Review: 41751 Skate Park

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There are several intriguing sets in this year's Friends sets. I decided to take a look at 41751 Skate Park next for mostly sentimental reasons.

Not only has it been eight years since the previous (and first) skate park in Heartlake City, 41099 Heartlake Skate Park, but 41099 was the very first set I reviewed for Brickset (and wow, have I learned a lot since then!). I remember being very enamoured with the working vending machine of 41099. Will 41751 have something similar?


41751 Skate Park, 431 pieces.
£44.99 / $49.99 / €49.99 | 10.4p/11.6c/11.6c per piece.
Buy at »

Plenty of play value in a basic but very colourful set

  • Very eye-catching
  • High play value
  • Great accessibility message
  • Don't buy it for the build experience!

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.

Inside the box there are four numbered bags, two loose larger plates (6x16 and 8x16), and instruction book and a moderate sized sticker sheet.

One thing I like about the relaunch are the maps that show the location of where the Friends live as well as the intended location of the set.


The minidolls in this set are Luna, Liann, and Zac. Luna is not one of the main eight Friends, and is dressed in a very attractive short-sleeved top with geometric design paired with some bright purple shorts. Her wheelchair is similarly bright, and matches with her outfit! Liann is dressed perfectly for the activity at hand, with her halter top, bright green shorts, and knee guards. Her slightly askew smile indicates a playful personality. Zac completes the trio with a white t-shirt with blue sleeves and a futuristic design with long blue shorts. All torsos and legs are new to this set.

Each Friend has an accessory - a camera for Luna, a pen and tablet for Liann, and a smartphone for Zac. Helmets are provided for all three Friends, as Liann is rocking hers on her decorated (with stickers) skateboard.

The completed model

There are two small builds - a gumball machine (regrettably, it's not a functioning one!), and a scooter that also holds Zac's helmet. Now we know how Zac gets around.

There are two skate ramps. I love how the set shows accessibility in all aspects, allowing Luna to join in the fun as well.

The main skate ramp has a multitude of colours and several ramps, allowing for endless opportunities for play. There's just about every feature of a skate park here, from the ramps next to the staircase, raised edges and mounds, and the large ramps. Kids will have a great time sending minidolls through the ramps, over the curves and down the staircase. There are several graffiti style stickers, but due to the bright colours of the set they're hardly noticeable!

To me, the most interesting part of the set is the building, which is a workshop/chill out area. I'm not sure why there is food shown on the sticker above the door. Zac's skateboard is shown parked in the front. One really nice addition to the building is a simple elevator.

The back of the building is not that interesting, however.

Taking a closer look at the shop, we see a machine ready to provide all the repairs needed for roller skates and skateboard alike.

A box of roller skates are close to the register.

The upstairs, or chill-out zone, is dominated by a large (stickered) mural with bright lights. The bright colouring continues with a funky furnishings - a bright green couch and a purple/orange side table.

Thanks to the elevator, Luna can reach the top floor to hang out with the other Friends. The elevator is a simple but effective twist mechanism to allow the elevator to reach the upper floor.

Luna isn't the only one hanging out on the top floor.

(Note: sloths are not included in this set.)

Overall thoughts

There's a lot to like about this set. I'm surprised there haven't been more skate parks in the Heartlake City universe, as it allows for an immense amount of play. I love the accessibility message though the inclusion of the wheelchair skateboarder, and that both the ramps and the builds are accessible. I think this set will be a big hit with kids, who will have a great time having the minidolls do tricks on the scooter, skateboards, and wheelchair.

You can't really compare this set with its predecessor from 2015, as this set is twice the size (and price). Partly because of the large ramp pieces, the build experience on this set is pretty basic, though I'm sure that won't be a consideration for the target demographic. There are some interesting recolours on some parts, a parts list can be found here.

I think this set will be a big hit with kids and it's a good set. However, I'm struggling to be enthusiastic as I do like some of the other sets in this wave more.

27 comments on this article

By in Netherlands,

@MeganL said:
"Luna is not one of the main eight Friends"

Oh, that's cold.

By in Austria,

@Ridgeheart said:
" @MeganL said:
"Luna is not one of the main eight Friends"

Oh, that's cold."

*myspace intensifies*

By in Netherlands,

Actual diversity instead of all-yellow! Cool!

By in United States,

Just looking at the jumbled colors is giving me a headache.

By in United States,

Never knew that Heartlake City was actually on a heart peninsula-thing with also a heart shaped lake in it.

Way to really lean into it, I guess.

By in United States,

I would love to see a "combined" map of the new locations so that I can see where some of the sets are meant to be in relation to one another, and maybe find out if that influenced their designs. I've noticed some environmental similarities to the sets that might imply they're meant to be in the same area/neighborhood, such as the Cat Hotel set having a similar sidewalk to the Flower and Design Stores.

