Random set of the day: Blue Eagle vs. Snow Crawler

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Blue Eagle vs. Snow Crawler

Blue Eagle vs. Snow Crawler

©2004 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 4745 Blue Eagle vs. Snow Crawler, released during 2004. It's one of 6 Alpha Team sets produced that year. It contains 258 pieces and 2 minifigs, and its retail price was US$30/£24.99.

It's owned by 1,147 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

27 comments on this article

By in United States,

One of several themes without an official story ending...

By in United States,

Early bird gets the arctic ant?

By in United States,

And here we see a classic example of a original theme $20 set go-to. You have a vehicle from the protagonists, and a vehicle from the antagonists, both about the same size. It can also be seen in such like 70622 .

By in Australia,

I just did not buy enough of the Mission Deep Freeze sets. I really didn't.

By in United States,

This is easily one of my favorite sets of my early Lego collection. Such a well-designed, cool-looking jet fighter that has a neat landing mode, along with a sizeable baddie to fight!

By in New Zealand,

That trans medium? blue helmet. Lovely.

By in United States,

I absolutely loathe this cockpit canopy design. I'd rather strap my minifigs right to the hull.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
"I absolutely loathe this cockpit canopy design. I'd rather strap my minifigs right to the hull."

"So we want to make it look sort of futuristic, but more secret agent 'futuristic-ish but just because we have government support' futuristic. Any ideas?"

"Yeah, what if we made it round, but a rectangle at the same time?"

"You, sir, are a genius."

By in United States,

And clearly they eliminated any sort of peripheral vision to demonstrate that these guys all have mad skillz. Who flies a plane that has a porthole for a cockpit canopy? SpaceShipOne is a spacecraft, so that doesn't count.

By in United States,

Behold one of the greatest themes of all time, and arguably its best wave.

Funny story: I found this set *sealed* in a thrift store about three years ago, only a paltry $10 USD.

By in United States,

I always thought this was the spiffiest of the Alpha Team Deep Freeze sets.

By in United States,

What in the 80s-scifi-fever dream is going on here?!

By in Netherlands,

Oh man, this set...

This is one of the main sets I've re-acquired the last few years. I used to own one that I bought on a holiday to the Czech Republic years after it disappeared from shelves. I liked it, but because it took some pecious shelf space I sold it.

That was a mistake. When I started to seriously attempt to re-acquire my missing sets in 2020 it turned out that this one was very, very hard to find in the Netherlands. It took until september 2021 for me to finally find one for a good price in a French Bricklink store. That was a particularly eventful month in terms of re-acquisitions but I just swallowed the extra cost.

It's surreal that I now have sets like this again. Later this week I will get the final few common sets and then it'll be just about 1-2 of rare mid-sized sets and one uncommon giant set left.

I love the design here. Like all 2004 AT vehicles this one has an Alpha Mode. The Blue Eagle can convert to a compact (if tall) ski vehicle and has a remotely activated claw. The Snow Crawler is one of the few Ogel builds in this subtheme and is one of the best. You can launch ice orbs from the back and the wings can actually unfold from behind its carapace. Also, the antenna in the middle can be pulled out. This will 'behead' it in what might be an escape craft. Oh, and the 'mandibles' can hold ice orbs.
The carapace is also printed!

The subtheme is great! I now have them all except the Blizzard Blaster and Mountain Fortress. I originally didn't have the Mobile Command Center but caved in after I got this set. These are amongst the best vehicles lego has made in terms of converting.

By in United Kingdom,

Still have this set! The mechanism for the Blue Eagle's rear claw is pretty cool. Plus, those sand-blue Kopaka Nuva blades rock.

By in Austria,

@Murdoch17 said:
"One of several themes without an official story ending..."

It was one of my favourite set lines back in the day

By in United Kingdom,

One of the few bad guy vehicles this wave of Alpha Team actually had; after the awesome evil whale/squid/shark/ray things of the Deep Sea line its rather a shame to see Ogel reduced to just this snow beetle thing. Guess on his third go at the world domination thing he was starting to run out of funds

By in United States,

So many memories of this set, as well as 6773 and 4890. Despite not owning that many sets from it, Alpha Team was so nostalgic, especially Dash's vehicles. I prefer his 2001 minifig, though.

By in United Kingdom,

The cockpit and Insect helmet are unique to the 6 alpha teams sets at this time before discontinued, although I could find plenty of uses for them now.

By in United States,

Designed to appeal to kids remember, and it seems from the comments that it hit the target well.

By in United States,

Still been very tempted to look into this subtheme. Deep Freeze and Dino Attack at the same time was a crazy 1-2 punch from Lego, though it does seem both were left forgotten despite the interesting concepts and builds they threw in.

By in United States,

I don't have this particular set, but Alpha Team was an underrated line. Lots of playability for kids, great minifigures, some imaginative sets, good prices. What more do you want? :)

By in Canada,

Gave this to my son for Xmas...it's in pieces all over now however LOL

By in Australia,

@Randomness said:
"And here we see a classic example of a original theme $20 set go-to. You have a vehicle from the protagonists, and a vehicle from the antagonists, both about the same size. It can also be seen in such like 70622 ."

Sigh... Lego needs more original themes.

Ninjago has gotten old, this is Monkie kid's final year and Dots is no more. Hopefully new original themes will start like this one.

By in United States,

Before Agents we had Alpha Team. Total inspiration for the Agents line.
That Ogel figure with that helmet is still a very cool figure.

By in United States,

Another BELOVED set from my childhood, hard to believe a set with two vehicles of that size and quality was only around $20 back then! I played with both a ton as well as mixing them in with the other Aplha Team Deep Freeze stuff like the scorpion orb vehicle and the mobile command center (sigh)

By in Netherlands,

Terminator vs Mr Freeze

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