Review: 42144 Material Handler

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Technic sets featuring pneumatics are not released every year but when they are, they're usually the highlight of the annual assortment. There's something very tactile and satisfying about operating them, which is totally missing from Control+ sets, for example.

42144 Material Handler comes hot on the heels of last year's 42128 Heavy-Duty Tow Truck, but it contains fewer than half the number of pieces and costs just $10 less, so presumably there's something very special about it to justify such a high price.


42144 Material Handler, 835 pieces.
£104.99 / $149.99 / €119.99 | 12.6p/18.0c/14.4c per piece.
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The pneumatics work well and make this a fun model to play with

  • Ingenious claw mechansim
  • Pneumatics neatly integrated
  • Quick and easy build
  • Good-looking model
  • Astronomical price
  • Underframe is very rudimentary
  • Arm droops over time

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.

Parts and stickers

Disappointingly there are no new parts in the set, but there are a few recolours, such as 28926 GRAB ELEMENT and 26656 PNEUMATIC CYLINDER 2X2X11 NO.2, both new in dark grey.

The sticker sheet contains largely superfluous decorations plus a large one which indicates what each of the pneumatic switches does.


Building is divided into three stages which are largely undertaken individually. First, the underframe is constructed. It's rather rudimentary but does incorporate steering of one of the axles via the gear on the left-hand end in the picture below, and outriggers on the corners which are operated individually.

The plant's bodywork houses the pneumatic switches, pump and pipework, and includes a cab which can be raised or lowered using the gear wheel above it.

The switches are neatly incorporated within it, and are covered later by a panel.

The completed model

The underframe is about 30cm in length and with the arm in this position the model is about 35cm tall. Three pneumatic cylinders -- two large and one small -- operate the arm and grabber. The pipework is relatively neat and tidy, although a few of the tubes could probably have been a bit shorter.

The stickers give it character, but most could be left off without detriment.

The outriggers are operated individually and when lowered lift the wheels off the ground. They are sturdy, and they have to be, to cope with vigorous pumping of the cylinder.

The cab can be raised and lowered using the gear on the top of it, from the lowest position... highest.

The pneumatic switches that control the arm and grabber are very neatly integrated into the bodywork, and clearly labelled, although initially there's some guesswork involved to determine which way to turn them to get the arm moving in the direction you want it to!

The pump is positioned centrally above the turntable which prevents the model from flexing or self-destructing when pumping it.

Here, both long cylinders are at their full extension.

And here at (almost) the other extreme.

The grabber claw, which is an outstanding piece of Technic engineering, is my favourite part of the model. The small yellow cylinder housed within the arm is linked to a beam in the centre of it which, when raised and lowered, closes and opens the jaws respectively.


This is a model of two halves. The underframe is plain and boring but, I have to admit, perfectly adequate. The upper red part is exceptionally well-designed and highly functional. The pneumatics work well and are fun to operate. It also looks great, with or without stickers.

There is some leakage in the pneumatic system and over time the arm will droop under its own weight. That's not unique to this model by any means, but it does mean that you'll need to pump it up every so often to maintain its optimum display position.

When I first received the set I was not aware of its price, so I guessed that it would be £79.99 or so, based on the size of the box and its 835-pieces. I was somewhat shocked when I learned it was £105 and even more so when finding out that it was $150 in the USA!

It's easy to blame the inclusion of pneumatics for the high price but last year's 42128 Heavy-Duty Tow Truck worked out at 7.4p / 7.9c per piece compared to this one's 12.6p / 18c, so that can't be it. LEGO is, as usual, charging what it thinks the market will bear, and in this case it's caused it to look to be very poor value for money when compared to similar sets.

It's undoubtedly an attractive model that's a pleasure to build and play with, but it's hard to look past the price, unfortunately.

It hasn't been reduced by much at yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time until it reaches something more realistic.

31 comments on this article

By in Germany,

It really does look more like the 60-70€ set than anything else... this is technic after all, third of the piece count are pins and axles.

By in United Kingdom,

No thanks. 42053 is far superior.

By in United States,

It's a very nice set, but the $150 price is obscene.

By in United States,

I have a nephew really into robotics/gears and such. And the price points are always a problem getting him Technic. It would be nice to have some of the old technic sets that focused on building your own thing, like 9604. Reasonable price for a kid trying to see what they like, and lets them do their own thing.

By in United Kingdom,

@markisnot said:
"I have a nephew really into robotics/gears and such. And the price points are always a problem getting him Technic. It would be nice to have some of the old technic sets that focused on building your own thing, like 9604 . Reasonable price for a kid trying to see what they like, and lets them do their own thing. "

I agree. 8042 was still around when I emerged from my dark ages and I had a lot of fun with it. It's about time we had some more 'universal sets' like it.

