Random set of the day: Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

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Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

©2012 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 9494 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor, released during 2012. It's one of 38 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 300 pieces and 5 minifigs, and its retail price was US$39.99/£34.99.

It's owned by 8,877 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

51 comments on this article

By in United States,

I had no idea this set existed until now.

By in Australia,

I don't even remember this set.

I definitely have a Jedi Interceptor belonging to Anakin, but I've never seen this before in my life.

By in United States,

I remember getting excited about that updated Nute Gunray back in the day... but that's all I remember from this set

By in United States,

Love that they made this set, it's neat to have all the colors of the Jedi Interceptors seen in Revenge of the Sith.

The only downside though are the clips on those S-foils. They break on every single one, in every single color, and they're always stickered, so you have to buy replacements with potentially bad sticker placement and try to fix it, or you have to buy clean ones and try to transplant the stickers or buy an additional new sticker sheet. Cool vehicles, but they make terrible sets with how that part is designed because they're integral to the ships' aesthetic.

By in United States,

Oh I don’t remember this one. I do wish I had an updated Obi-Wan Eta. My son has the most recent yellow one and it’s a solid set.

By in New Zealand,

Obi Wan episodes drop in the last week and this set comes up as RSOTD..noice

By in United States,

How is the show? I personally want to at least see Rebels first, seeing as there is content about the Inquisitor.

By in United States,

Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!!

By in United States,

@R1_Drift said:
" @Virgilnz
How is the show? I personally want to at least see Rebels first, seeing as there is content about the Inquisitor. "

I’m not @Virgilnz, but the show has been excellent so far. You probably would only NEED to watch season 1 of Rebels before watching it. The other seasons would help, but I don’t feel like they’d be necessary to the characters. Ewan is acting his socks off in Kenobi though!

By in Germany,

Ten years later and we still have barely any of the separatist council members...

By in United States,

@Cooliocdawg said:
" @R1_Drift said:
" @Virgilnz
How is the show? I personally want to at least see Rebels first, seeing as there is content about the Inquisitor. "

I’m not @Virgilnz , but the show has been excellent so far. You probably would only NEED to watch season 1 of Rebels before watching it. The other seasons would help, but I don’t feel like they’d be necessary to the characters. Ewan is acting his socks off in Kenobi though!"

I love Rebels, I find that it rewatches really well, but I don't think you're going to need any of it for Obi-Wan Kenobi. The only reason to watch it would be for context on the Inquisitors and any random easter eggs, and they give it to you in this show. It's highly unlikely anything from Rebels will matter considering this show takes place five years before Rebels. The Fallen Order video game and one of the comic runs of Darth Vader have way more context for this show than Rebels. Don't let it stop you though, Rebels is good. Now Andor on the otherhand, that's going to be running side by side to Rebels in the timeline, so if the showrunners did their homework, don't be surprised to get some references to it because Mon Mothma has a couple big appearances in Rebels and to not reference the events of Rebels in Andor would be a disappointment.

By in New Zealand,

@R1_Drift said:
" @Virgilnz
How is the show? I personally want to at least see Rebels first, seeing as there is content about the Inquisitor. "

Its good, very good.
Def recommend giving Rebels a go. Its a show that takes a while to get going. Its not as child orientated as it appears early on too.Its a great bridge between Clone Wars and the original trilogy.
Has one of the best Star Wars moments ever (involves Ashoka and Vader). Very badass.

By in United States,

This set is great looking,Especially Nute gunray and Anakin are most especially fantastic looking. The Starfighter is great looking to and the side builds are still very good along with the other figures. Overall the set is great witch is why it probably goes fo $175+.

By in United States,

Imagine how much cooler this would look if it was Mace Windu’s…

By in United States,

@Virgilnz said:
"Its good, very good.
Def recommend giving Rebels a go. Its a show that takes a while to get going. Its not as child orientated as it appears early on too.Its a great bridge between Clone Wars and the original trilogy.
Has one of the best Star Wars moments ever (involves Ashoka and Vader). Very badass."