Anyway, this set looks cute. My little brother used to be really into Tech Decks and the variety of ramps, rails, and other skate park features in this set seems like it'd be excellent for that style of play.

By in United States,

Color pallets on these are always fun, even if I'm not going to get them.

By in United States,

Really love the color scheme. Very vaporwave.

The building is a little weird. Usually the Friends buildings are pretty complete facades, which is nice. This is like... IDK, a weird space pod.

By in United States,

This set was on my wanted list mainly for Luna's wheelchair, but after reading this review, I'm also loving the use of quarter-circle tiles. One thing I noticed: "There are several graffiti style stickers, but due to the bright colours of the set they're hardly noticeable!" Well, graffiti artists don't want their work to be too noticeable, at least not by certain people...

By in United Kingdom,

Very nice review!

Related to and beyond the message of inclusivity, this set shows just how easy it is to add accessibility to any multi-story LEGO building. Take note, real world!

By in Australia,

I love the colours and the sticker designs. Very early 90s.

By in Netherlands,

Love the colors and parts used here.

A lot of recolors of those Stuntz ramps this year, no doubt will see them in white to depict Ski/Snowboard ramps/halfpipe at some point as well.

By in Germany,

@oukexergon said:
"Just looking at the jumbled colors is giving me a headache."
Same here. Just looking at the pictures makes me feel sick.
No joking, it's like with that weird disco set that looks like it was designed by a drug addict on overdose.
Even kids who just build something out of a bucket of random pieces have more sense of style.
I'm glad my kids have outgrown Friends and have not shown any interest in the sets from after the relaunch.

By in United States,

She was a sk8r grl
Said "see ya later grl"

Until Luna did a perfect kick flip in her wheelchair just to one up Liann and Zac.

Now, as the ancient laws of Heartlake demand, they have to grant her a seat at the Eldritch Council of Friends.

By in Canada,

Really like those ramps. Those colors POP, like Vidiyo.

By in United States,

@AustinPowers said:
" @oukexergon said:
"Just looking at the jumbled colors is giving me a headache."
Same here. Just looking at the pictures makes me feel sick.
No joking, it's like with that weird disco set that looks like it was designed by a drug addict on overdose.
Even kids who just build something out of a bucket of random pieces have more sense of style.
I'm glad my kids have outgrown Friends and have not shown any interest in the sets from after the relaunch. "

I'm really tired of seeing this sort of unvarnished rudeness passed off as honesty. "Looks like it was designed by a drug addict". "Kids... have more sense of style". These are the kinds of comments made by people without the empathy or consideration to comprehend that different people have different aesthetic tastes. Not liking a set is perfectly fine, but if you can't put into words why you don't like it without resorting to lazy insults, then it's a pretty good indication that those opinions don't have a lot of genuine thought put into them.

By in United States,

@Lyichir said:
" @AustinPowers said:
" @oukexergon said:
"Just looking at the jumbled colors is giving me a headache."
Same here. Just looking at the pictures makes me feel sick.
No joking, it's like with that weird disco set that looks like it was designed by a drug addict on overdose.
Even kids who just build something out of a bucket of random pieces have more sense of style.
I'm glad my kids have outgrown Friends and have not shown any interest in the sets from after the relaunch. "

I'm really tired of seeing this sort of unvarnished rudeness passed off as honesty. "Looks like it was designed by a drug addict". "Kids... have more sense of style". These are the kinds of comments made by people without the empathy or consideration to comprehend that different people have different aesthetic tastes. Not liking a set is perfectly fine, but if you can't put into words why you don't like it without resorting to lazy insults, then it's a pretty good indication that those opinions don't have a lot of genuine thought put into them."

Well said. If Friends set reviews induce such negative reactions (being sick?) maybe don't intentionally click on them?

This set is exactly hitting it's intended demographic, kids who were otherwise not interested in a "girls" theme. Nephew of mine saw in catalog and wanted immediately. It was the first set where he saw himself and his style in it.

By in United States,

@shedjed said:
" @Lyichir said:
" @AustinPowers said:
" @oukexergon said:
"Just looking at the jumbled colors is giving me a headache."
Same here. Just looking at the pictures makes me feel sick.
No joking, it's like with that weird disco set that looks like it was designed by a drug addict on overdose.
Even kids who just build something out of a bucket of random pieces have more sense of style.
I'm glad my kids have outgrown Friends and have not shown any interest in the sets from after the relaunch. "

I'm really tired of seeing this sort of unvarnished rudeness passed off as honesty. "Looks like it was designed by a drug addict". "Kids... have more sense of style". These are the kinds of comments made by people without the empathy or consideration to comprehend that different people have different aesthetic tastes. Not liking a set is perfectly fine, but if you can't put into words why you don't like it without resorting to lazy insults, then it's a pretty good indication that those opinions don't have a lot of genuine thought put into them."

