock above, this function was arguably unnecessary, but works perfectly and represents the Champions' unified dive when the task begins. When not interfering with the general appearance of the model, play features are always welcome.

The underwater section is where the similarities with 4762 Rescue from the Merpeople become apparent. The archway remains from the design produced in 2005 and the combination of green and blue colours is familiar too, even though the earlier model included brighter shades. I think teal, sand green and dark blue looks wonderful, denoting the murky waters of the Black Lake.

Sand green ingots form brickwork across the archway, with 1x2 masonry bricks on the flanking columns. Ron and Hermione are chained in position at the centre, supported from behind by two flexible rods. These are ingenious, keeping the chains relatively taut, as though the minifigures would float to the surface! Also, the minifigures appear to bob up and down when bumped.

The flexible rods are evidently not disguised. Nevertheless, their dark colour is easily overlooked among the verdant plants and colourful animals. Dark blue rock elements provide some texture on the front and their hollow structure creates space to hide a secret, as a golden goblet can be found on the back.

A rowing boat accompanies the main structure and seems like something of an afterthought, not even appearing in the official product image. This originates directly from 4762 Rescue from the Merpeople and is a fun reference, albeit not one conveniently integrated with the model. Maybe I would feel otherwise if the dark blue plate forming the water's surface was bigger, giving space for this vessel.


76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake contains everything I was hoping it would, which is no easy feat, given the expectation for a location LEGO has not produced since 2005! I think the vertical configuration looks nice and the transition between above water and underwater settings is exemplary, other than the superfluous rowing boat.

The minifigure selection is also appealing, even though Harry and Viktor should both be wearing shorts. Unfortunately, even the desirable minifigures are not enough to overcome the expensive price of £39.99, $44.99 or €44.99. The model seems insubstantial for the price, although I would absolutely recommend this set following a reasonable discount.

39 comments on this article

By in Czechia,

The minifigs are truly great. For some reason, I have a feeling that buying two sets would allow to make a proper tower, great from all angles. But the price would be steep. Maybe selling the minifigs from 2nd set could compensate the price. What would anyone do for a sake of proper build. :-) I don't really like these half baked sets with almost no depth.

By in United States,

Hogwarts keeping merpeople and water demons in their lake is like if Eton College stocked Dorney Lake with alligators and piranha. Dumbledore runs an irresponsibly dangerous school!

As for the set, I always like it when Lego does a solid 1:1 remake of older sets. Krum's alternate face is true Cursed Minifig stuff, though. I expect just2good will get a lot of mileage out of this one.

By in Netherlands,

I haven't seen this movie. I -have- seen "Big Trouble in Little China" though, and this scene reminds me a lot of the 'Hell of Upside-Down Sinners'.

I mean, the expressions on Ron and Hermione's faces don't look like they're sleeping...

By in United States,

Even with that weird clock not accurately keeping time, Harry's still going to run out of it before he can get Ron, the Beauxbaton person's sister, *and* the goblet.

You just never can get ye goblet or flask, can you?

By in Netherlands,

I really appreciate the unusual underwater colours used here, and the "floating minifigures" technique is quite effective indeed!

By in Netherlands,

A bit disappointing that the VIDIYO mermaid has a printed tail 43102 but HP gets a pain one
Will get it once I see decenty sale.

@WemWem you forgot the giant squid, but that is friendly to humans.

By in United States,

@WemWem said:
"Hogwarts keeping merpeople and water demons in their lake is like if Eton College stocked Dorney Lake with alligators and piranha. Dumbledore runs an irresponsibly dangerous school!

As for the set, I always like it when Lego does a solid 1:1 remake of older sets. Krum's alternate face is true Cursed Minifig stuff, though. I expect just2good will get a lot of mileage out of this one."

I mean, there’s also a giant squid in there, and detention involves sending children unaccompanied by anything but a dog out at night into the werewolf infested forest. Frankly sea demons and mermaids that pretty much only live at the depths and required forms of advanced magic that the majority of the student base wasn’t even aware of to access is pretty tame in comparison

By in Netherlands,

I was very happy to see Lego remake this set. It's one of the more unique locations in Harry Potter and it's always nice to get more mermaids. Especially unconventional designs like this.

By in United States,

While I don't like Harry Potter, the Grindylow is awesome. I'll need to pick up a few...

By in Belgium,

Wauw! Since the fantastic Rivendell the first Brickset review of 2023 that M.A.T.T.E.R.S. ! Thanks capn!

You guys DO know there have been released five "Avatar: The Way of water"-sets, right? And a terrific Avengers Quinjet, right. Do ya? ...