Twilight of the Apprentice is hands down the best episode of the show, but I am also quite partial to Wolves and a Door and The World Between Worlds as my personal favorites. Season 4 after you get past Mandalore and Saw is some of the best stuff that show ever did, but you also couldn't do it without the other three Seasons to build up to it. Rebels really made me fall in love with The Force and what was possible with it for storytelling when before it was just another tool in the arsenal for Jedi and Sith. I will be forever grateful to Rebels and I'm glad I stuck with the show when I initially (and quite irrationally) hated it since it was the replacement to Clone Wars because of the Disney acquisition.

By in United States,

I wanted this set so bad, wish they’d remake this one and the blue one with the hyperdrive ring instead of Anakin’s yellow one and Kenobi’s red starfighter for the tenth time

By in Australia,

Brought this off a friend about a month ago (although it was missing R2-D2). It's a pretty good set overall with great minifigures, but I love the Mustafar elements the most.

Interestingly, if you place Anakin on the droid and Obi-Wan on the platform (like shown in the movie and on the box), the former would have the high ground. Pretty glaring oversight on LEGO's part...

By in United States,

@Virgilnz @MCLegoBoy @Cooliocdawg
Thank you for your input. I have heard rumors that Obi-Wan Kenobi actually contradicts Rebels, and that the show isn't that good, but I simply can't ignore these recommendations. I'll probably watch it over summer vacation.

By in United States,

@R1_Drift said:
" @Virgilnz @MCLegoBoy @Cooliocdawg
Thank you for your input. I have heard rumors that Obi-Wan Kenobi actually contradicts Rebels, and that the show isn't that good, but I simply can't ignore these recommendations. I'll probably watch it over summer vacation."

I have only watched the first episode of Kenobi so I can't recommend it as a show yet, but I have to agree with what others have said. Ewan is doing a phenomenal job at conveying emotions through his eyes. I will say that there was one absurd scene in the first episode(I won't give spoilers, but for those who have seen it, it involves trees). However, the episode overall was quite engaging and hasn't done a disservice to the OG trilogy yet.

On the topic of RSotD, does it make anyone else do double takes? I saw this in my notifications, and for a second thought it was a new set. I remember thinking this set was very overpriced back in the day. Of course, I was obsessed with clones at the time(kind of still am) so I didn't pay too much attention to it. Is this the only instance of a non-Clone Wars variant of Gunray?

By in Venezuela,

@Graupensuppe said:
"Ten years later and we still have barely any of the separatist council members..."

give us Wat Tambor!! the LEGO galaxy is in need of his, ahem, total neutrality...

By in United States,

8036 is the first instance of a Nute Gunray minifig, which repeated in a magnet set the following year, and the SWAC the year after that. This is the only other appearance of the character, so it appears so.

By in United States,

Good selection of minifigs with this one.

By in United States,

@R1_Drift said:
" @Virgilnz
How is the show? I personally want to at least see Rebels first, seeing as there is content about the Inquisitor. "

IMO (without having seen Rebels) its solid. The draw is definitely Ewan McGregor, and he's blending old and new (the new in this case being old, aka Alec Guinness) expertly.

By in United Kingdom,

That’s an impressive and yet quite random array of minifigs. Kind of feels like they wanted more than just the ship, tacked on the little lava farmer platforms and then added a couple more figs to try and strengthen the Mustafar connection

By in United States,

@Brickalili said:
"That’s an impressive and yet quite random array of minifigs. Kind of feels like they wanted more than just the ship, tacked on the little lava farmer platforms and then added a couple more figs to try and strengthen the Mustafar connection "

It makes sense because this is the ship that Anakin takes to Mustafar

By in United Kingdom,

Amazing value. This set would probably be £90 if released now (and have four less characters).

By in Germany,

When they gave you 5 minifigs. Just because.