Well said. If Friends set reviews induce such negative reactions (being sick?) maybe don't intentionally click on them?

This set is exactly hitting it's intended demographic, kids who were otherwise not interested in a "girls" theme. Nephew of mine saw in catalog and wanted immediately. It was the first set where he saw himself and his style in it. "

I actually am a fan of the Friends line, that's why I clicked. Usually the colors are not juxtaposed so indiscriminately by the designers. This one is a hot mess. That's my opinion. You have yours. Live and let live.

By in Germany,

@oukexergon said:
"I actually am a fan of the Friends line, that's why I clicked. Usually the colors are not juxtaposed so indiscriminately by the designers. This one is a hot mess. That's my opinion. You have yours. Live and let live."
Well said.

To all those who didn't like my comment: it may have been drastic, but it was honest.
If you don't like an honest opinion, don't go to a comments section on the internet.

I am usually a great fan of the Friends line (at least I was for many years - Friends might be the most complete theme we own*), because many of the sets were imho better for a LEGO City than the actual City lineup.
But this one, like the Disco set, just looks hideous to me, and not even like a real skate park. Sure, there are ones with coloured tarmac/concrete, but at least the ones I have seen so far have had a more muted look, not such a garish colour scheme that gives you a headache.

And if you ask why I clicked on the review in the first place - I wanted to see the reviewer's opinion on the subject.

*just checked here in the collection manager. We have 150 Friends sets, which is the highest number of any theme we have, and more than twice that of the next most represented theme (which interestingly enough is Star Wars, I wouldn't have expected that).
So that should show you how much we like it in general.

By in United Kingdom,

@AustinPowers said:
" @oukexergon said:
"I actually am a fan of the Friends line, that's why I clicked. Usually the colors are not juxtaposed so indiscriminately by the designers. This one is a hot mess. That's my opinion. You have yours. Live and let live."
Well said.

To all those who didn't like my comment: it may have been drastic, but it was honest.
If you don't like an honest opinion, don't go to a comments section on the internet.

I am usually a great fan of the Friends line (at least I was for many years - Friends might be the most complete theme we own*), because many of the sets were imho better for a LEGO City than the actual City lineup.
But this one, like the Disco set, just looks hideous to me, and not even like a real skate park. Sure, there are ones with coloured tarmac/concrete, but at least the ones I have seen so far have had a more muted look, not such a garish colour scheme that gives you a headache.

And if you ask why I clicked on the review in the first place - I wanted to see the reviewer's opinion on the subject.

*just checked here in the collection manager. We have 150 Friends sets, which is the highest number of any theme we have, and more than twice that of the next most represented theme (which interestingly enough is Star Wars, I wouldn't have expected that).
So that should show you how much we like it in general. "

Well, however "honest" your opinion may be, everyone has the right to dislike it and call it out. That's how the Internet works.

I personally love the Disco set precisely because it has such vibrant colours mixed with 80s nostalgia.

By in Netherlands,

@GBP_Chris said:
"She was a sk8r grl
Said "see ya later grl"

Until Luna did a perfect kick flip in her wheelchair just to one up Liann and Zac.

Now, as the ancient laws of Heartlake demand, they have to grant her a seat at the Eldritch Council of Friends."

One of Them, one of Them!

By in Netherlands,

Nice set, but I think they really overdid the colors. Vibrant coral is already one of the most... vibrant colors. Pair it with yellow like the railings and it just doesn't seem to complement each other all that well.
Add in dark turquoise and white and blue and lime green...
To me it seems like too many colors. Especially because vibrant coral and yellow are the most represented ones. To me it feels like looking at something with an intense construction lamp pointed at it.

The saving grace is that the blue and black are used to contrast with the brightest colors. But that works only when you zoom out.

Colors aside (I'm not a color theory expert, so maybe I'm factually incorrect that they don't pair together well or are not balanced well),
nice set.

By in Russian Federation,

Not enough moms with strollers.

By in Germany,

@Samurai_BriX said:
"Well, however "honest" your opinion may be, everyone has the right to dislike it and call it out. That's how the Internet works. "
Of course, and that's perfectly fine. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
But so am I. And some people make it sound as if my opinion was less valid just because it might be too drastic to be the popular opinion.

In any case, why put honest in quotation marks? My opinion is always honest. It might not be popular, but honest it always is.

By in United States,

I think a lot of the comments about the appearance of this set show the generational and/or cultural gap between Brickset readers and the intended audience. This set is highly accurate and really well done. In case you haven't seen a real skate park, here is a picture for reference:

By in Netherlands,

Nice skatepark!

By in Singapore,

This is the set I least like from the wave, the colours just don’t fit well and probably doesn’t display well. I also don’t like that coral ramp

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