By in Germany,

We got a hybrid of 42006 + 42053.

The only interesting mechanism (to me) is the lever setup to operate the claw from the small pneumatic cylinder. Does it work well? can you grab and hold smething to move it aside?

PS: what happened to that 2x5 panel on the left hand side of the cabin? It seems to be misplaced.

By in Netherlands,

I'll buy it eventually, but only on a really good discount.

By in United Kingdom,

@chefkaspa said:
"PS: what happened to that 2x5 panel on the left hand side of the cabin? It seems to be misplaced."

Well spotted. I wonder who'd be first! It's held on with one pin so it can be rotated, thus forming a rudimentary door, and I have positioned it one hole too far forward.

(I've now replaced most of the offending images)

By in Netherlands,

@markisnot said:
"I have a nephew really into robotics/gears and such. And the price points are always a problem getting him Technic. It would be nice to have some of the old technic sets that focused on building your own thing, like 9604 . Reasonable price for a kid trying to see what they like, and lets them do their own thing. "

LEGO still has some Technic at much lower price points that aren't just cars.

42133 : Telehandler
42120 : Rescue Hovercraft
42121 : Heavy Duty Excavator

Obviously not pneumatic but you can get all 3 of those sets together for about half the US dollar price of 42144 .

By in Netherlands,

Judged on it's own merits this is what a Technic set should be: function over form. Pneumatics is always fun to have, and all of the functions seem decently well implemented. And I'm glad this is a Technic set that doesn't overly rely on stickers, rather different from several recent Technic sets.

The set has two big problems though:
1) 42053 was similar but better (and cheaper!)
2) That price is outright obscene. Even when it is already discounted to €99 at Brickwatch, that still doesn't feel right...
(and 3), why no B-model again?)

One thing that does make me curious though: in his review, Held der Steine mentioned that it was a bit strange that they recolored those Pneumatics parts for a set like this.....or can we expect something more spectacular for which those grey cylinders are needed? We'll have to wait and see...

By in United States,

@markisnot said:
"I have a nephew really into robotics/gears and such. And the price points are always a problem getting him Technic. It would be nice to have some of the old technic sets that focused on building your own thing, like 9604. Reasonable price for a kid trying to see what they like, and lets them do their own thing. "

You can find used Technic sets everywhere.

By in Canada,

@WizardOfOss said:
"Judged on it's own merits this is what a Technic set should be: function over form. Pneumatics is always fun to have, and all of the functions seem decently well implemented. And I'm glad this is a Technic set that doesn't overly rely on stickers, rather different from several recent Technic sets.

The set has two big problems though:
1) 42053 was similar but better (and cheaper!)
2) That price is outright obscene. Even when it is already discounted to €99 at Brickwatch, that still doesn't feel right...
(and 3), why no B-model again?)

One thing that does make me curious though: in his review, Held der Steine mentioned that it was a bit strange that they recolored those Pneumatics parts for a set like this.....or can we expect something more spectacular for which those grey cylinders are needed? We'll have to wait and see..."

I would love to see Lego themes cross-over.

Since Lego has already pretty much done most of the possible vehicles it can, the vehicle I'd really like to see the day would be: the 'Galaxy Explorer' (i.e. 10497). Imagine a giant blue (and bley) Technic spaceship. Functions: retractable landing gears/pads(actuators), opening cargo bay/dropping platform(pneumatic), steering on exploratory vehicle (maybe primitive suspension or smallish crane). They could do something very complicated around the landing gear where doors would completely 'seal' the opening after the landing gear would be up.

I'd also like to see a pneumatic old-days Technic locomotive (one currently under study in Ideas)

I think it would be great if we had non-real (i.e. fantasy or Sci-fi) models for Technic

By in United States,

The Tow Truck has always seemed to be a very good value compared to other sets, so that increases the stark value difference compared to this material handler.

By in United Kingdom,

This seems to be a relaunch of 42053 with fewer pieces, higher price and no licensing. However, the price will fall and glad to see that pneumatic's may be more common as worried last years 42128 was a one off.

By in United States,

$149.99 for 835 pieces. LEGO is not getting much business from me anymore.

By in United States,

Thanks for the review, Huw. Nicely written.

But... I need to post this. I am sure that someone from TLG reads these comments.

I am in the target demographics. High earner, plenty of disposable income, love for LEGO, and have small kids waiting to be introduced to the LEGO world.

But I have my red lines. I will not buy this set because it is clear price gouging. This is a $90 set at most. Will buy 42053 from the second-hand market instead.

By in United States,

@tomthepirate said:
"I am in the target demographics. High earner, plenty of disposable income, love for LEGO, and have small kids waiting to be introduced to the LEGO world."