By in United States,

I own this set, it was always in a display case - and the stickers are worn-out. So sad.

The printed cockpit and the selection of minifigs are still great.

By in United States,

@Zoniax said:
" @R1_Drift said:
" @Virgilnz
How is the show? I personally want to at least see Rebels first, seeing as there is content about the Inquisitor. "

IMO (without having seen Rebels) its solid. The draw is definitely Ewan McGregor, and he's blending old and new (the new in this case being old, aka Alec Guinness) expertly."

Kenobi is really filling that SW itch.

Rebels is unnecessary and perhaps contrary (unless someone gets a stomach hole filled with bacta juice or droid-modified real quickly). Rebels is highly worth watching in its own right.

It's great that they're devoting the sets, effects, and extras that they skimped on with Boba. (Yet, the Grand Inquisitor is too short, stumpy, and has no neck- hardly Pau'an.)

They needed to. Ewan is too cool. He's the only Jedi who was ever great enough to be able to jump over himself.


Ahh... the awesome, silly little things that got us through COVID... mostly sane. ;)

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"I remember getting excited about that updated Nute Gunray back in the day... but that's all I remember from this set "

You don't remember the awesome DLC-13 lava bucket driod? It's a great little build.

By in Australia,

It was only last night I was playing around with the leftovers of this set that I still have - the minifigs + the duelling scene on Mustafar. This was a brilliant set back in the day

By in United States,

A great set. I created a little fiery Mustafar diorama just for the Vader and Obi-Wan minifigs to battle above, and it's still out on display!

By in United States,

@CliveyB said:
"A great set. I created a little fiery Mustafar diorama just for the Vader and Obi-Wan minifigs to battle above, and it's still out on display!"

Do you have them on sticks like 7257?

Seriously, I've been collecting orange trans pieces to do the same.

By in United States,


By in United States,

@R1_Drift said:
"Thank you for your input. I have heard rumors that Obi-Wan Kenobi actually contradicts Rebels, and that the show isn't that good, but I simply can't ignore these recommendations. I'll probably watch it over summer vacation."
Don't listen to rumors, and never take what people say about shows at face value, only you will know if a show is good or not based on watching it and forming your own opinion. Not all of Star Wars is going to hit for everyone, it's why I emphasized that I liked Rebels over saying that it's great and everyone should watch it. I was more concerned about your interest in context, which I think is awesome because I'm a big fan of context, too. The Grand Inquisitor gets stabbed and is presumed dead, but he's alive and well in Rebels. We've literally seen Maul cut in half and come back from the dead, and even worse, seen Palpatine's spirit survive his body's obliteration by transferring itself into a clone body across the galaxy, as terrible of an idea as that is. People are going nuts over nothing.
Bad Batch "killed" Senator Orn Free Taa and everyone freaked out for a week, and then the next episode they said it was an attempted assassination so that he could still appear in a book that takes place after the fact. I won't lie, that was a pretty big stretch, and Bad Batch also changed a lot from the Kanan comic, so I understand the outrage of something like this happening in Kenobi, but there's still plenty of time in this show for the Grand Inquisitor to return and take his revenge on his would-be killer. He was probably found shortly after being wounded and is currently taking a nice break in some bacta. Maybe he'll come back and get his revenge, or he'll be in a coma for the remainder of the show. Story takes precedence over continuity, and his injuries are to serve the story of one of the characters in the show, which isn't even over yet.
A stab to the gut is nothing compared to the other things we've seen as I mentioned before. Qui-Gon also got stabbed, but I'd say the placement makes all the difference. One got his diaphragm and stomach fried, meaning he could not breath and his stomach acid was eating at the rest of him, and the other lost a kidney or whatever. Also Human versus Pau'an anatomy, maybe he's just got a really big appendix and nothing vital got damaged, we don't know. There's plenty of ways to justify his survival that ultimately do not matter because that's not the story. Qui-Gon needed to die so that Anakin would one day become Vader, Snoke needed to die to put Kylo Ren in place for his character progression (we won't debate the decisions about that or what came later), the Grand Inquisitor has been put out of commission to help facilitate the story of his assailant. We all need to learn to just go with the flow and let the stories be told sometimes. We can get angry later when its all said and done.