By in United States,

@lORDoFtHEbOARD said:
"Wauw! Since the fantastic Rivendell the first Brickset review of 2023 that M.A.T.T.E.R.S. ! Thanks capn!

You guys DO know there have been released five "Avatar: The Way of water"-sets, right? And a terrific Avengers Quinjet, right. Do ya? ... "

The Avatar line hasn’t quite been met warmly on here so it makes sense why they wouldn’t bother reviewing those. This was one of the few sets I wanted this year so I’ll probably get it on Bricklink or otherwise second-hand, especially if anyone offers it for a lower-than-market-value price. That Merperson torso is too “interesting” to pass up. ;)

By in United States,

So happy to finally have this set on the way! I would always stare at the original set in the back of the Hungarian Horntail instruction book. Can’t wait to see what sets are coming later this year and beyond! (Hopefully a Durmstrang ship soon!)

By in Belgium,

@Trigger_ said:
" @lORDoFtHEbOARD said:
"Wauw! Since the fantastic Rivendell the first Brickset review of 2023 that M.A.T.T.E.R.S. ! Thanks capn!

You guys DO know there have been released five "Avatar: The Way of water"-sets, right? And a terrific Avengers Quinjet, right. Do ya? ... "

The Avatar line hasn’t quite been met warmly on here so it makes sense why they wouldn’t bother reviewing those. This was one of the few sets I wanted this year so I’ll probably get it on Bricklink or otherwise second-hand, especially if anyone offers it for a lower-than-market-value price. That Merperson torso is too “interesting” to pass up. ;)"

Guess the reactions to that wave weren't too bad, certainly not to the degree that all 5 sets would be excluded from being reviewed. I think there are very good things to be said about them. In one week to come, my son is getting 3 out of 5 of 'em! Leaving the other 2 for me (the sub) and my other son (the tulkun) :D

That being said, this Harry Potter set is awesome as well!

By in United States,

The fact that they were right beneath the platform the whole time makes Fleur’s inability to complete the task even more eyebrow-raising.

By in United Kingdom,

Not a bad set for £25.

By in United Kingdom,

The Avatar sets will be reviewed in due course.

By in Hungary,

This one looks fantastic for me. I love the color scheme and minifigures. One of the best HP sets in the last few years.

By in Poland,

Buying two for sure, I dont even care about HP, JUST great pieces!

By in United Kingdom,

@lORDoFtHEbOARD said:
"Wauw! Since the fantastic Rivendell the first Brickset review of 2023 that M.A.T.T.E.R.S. ! Thanks capn!

You guys DO know there have been released five "Avatar: The Way of water"-sets, right? And a terrific Avengers Quinjet, right. Do ya? ... "

We will get to those, but also need to cover sets released this month.

Incidentally, LEGO has released 281 sets so far in 2023, of which about 200 are from themes that we would usually try to review on Brickset. 81 days have passed since the first 2023 set review embargo was lifted, so even if we published two reviews every day, we would still be unable to cover everything.

Nevertheless, we try our best!

By in United States,

You all do great work. I appreciate photos that show things Lego's official images sometimes don't include, like the back of a model. Too often Lego gives us a couple dozen images... but they're just slightly different, and leave out other angles.
(Then there are those goofy "lifestyle" images.)

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @lORDoFtHEbOARD said:
"Wauw! Since the fantastic Rivendell the first Brickset review of 2023 that M.A.T.T.E.R.S. ! Thanks capn!

You guys DO know there have been released five "Avatar: The Way of water"-sets, right? And a terrific Avengers Quinjet, right. Do ya? ... "

We will get to those, but also need to cover sets released this month.

Incidentally, LEGO has released 281 sets so far in 2023, of which about 200 are from themes that we would usually try to review on Brickset. 81 days have passed since the first 2023 set review embargo was lifted, so even if we published two reviews every day, we would still be unable to cover everything.

Nevertheless, we try our best!"

You all do any awesome job. You are in between a rock and hard place / not able to please everyone at once. I don't agree with what you guys have to put up with (too much abuse from people), but I appreciate all the work you staff do for us Brickset readers.

Thanks to you all!

By in United Kingdom,

Nice set seen built in Lego Store Southampton close to Brickset HQ .. agreed re prices it needs a £10 to £15 ISH reduction and then it's a must buy.

By in United States,

Great review and great timing for this set! I'm recently getting into making MOCs and would love to do a larger-scale version of this scene.

By in Netherlands,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @lORDoFtHEbOARD said:
"Wauw! Since the fantastic Rivendell the first Brickset review of 2023 that M.A.T.T.E.R.S. ! Thanks capn!

