Review: 30495 AT-ST

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30495 AT-ST continues the interesting selection of microscale AT-ST models, which began nearly twenty years ago. This version presents unusual proportions, based upon the lightweight walker which appeared during The Empire Strikes Back.

This polybag therefore complements the bigger 75322 Hoth AT-ST and is currently available with LEGO Star Wars purchases exceeding £40, $40 or €40.


30495 AT-ST, 79 pieces.
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30495 AT-ST captures the essential features of its onscreen counterpart.

  • Accurate proportions
  • Several articulated joints
  • Recognisable as the lighter AT-ST variant
  • Difficult to balance

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.

The Completed Model

While numerous microscale AT-STs have been produced, this example is definitely distinctive. The elongated legs raise its height to 12cm, comfortably surpassing previous polybag designs and capturing the shape of these lightweight walkers from the Battle of Hoth. The cockpit looks particularly accurate, combining various angles to good effect.

The wedge plates and 2x4 slope look great, while the asymmetrical laser cannon and grenade launcher reflect the original vehicle. However, I dislike the 1x2 grille slopes on the front. These textured elements were necessary though because they slot nicely between the wedge plates. The open viewports look appropriate as well, even though they are closed onscreen, as I think closed viewports would blend with the surrounding bodywork.

Vacant hollow studs cleverly represent ventilation fans on the reverse, above two grille slopes which appear suitable here. The turntable underneath allows limited head rotation, while both legs include multiple click hinges. They provide considerable movement and look perfect, but dynamic posing is challenging without a studded surface to support the AT-ST.


30495 AT-ST captures the unique proportions of the AT-ST deployed during The Empire Strikes Back, including elongated legs and an accurate cockpit shape. Furthermore, the small size has allowed the designer to incorporate three joints on each leg, which can be adjusted for differing poses.

As expected, balancing the AT-ST is difficult because the structure is inevitably top-heavy and both footpads are relatively narrow. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with this polybag, particularly because it does capture the features which distinguish the lighter AT-ST from its more heavily-armoured and famous counterpart.

Thanks to Huw for the photos.

17 comments on this article

By in United States,

Appropriately, right now you can get the small Hoth AT-ST with the purchase of a large one. It’s got to be pretty rare that things pair up that nicely without being intentional, especially for first-time depictions.

By in United Kingdom,

@PurpleDave said:
"Appropriately, right now you can get the small Hoth AT-ST with the purchase of a large one. It’s got to be pretty rare that things pair up that nicely without being intentional, especially for first-time depictions."
Didn't Cap'n say this at the start of the review?

And how do we know it isn't intentional...?

By in United States,

@bananaworld said:
@PurpleDave said:
"Appropriately, right now you can get the small Hoth AT-ST with the purchase of a large one. It’s got to be pretty rare that things pair up that nicely without being intentional, especially for first-time depictions."
Didn't Cap'n say this at the start of the review?

And how do we know it isn't intentional...?"


That aside…

Anyone know if this vehicle has a retconned history or explanation in the canon? Or does Lucasfilm just say “heck no, we just redesigned it for ROTJ to be more stable”.

By in Puerto Rico,

I bough this little dude on a Wal-Mart and hopefully it also arrives as a GWP but, the head looks weird and the balance is terrible.

By in United States,

No, not exactly. He said they’re both available, but not that purchase of the big one will qualify you for the little one. It doesn’t in Australia, unless you get it on Amazon.

And it it was intentional, the threshold would have matched the price. In the US, the big set coats $49.99, where you can pick up the polybag with a $39.99 purchase (and in a LEGO
Store, there’s also a flower polybag you’ll get at the same very-standard-for-a-polybag threshold). The polybag also hit shelves several months ago. I bought one at Meijer in December. I’ve also see them at Walmart. The mini Mini Cooper and mini Sopwith Camel, on the other hand, were timed to the release of their larger counterparts, and not available elsewhere.

By in United States,

poor minifigure selection
should have come with exclusive P2 Clone Commander Cody!
aNOther example of how much LEGO hates fans
easy pass

By in United States,

@blogzilly said:
" Anyone know if this vehicle has a retconned history or explanation in the canon? Or does Lucasfilm just say “heck no, we just redesigned it for ROTJ to be more stable”."

That's pretty much it. FWIW, the first mini iteration of an AT-ST (4486 in 2003) was meant to be a Hoth model, but the Endor mini (9679 in 2012) had an almost identical head design.

By in United States,

Even an 80 piece polybag model of one of these things can't take a proper step forward

By in Australia,

@andygott said:
"poor minifigure selection
should have come with exclusive P2 Clone Commander Cody!
aNOther example of how much LEGO hates fans
easy pass"

I believe you are trying to mimic people who are disgruntled by some aspects of Lego decision making by diminishing their critique to likening it to that of a child.


By in United States,

@AHYL88: You could always build a base for it using tiles where the hinges stick out. Or heck, make a base with hinges that you then attach the model to to make it really stable!

By in United States,

It was certainly presented as having been part of the Hoth assault, but it clearly wasn’t based on the one from Ep5.

Did you watch Return of the Jedi? Nimble, they were not.

By in United States,

@blogzilly said:
" @bananaworld said:
@PurpleDave said:
"Appropriately, right now you can get the small Hoth AT-ST with the purchase of a large one. It’s got to be pretty rare that things pair up that nicely without being intentional, especially for first-time depictions."
Didn't Cap'n say this at the start of the review?

And how do we know it isn't intentional...?"


That aside…

Anyone know if this vehicle has a retconned history or explanation in the canon? Or does Lucasfilm just say “heck no, we just redesigned it for ROTJ to be more stable”."

I believe the official canon reason was that they were AT-STs that were specially refitted to work in the extreme cold of Hoth.

By in Japan,

The pieces look decent for MOCs, and the AT-ST build itself doesn't look too bad for me personally.

By in United States,

I would assume that’s just a retcon, since they were never open enough about the existence of two designs that any toy company produced differentiated between them before last year, that I can recall. Most likely it’s just that they didn’t retain the original model (a lot of that stuff ended up being rescued from dumpsters by hardcore fans) and had to build them from scratch for Ep6. Shorter legs would also allow them to fill the extremely wide 2.39:1 frame better. That didn’t matter when it was just one support vehicle lost in the background of one shot, but in the Endor battle they were stars.

Most of the OT background info outside of what’s directly seen in the films, or stated in the novelizations, came from West End Games, when they published the first SW RPG. Some of it has been retained as canon, and some has been contradicted in the EU era.

By in United States,

Just in case it wasn't known, these were available in stores as well (at least in the US) - not just as a GWP. I picked one up at Meijer back in February.
I love this scale of Star Wars builds, so it was a no-brainer purchase for me.

By in United States,

@andygott said:
"poor minifigure selection
should have come with exclusive P2 Clone Commander Cody!
aNOther example of how much LEGO hates fans
easy pass"

Totally agree. Luckily since I’m getting a Beru minifigure this year, I can use the Beru micro figure I got with last year’s promotion with this set.

But seriously, how hard is it to throw in 2 more studs. Or even just 1 brown stud and say that an Ewok somehow appeared on Hoth?

By in Netherlands,

It's kind of creepy with the dark grey background, monochrome greys and long legs. Like some sort of stalking bird monster.

Weird to think that the 2003 4486 Mini set AT-ST and Snowspeeder was supposed to depict this version with its shorter-than-accurate legs instead of these longer ones!

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