By in United States,

To be fair, the Emperor’s clone was stolen from Dark Horse’s Dark Empire miniseries, which, along with Zahn’s trilogy of novels, was what helped kick off the post-ROTJ revival of Star Wars. And because fair is fair, watching someone riffle through the pages of Dark Empire is preferable to watching the Disney Wars trilogy, so it is possible to write that story well.

By in Netherlands,

Great set, I love Jedi Interceptors and this one has some nice additions with the minifigs and platforms. I just happen to expect one of these in the mail today... for a friend, I got mine last month already (plus one with just the interceptor, no minifigs).

By in United Kingdom,

I was given this set when I went on the Lego inside tour after a building competition:) cool memories attached to this

By in United States,

@R1_Drift: Kenobi is excellent, and if you enjoy Star Wars you should watch it immediately! :) Rebels is also great, and it's worth watching for so many reasons, but you won't NEED to know Rebels for Kenobi (at least for the first three episodes).

@MCLegoboy: I'm convinced that the Grand Inquisitor we see in Kenobi is not the same Grand Inquisitor from Rebels, but rather his predecessor. That would explain both his different look and mannerisms, and also the seemingly contradictory timeline.

By in United States,

What perfect timing for a random set of the day...haha

By in United States,

Obi-wan: "It's over Anakin!" I have the high ground!"
Anakin: "You underestimate my power!"
O: "Don't try it!"
A: "Good suggestion! Now here's mine..."
*Anakin force-pulls his starfighter over to him and jumps inside, aiming the guns at Kenobi*
A: ...run!"

(If Kylo Ren could even temporarily stop the Millennium Falcon leaving with this same force move, Anakin could've done the above as he is way more trained and powerful.)

By in United States,

@R1_Drift @MCLegoBoy

If I remember correctly the scene that supposedly contradicts Rebels is explained in the comics.

By in Netherlands,

Insane amount of minifigs for such a small set and this price.

By in United States,

This was my first lego set.

By in United States,

@Graupensuppe said:
"Ten years later and we still have barely any of the separatist council members..."

Somehow I doubt Lego is in a hurry to do a “Slaughter of the Separatist Leadership” set. About the only scene from RotS less likely to get a set would be “Anakin and the Jedi Younglings”.

By in United States,

They’ll probably steer clear of the maternity scene, too.

By in United States,

I wanted this et so badly as a kid—thank goodness my parents were receptive and delivered! Or maybe I bought it myself… hazy memories, hahaha.

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @Graupensuppe said:
"Ten years later and we still have barely any of the separatist council members..."

Somehow I doubt Lego is in a hurry to do a “Slaughter of the Separatist Leadership” set. About the only scene from RotS less likely to get a set would be “Anakin and the Jedi Younglings”."

Thanks, now I WANT those sets!

By in United States,

My first Star Wars set, such a classic

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @SearchlightRG said:
" @Graupensuppe said:
"Ten years later and we still have barely any of the separatist council members..."

Somehow I doubt Lego is in a hurry to do a “Slaughter of the Separatist Leadership” set. About the only scene from RotS less likely to get a set would be “Anakin and the Jedi Younglings”."

Thanks, now I WANT those sets!"

…if that’s not meant as a joke, you may be in need of professional help.

By in Japan,

From all the comments on this post, seems like everyone either really enjoyed this set, or thought this set was non-existent. Very divisive indeed.
If the price for this set nowadays wasn't so expensive, I would've tried to get a new and sealed copy.

Also, something that you can't unsee now:

Why are the lightsaber hilts reversed- ?

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