I am right there with you (other than having kids) but honest question -- isn't the target demographic for this set 10-12 year old kids who ask their parents to buy it for them?

By in Netherlands,

@HOBBES said:
"I would love to see Lego themes cross-over.

Since Lego has already pretty much done most of the possible vehicles it can, the vehicle I'd really like to see the day would be: the 'Galaxy Explorer' (i.e. 10497). Imagine a giant blue (and bley) Technic spaceship. Functions: retractable landing gears/pads(actuators), opening cargo bay/dropping platform(pneumatic), steering on exploratory vehicle (maybe primitive suspension or smallish crane). They could do something very complicated around the landing gear where doors would completely 'seal' the opening after the landing gear would be up.

I'd also like to see a pneumatic old-days Technic locomotive (one currently under study in Ideas)

I think it would be great if we had non-real (i.e. fantasy or Sci-fi) models for Technic"

That would be cool indeed! Or thinking further on what other people have mentioned: how about a Universal set with which you can build Technic interpretations of several other iconic sets? With a strong focus on functions, more of a play set than a display set. I'd buy that!

As for that Pneumatic locomotive on Ideas, I'd love to see that become reality, but I honestly don't give it much of a chance.

By in United States,

I'm not planning to get this, but if I did, I'd put one of the Little Green Aliens from Toy Story in the driver's seat. "The Claaaaw..."

By in Netherlands,

I like that it's so basic, function over form. Just the price, but that's a matter of waiting for discounts.

By in Netherlands,

A classic in the semse of its functions. A modern monster in terms of price.

By in United Kingdom,

@AHYL88 said:
"This is pretty much a Technic set in its purest form; function over form and little to no system pieces."

That sums it up nicely!

By in United States,

Stick this claw on the back of the tow truck set and then you’ll be cooking with gas.

Thanks for the review!

By in Canada,

I've been wanting to get into LEGO technic and thought this one looked cool because of the pneumatics, but the price is just too much for me

By in United States,

This really is a fantastic Technic set qua Technic set. It's ruined by the insta-no US dollar price.

If this fell out of the sky I'd really enjoy it but I'd never buy it.

By in Slovenia,

lego lost it... it is not something new. it is going on for some time now. rising of the prices is smply put insane. it is just plastic. and lately of poorer and poorer quality. pieces cannot fit as they used to. problem with colours and colour matching all over the place in all the colour tones (not just 50 shades of lime). i would expect such poor quality from other lego clone companies - 10 or more years ago! nowdays even lego clones are better regarding color matching or quality than lego.

i simply cannot understand lego. i guess greed will end them. maybe this is for the best.

By in United Kingdom,

@AHYL88 said:
"This is pretty much a Technic set in its purest form; function over form and little to no system pieces. It's a shame it's so massively overpriced next to the far more substantial and function-rich Heavy Duty Tow Truck.

This set should've been retailing at £75 / $80-90 / 80 Euros, not deep into triple figures everywhere, especially in the US!"

Well hot on the back of Is Lego getting too expensive we have this.... I did think maybe ill dabble in Pneumatics for the first time, but not for £105. It doesn't look £105 maybe the pneumatics are pushing up the price. Also $10 difference in the US and £45 in the UK? Great. Come on Amazon 1/3 off please. Also I wonder if its only £105 for 2 weeks and then it'll be increased to £120 in the UK?

By in Spain,

Imagine the cost if it had a control+ thingy :-S

By in Germany,

@lippidp said:
" @markisnot said:
"I have a nephew really into robotics/gears and such. And the price points are always a problem getting him Technic. It would be nice to have some of the old technic sets that focused on building your own thing, like 9604. Reasonable price for a kid trying to see what they like, and lets them do their own thing. "

You can find used Technic sets everywhere."

That's a reply leading nowhere. :-/
You can always argue 'buy an older set if you're not satisfied with the new ones", but that's not the point!
It has worked years ago, so why doesn't TLC produce it nowadays? With an updated palette of parts and colors and such.

By in United Kingdom,

@Lego34s said:
" @AHYL88 said:
"This is pretty much a Technic set in its purest form; function over form and little to no system pieces. It's a shame it's so massively overpriced next to the far more substantial and function-rich Heavy Duty Tow Truck.

This set should've been retailing at £75 / $80-90 / 80 Euros, not deep into triple figures everywhere, especially in the US!"

Well hot on the back of Is Lego getting too expensive we have this.... I did think maybe ill dabble in Pneumatics for the first time, but not for £105. It doesn't look £105 maybe the pneumatics are pushing up the price. Also $10 difference in the US and £45 in the UK? Great. Come on Amazon 1/3 off please. Also I wonder if its only £105 for 2 weeks and then it'll be increased to £120 in the UK?"

For the record two weeks later..... My first Pneumatic set from Zavvi for £71.99.

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