You guys DO know there have been released five "Avatar: The Way of water"-sets, right? And a terrific Avengers Quinjet, right. Do ya? ... "

We will get to those, but also need to cover sets released this month.

Incidentally, LEGO has released 281 sets so far in 2023, of which about 200 are from themes that we would usually try to review on Brickset. 81 days have passed since the first 2023 set review embargo was lifted, so even if we published two reviews every day, we would still be unable to cover everything.

Nevertheless, we try our best!"

And we're grateful for the effort from the Brickset team :D

By in United States,

It’s been established that you guys don’t do this for a living, so clearly you’re just going to have to give up sleeping. I read about a woman who was tossing back ten bottles of 5 Hour Energy per day. Seemed to work for her. Well, as long as you don’t mind the heart palpitations.

By in Australia,

@laibros said:
"The minifigs are truly great. For some reason, I have a feeling that buying two sets would allow to make a proper tower, great from all angles. But the price would be steep. Maybe selling the minifigs from 2nd set could compensate the price. What would anyone do for a sake of proper build. :-) I don't really like these half baked sets with almost no depth."

I definitely agree that the Minifigs here are unique, and that while it looks reasonable from the front, this is essentially a facade with an especially diminutive interior of no depth. This likely provides ample opportunity for MOCing, but I'll probably pass due to the gratituous price.

By in United States,

A fine update of an 18-year-old set. The price like like it's designed to be 20%. $36 is more reasonable and what I'll look to buy it for.

Appreciate the focus on the play features, which aren't always clear from box cover photos.

By in Australia,

@Trigger_ said: "The Avatar line hasn’t quite been met warmly on here so it makes sense why they wouldn’t bother reviewing those."

And they seem to be gathering dust on shelves, so I'm just waiting for the stores to start clearancing them out at heavy discounts.

By in Netherlands,

It's a nice remake/update of a set and scene .

Now, next time this set will remade again, Harry Potter itself will probably have been Rebooted.

By in United States,

I'm a little disappointed that the mermaid doesn't use the same tail piece as the mermaids in 4762. It was in production at least as recently as 2018, when it was used in 71020-5. I guess which you prefer depends whether you want your mermaids in a swimming position or not.

By in United States,

I’m disappointed that Krum has a shark tail, because he only had the head and pectoral fin in the movie. Except, I do want some of those new light-bley shark heads…

By in United States,

I love that mermaid’s hair! Great to see it in a natural color, I expect it’ll be quite useful for creating minifigs with hair blowing in the wind

By in Australia,

Disappointed that this set didn't came with the infamous stoned Ron face from 4762

By in Germany,

Not going into how frankly stupid the whole concept of the Triwizard Tournament is in universe, I quite like the set.
But for the price the above water tower should definitely have been more substantial.

By in United States,

It used to bug me, because I assumed things to be true when they weren’t, because the movies left out a lot of details. I originally thought it occurred every three years (the age restrictions would allow each student one opportunity to try out), and was uncertain about whether it was an ongoing competition (there’s certainly no mention of it during Years 1 or 7).

Since then, I’ve learned it was every _five_ years (which means 40% of these students will never be eligible to compete unless they flunk one or two years…in which case they’d probably make very poor candidates to compete in a competition based on magic), it was cancelled indefinitely a few hundred years ago (too many TWT champs died), and it only came about this time because of some Deatheater meddling.

What’s not clear is how Deadric affects the possibility of future competitions (my gut says it’s even less likely to come back now), or if the four abducted students were themselves in any real danger (if you fail to retrieve them, what happens when time expires?). What about the spectators? I assume the dragon handlers had to bear a certain amount of risk, but were spells in place to keep any dragons from strafing the crowd?

By in United States,

Nice review. I won’t be buying this set which is my choice . Huw, I am pleased that you and your site has chosen not to follow the other sites no longer reviewing HP set. This is why brickset is the leader in Lego reviews.

By in United States,

Should have included 2-3 of the little octopus Grindylows.

By in Canada,

Why are Harry & Victor not sporting shorts or speedos like in the older set (Harry only there)? Could’ve easily moulded Victor’s full length legs to have those & Harry's fig could’ve gone with midsize lite-tone legs & black T-waist piece to which legs attach. *harumphf*

By in United States,

I bought this set today and built it. While building it, I was reminded a lot of what was pointed out in this review as it was spot on about so much. The inside of the top level is too cramped but the accessories are appreciated.

The underwater color scheme is fantastic as is the sand green roof for the tower.

The print for the clock face is very visibly off centered. I also received an incorrect part in place of another part. His incorrect part isn’t even in the set which is ver weird.

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